可以使用开源的JML编译器来编译含有JML标记的代码,所生成的类文件会在运行时自动检查JML规范,若程序未实现规范中规定的事情,JML运行期断言检查编译器会抛出一个unchecked exception来说明程序违背了哪一条规范。JMLdoc工具与Javadoc工具类似,可在生成的HTML格式文档中包含JML规范,JMLUnit可以生成一个Java类文件测试的框架。SMT Solver工具可以以静态方式来检查代码实现对规格的满足情况。
二、部署SMT Solver验证
OpenJML使用SMT Solver来对检查程序实现是否满足所设计的规格(specification)。
在eclipse的help栏中选择install New Software ,输入网址http://jmlspecs.sourceforge.net/openjml-updatesite进行OpenJML插件的下载。
2)SMT Solver配置
右击xxx.java,选择check ESC栏对代码进行静态检查。
- OpenJML 可以在 OpenJML 官方 github 仓库的 Releases 界面处获取
- 解压后将.jar文件和Solover-Windows(在Windows系统下)放在同一文件夹内(我放在F:\jmlunitng文件夹下)
- 在该文件夹下使用命令:
$ java -jar openjml.jar "$@"
$ java -jar openjml.jar "$@"
JML options:
-dir Process all files, recursively, within this directory
-dirs Process all files, recursively, within these directories (listed as separate arguments, up to an argument that begins with a - sign)
-- Terminates option processing - all remaining arguments are files
-keys Identifiers for optional JML comments
-command The command to execute (check,esc,rac,compile)
-check Does a JML syntax check [-command=check]
-compile Does a Java-only compile [-command=compile]
-rac Enables generating code instrumented with runtime assertion checks [-command=rac]
-esc Enables static checking [-command=esc]
-boogie Enables static checking with boogie
-java When on, the tool uses only the underlying javac or javadoc compiler (must be the first option)
-jml When on, the JML compiler is used and all JML constructs are ignored; use -no-jml to use OpenJML but ignore JML annotations
-lang Set the language variant to use: jml, javelyn, or jml+ (the default)
-extensions Extension packages and classes (comma-separated qualified names)
-stopIfParseErrors When enabled, stops after parsing if any files have parsing errors
-method Comma-separated list of method name patterns on which to run ESC
-exclude Comma-separated list of method name patterns to exclude from ESC
-prover The prover to use to check verification conditions
-exec The prover executable to use
-logic The SMT logic to use (default ALL)
-nonnullByDefault Makes references non_null by default [-nullableByDefault=false]
-nullableByDefault Makes references nullable by default
-code-math Arithmetic mode for Java code (code, safe, bigint)
-spec-math Arithmetic mode for specifications (code, safe, bigint)
-checkAccessible When on (the default), JML accessible clauses are checked
-specspath Specifies the directory path to search for specification files
-checkSpecsPath When on (the default), warnings for non-existent specification path directories are issued
-purityCheck When on (off by default), warnings for use of impure methods from system libraries are issued
-internalSpecs When on (the default), automatically appends the internal specs directory to the specification path
-internalRuntime When on (the default), automatically appends the internal JML runtime library to the classpath
-timeout Number of seconds to limit any individual proof attempt (default infinite)
-showNotImplemented When on (off by default), warnings about unimplemented constructs are issued
-showNotExecutable When on (off by default), warnings about non-executable constructs are issued
-verboseness Level of verboseness (0=quiet...4=debug)
-quiet Only output warnings and errors [-verboseness=0]
-normal Limited output [-verboseness=1]
-progress Shows progress through compilation phases [-verboseness=2]
-skipped Shows methods whose proofs are skipped
-jmlverbose Like -verbose, but only jml information and not as much [-verboseness=3]
-jmldebug When on, the program emits lots of output (includes -progress) [-verboseness=4]
-showOptions When enabled, the values of options and properties are printed, for debugging
-jmltesting Only used to generate tracing information during testing
-trace ESC: Enables tracing of counterexamples
-show Show intermediate programs
-split Split proof into sections
-escBV ESC: If enabled, use bit-vector arithmetic (auto, true, false)
