关于Capistrano的“重写”说明。Capistrano使用Ruby语言写的,在部署很多应用上有很大的优势,个人认为它设计最好的部分就是它的目录结构。目录结构的详细信息可以参考:http://capistranorb.com/documentation/getting-started/structure/#。有了这个目录结构可以轻松实现每一个部署版本的备份与回滚,之前用Bash Shell“重写”过一次,可以参考本文《Linux Shell脚本之远程自动化部署java maven项目 》,这次相当于用Python重写一下(Capistrano还有大量精髓的东西,本文算是抛砖引玉,其他的日后再发掘),毕竟Shell脚本不容易实现像Fabric那样的批量操作。
本文的demo是将https://github.com/DingGuodong/GoogleHostsFileForLinux.git 中的用于×××访问Google的脚本上传到指定的服务器,以在Windows操作为例,先在本地生成Capistrano目录结构,再把git项目clone到本地,将脚本文件从repo目录下抽出,放到current目录下,current是release目录下某个时间戳的软链接(Windows下测试可能有些奇怪,因为Windows下没法做软连接,用Python创建快捷方式暂时没有找到方法),再将此脚本通过Fabric的put命令上传到指定的远程服务器上。
#!/usr/bin/python # encoding: utf-8 # -*- coding: utf8 -*- """ Created by PyCharm. File: LinuxBashShellScriptForOps:TestGit.py User: Guodong Create Date: 2016/8/24 Create Time: 9:40 """ from fabric.api import * from fabric.main import main from fabric.colors import * from fabric.context_managers import * from fabric.contrib.console import confirm import os import sys import re import getpass config = { "deploy_to": '/var/www/my_app_name', "scm": 'git', "repo_url": 'https://github.com/DingGuodong/GoogleHostsFileForLinux.git', "branch": 'master', "log_level": 'debug', "keep_releases": 10 } env.roledefs = { 'test': ['[email protected]:22', ], 'nginx': ['[email protected]:22', '[email protected]:22', ], 'db': ['[email protected]:22', '[email protected]:22', ], 'sit': ['[email protected]:22', '[email protected]:22', '[email protected]:22', ], 'uat': ['[email protected]:22', '[email protected]:22', '[email protected]:22', ], 'all': ["", "", "", "", "", "", ""] } env.user = "root" env.hosts = ["", "", "", "", "", "", ""] def win_or_linux(): # os.name ->(sames to) sys.builtin_module_names if 'posix' in sys.builtin_module_names: os_type = 'Linux' elif 'nt' in sys.builtin_module_names: os_type = 'Windows' return os_type def is_windows(): if "windows" in win_or_linux().lower(): return True else: return False def is_linux(): if "linux" in win_or_linux().lower(): return True else: return False class Capistrano(object): class SCM(object): class Git(object): def __init__(self): self.repo_url = None self.name = None self.branch = None self.repo_path = None self.user = None def set(self, repo_url, branch=None, repo_path=None): if repo_url is None: abort("You must specify a repository to clone.") else: self.repo_url = repo_url if branch is None: self.branch = "master" else: self.branch = branch pattern = re.compile(r"(\w+)(?=\.git$)") match = pattern.search(repo_url) if match: paths = match.group() else: paths = None if repo_path is not None and not os.path.exists(repo_path): try: os.mkdir(repo_path) except IOError: repo_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), paths) elif repo_path is None: repo_path = "" self.repo_path = os.path.abspath(repo_path) def clone(self): local("git clone --branch %s %s %s" % (self.branch, self.repo_url, self.repo_path)) def check(self): with lcd(self.repo_path): return local("git ls-remote --heads %s" % self.repo_url, capture=True) def pull(self): with lcd(self.repo_path): if os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.repo_path, ".git")): local("git pull origin %s" % self.branch) else: self.clone() self.pull() def update(self): pass def status(self): with lcd(self.repo_path): local("git status") def branch(self): with lcd(self.repo_path): local("git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD", capture=True) def long_id(self): with lcd(self.repo_path): return local("git rev-parse HEAD", capture=True) def short_id(self): with lcd(self.repo_path): return local("git rev-parse --short HEAD", capture=True) def fetch_revision(self): with lcd(self.repo_path): return local("git rev-list --max-count=1 %s" % self.branch, capture=True) def user(self): if is_linux(): self.user = "%s(%s)" % (os.getlogin(), os.getuid()) if is_windows(): import getpass self.user = getpass.getuser() class DSL(object): class Paths(object): def __init__(self): self.deploy_to = config['deploy_to'] self.current = None # TODO(Guodong Ding) fetch 'deploy_to' from config file or dict def deploy_path(self): return os.path.abspath(self.deploy_to) def current_path(self): current_directory = "current" return os.path.join(self.deploy_path(), current_directory) def releases_path(self): return os.path.join(self.deploy_path(), "releases") def set_release_path(self): import datetime timestamp = datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S") self.current = os.path.join(self.releases_path(), timestamp) return os.path.join(self.releases_path(), timestamp) def shared_path(self): return os.path.join(self.deploy_path(), "shared") def repo_path(self): return os.path.join(self.deploy_path(), "repo") def revision_log(self): return os.path.join(self.deploy_path(), "revisions.log") def __paths(self): return self.releases_path(), self.repo_path(), self.shared_path() def makepaths(self): for directory in self.