QtWebEngine 在某些机器上崩溃的问题

项目发布后,在某些机器上出现崩溃的现象,经查,是在启动初始化QtWebengine模块时导致的崩溃。然后测试了Qt的官方例子simpleBrownser,在这些机器上同样也出现崩溃,开始以为是缺少资源文件或者是系统需要补丁。久查未果,后来还是在Qt的Bug列表中找到了答案,不得不说, Qt的Bug列表真是个好东西。

1、So far all crash reports in QTBUG-49954 are for aticfx32.dll/aticfx64.dll, - . 
It would be valuable information to know which version you're using now, so that we can tell people to upgrade / blacklist the right driver versions.
2、My crash was the same as https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-51157. My computer is not up to date, but I am sure no antivirus in it. 
Furthermore I don't think this crash due to antivirus or system up to date. Because same system iso install my other computer was fine. 
I guess crash due to graphics card or Graphics driver compatible problem. 
I update the crash screenshot to above question, sorry i don't know how to insert image to comment and the screenshot it's Chinese.
3、As the crash you linked was due to out-of-date GL drivers, could you please try and upgrade those? 
Also, does the computer that it works on have the same graphics hardware ass the one that it crashes with? 
They might have been installed from the same iso, but if the hardware is different, then different drivers will be used of course.