-triggers ESC: Enable quantifier triggers in SMT encoding (default true)
-escExitInfo ESC: Show exit location for postconditions (default true)
-escMaxWarnings ESC: Maximum number of warnings to find per method
-escMaxWarningsPath ESC: If true, find all counterexample paths to each invalid assert
-counterexample ESC: Enables output of complete, raw counterexample
-ce ESC: Enables output of complete, raw counterexample [-counterexample]
-subexpressions ESC: Enables tracing with subexpressions
-checkFeasibility ESC: Check feasibility of assumptions
-benchmarks ESC: Collects solver communications
-minQuant ESC: Minimizes using quantifications, in favor of inlining
-typeQuants ESC: Introduces quantified assertions for type variables (true, false, or auto)
-modelFieldNoRep RAC action when a model field has no represents clause (zero,ignore,warn)
-racShowSource RAC: Error messages will include source information
-racCheckAssumptions RAC: Enables runtime checking that assumptions hold
-racJavaChecks RAC: Enables explicit checking of Java language checks
-racCompileToJavaAssert RAC: Compiles JML checks as Java asserts
-racPreconditionEntry RAC: Distinguishes Precondition failures on entry calls
-racMissingModelFieldRepSource RAC: action when a model field has no representation (zero,warn,skip)
-racMissingModelFieldRepBinary RAC: action when a model field for a binary class has no representation (zero,warn,skip)
-properties Specifies the path to the properties file
-properties-default Specifies the path to the default properties file
-defaults Specifies various default behaviors: constructor:pure|everything
-staticInitWarning Warns about missing static_initializer clauses
-determinism Experimental: enables better determinism
-osname Name of OS to use in selecting solver executable
-inline-function-literal Whether to inline function literals
-infer Infer missing contracts (postconditions (default), preconditions) [-command=infer]
-infer-debug Enable debugging of contract inference
-infer-tag If true, inferred specifications are tagged with the key INFERRED
-infer-preconditions If not specified, the precondition of methods lacking preconditions will be set to true (otherwise inference is skipped).
-noexit Infer contracts (suppress exiting) [-command=infer-no-exit]
-infer-minimize-expressions Minimize expressions where possible.
-infer-dump-graphs Dump any specification that would have been inferred to a file for offline analysis
-infer-persist Persist inferred specs. If "java" specs are written to the source files. If "jml" (default) they are written to seperate .jml files (defaults to location of class source and can be overridden with -infer-persist-path and -specspath)
-infer-persist-path Specify output directory of specifications (overrides -specspath)
-infer-max-depth The largest CFG we will agree to process
-infer-timeout Give up inference after this many seconds. A value of -1 will wait indefinitely
-infer-dev-mode Special features for developers.
-infer-analysis-types Enables specific analysis types. Takes a comma seperated list of analysis types. Support kinds are: REDUNDANT, UNSAT, TAUTOLOGIES, FRAMES, PURITY, and VISIBILITY
- 下载jar包
- 将jar包放在第一步建立的文件夹中,调用命令
$ java -jar jmlunitng.jar "$@"
$ java -jar jmlunitng.jar "$@"
JMLUnitNG - Generate TestNG Classes for JML-Annotated Java
java -jar jmlunitng.jar [OPTION] ... path-list
Generates unit tests for all Java source files listed in,
or recursively contained in directories listed in, path-list.
-d, --dest [DIRECTORY] : Use DIRECTORY as the output directory for
generated classes.
-cp , --classpath : Use the given
list of directories and Jar files (formatted as for javac) as the
classpath during parsing (CLASSPATH environment variable, by default).
-sp , --specspath : Use the given
list of directories and Jar files (formatted as for javac) as the
specspath during parsing. (SPECSPATH environment variable, by default).