__paths(): if not os.path.exists(directory): os.makedirs(directory) def make_release_dirs(self): os.makedirs(self.set_release_path()) def make_current(self): if is_linux(): if os.path.exists(self.current_path()) and os.path.islink(self.current_path()): os.unlink(self.current_path()) os.symlink(self.current, self.current_path()) if is_windows(): if os.path.exists(self.current_path()): import shutil shutil.rmtree(self.current_path()) try: local("ln -sd %s %s" % (self.current, self.current_path())) except Exception: raise NotImplementedError def update_revision_log(self, branch=None, sid=None, release=None, by=None): print blue("Log details of the deploy") with open(self.revision_log(), 'a') as f: f.write("Branch %s (at %s) deployed as release %s by %s\n" % (branch, sid, release, by)) def cleanup(self): keep_releases = config['keep_releases'] releases = local("ls -xtr %s" % self.releases_path(), capture=True).split() # print releases[-keep_releases:] if len(releases) > keep_releases: for release in releases[0:(len(releases) - keep_releases)]: local("rm -rf %s" % os.path.join(self.releases_path(), release)) @staticmethod def __get_file_last_line(inputfile): filesize = os.path.getsize(inputfile) blocksize = 1024 with open(inputfile, 'rb') as f: last_line = "" if filesize > blocksize: maxseekpoint = (filesize // blocksize) f.seek((maxseekpoint - 1) * blocksize) elif filesize: f.seek(0, 0) lines = f.readlines() if lines: lineno = 1 while last_line == "": last_line = lines[-lineno].strip() lineno += 1 return last_line def rollback(self): print blue("Revert to previous release timestamp") revision_log_message = self.__get_file_last_line(self.revision_log()) last_release = None import re s = re.compile(r"release (.*) by") match = s.search(revision_log_message) if match: last_release = match.groups()[0] else: abort("Can NOT found rollback release in revision log files, %s." % self.revision_log()) if os.path.exists(last_release): print yellow("Symlink previous release to current") else: abort("Can NOT found rollback release on filesystem.") if is_linux(): if os.path.exists(self.current_path()) and os.path.islink(self.current_path()): os.unlink(self.current_path()) os.symlink(last_release, self.current_path()) if is_windows(): if os.path.exists(self.current_path()): import shutil shutil.rmtree(self.current_path()) try: local("ln -sd %s %s" % (last_release, self.current_path())) except Exception: raise NotImplementedError class Application(object): class Deploy(object): def __init__(self): self.P = Capistrano.DSL.Paths() self.G = Capistrano.SCM.Git() def deploy(self): # TODO(Guodong Ding): core job here, this is a deploy demo with lcd(self.P.current_path()): try: src = os.path.join(self.P.repo_path(), "replaceLocalHostsFileAgainstGfw.sh") local_path = os.path.join(self.P.current_path(), "hosts") remote_path = "/tmp/replaceLocalHostsFileAgainstGfw.sh" with open(src, 'r') as f: content = f.read() with open(local_path, "w") as f: f.write(content) if os.path.getsize(local_path): print red("upload files to remote hosts") put(local_path, remote_path) run("chmod +x %s" % remote_path) run("ls -al %s" % remote_path) print red("deploy test demo successfully!") except IOError: raise NotImplementedError def run(self): print blue("Do deploy procedure.") self.P.makepaths() self.G.set(config["repo_url"], repo_path=self.P.repo_path()) self.G.pull() self.P.make_release_dirs() self.P.make_current() self.deploy() self.P.update_revision_log(self.G.branch, self.G.short_id(), self.P.current, getpass.getuser()) self.P.cleanup() print green("Deploy successfully!") @roles("test") def test_deploy(): c = Capistrano.Application.Deploy() c.run() def terminal_debug(defName): command = "fab -i c:\Users\Guodong\.ssh\exportedkey201310171355\ -f %s \ %s" % (__file__, defName) os.system(command) sys.exit(0) if __name__ == '__main__': if len(sys.argv) == 1 and is_windows(): terminal_debug("test_deploy") sys.argv[0] = re.sub(r'(-script\.pyw|\.exe)?$', '', sys.argv[0]) print red("Please use 'fab -f %s'" % " ".join(str(x) for x in sys.argv[0:])) sys.exit(1)
关于Fabric的进一步使用可以参考GitHub上的另一个文件:https://github.com/DingGuodong/LinuxBashShellScriptForOps/blob/master/projects/autoOps/pythonSelf/fabfile.py 此文件有更多关于Fabric的示例,可以更好的说明Fabric的用途。