--rac-version : Generate RAC handling code
for the specified JML RAC version; the default value is 'openjml'
for OpenJML RAC. The other supported values are 'jml2' and 'jml4'
for JML2 and JML4 RAC (respectively).
--deprecation : Generate tests for deprecated methods.
--inherited : Generate tests for inherited methods.
--public : Generate tests only for public methods (default).
--protected : Generate tests for protected and public methods.
--package : Generate tests for package (no protection modifier),
protected and public methods.
--parallel : Generate data providers that default to running in parallel.
This allows multiple tests of the same method to run concurrently, and
can be changed in the test classes after generation.
--reflection : Generate test data reflectively. This can be changed
in the strategy classes after generation.
--children : For all parameters, generate test data using not only the
parameter class but also any children of that class that are explored
when generating the tests. This allows many methods that take
interface/abstract class parameters to be tested automatically.
--literals : Use literals found in classes and methods as default data
values for testing those classes and methods (literals found outside
methods, e.g. in static fields, are used for all methods).
--spec-literals : Use literals found in class and method specifications
as default data values for testing those classes and methods (literals
found in class specifications are used for all methods).
--clean : Remove from the destination path all old JMLUnitNG-
generated files, including any manual modifications. If no
destination path is set, all files and directories in path-list
are cleaned.
--prune : Remove from the destination path any old JMLUnitNG-
generated files for path-list that do not conform to the current
API of the classes under test and the current JMLUnitNG options.
If no destination path is set, all files and directories in
path-list are pruned.
--no-gen : Do not generate tests, use in conjunction with --clean
or --prune to remove unwanted JMLUnitNG-generated files.
--dry-run : Display status/progress information about the operations
that would be performed but do not modify the filesystem.
-v, --verbose : Display status/progress information.
-h, --help : Display this message.
Version: 1.4 (116/OpenJML-20131218-REV3178)
public class Demo {
public ArrayList nodes = new ArrayList<>();
// @ public normal_behaviour
// @ ensures \result = nodes.size();
public /*@pure@*/ int size(){
return nodes.size();
// @ public normal_behaviour
// @ requires index >= 0 && index < size();
// @ assignable \nothing;
// @ ensures \result == nodes.get(index);
public /*@pure@*/ int getNode(int index) {
if (index < 0 || index >= size()) {
return -1;
return nodes.get(index);
public static void main(String[] args) {
Demo example = new Demo();
int x = example.size();
int y = example.getNode(1);
- 生成前的文件树
└── Demo.java
- 调用命令
$ java -jar jmlunitng.jar demo/Demo.java
- 生成后的文件树
├── Demo_InstanceStrategy.java
├── Demo.java
├── Demo_JML_Data
│ ├── ClassStrategy_int.java
│ ├── ClassStrategy_java_lang_String1DArray.java
│ ├── ClassStrategy_java_lang_String.java
│ ├── compare__int_lhs__int_rhs__0__lhs.java
│ ├── compare__int_lhs__int_rhs__0__rhs.java
│ └── main__String1DArray_args__10__args.java
├── Demo_JML_Test.java
├── PackageStrategy_int.java
├── PackageStrategy_java_lang_String1DArray.java
└── PackageStrategy_java_lang_String.java
- 用 javac 编译 JMLUnitNG 的生成文件
执行命令$ javac -cp jmlunitng.jar demo/**/**.java
- 用 jmlc 编译自己的文件,生成带有运行时检查的 class 文件
执行命令$ java -jar openjml.jar -rac demo/Demo.java
- 执行命令
$ javac -cp jmlunitng.jar demo/**.java
- 执行命令
java -cp jmlunitng.jar demo/Demo_JML_Test
- 测试结果的第一行是 racEnabled 的测试,意在检测我们的主文件是否带有 JML 的运行时检查,若没有则跳过所有测试。