oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver jdbc:oracle:thin:@caij-b815c8aab6:1521:cui cuishen cuishen
com/cuishen/testDao/pojo/Test.hbm.xml org.hibernate.dialect.Oracle9Dialect true Oracle9
1. 先看看jdbc版的DataSource - org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.DriverManagerDataSource
public class DriverManagerDataSource extends AbstractDataSource
public abstract class AbstractDataSource implements javax.sql.DataSource
return DriverManager.getConnection(url, props);
2. 接下来看看JNDI版的DataSource - org.springframework.jndi.JndiObjectFactoryBean
public class JndiObjectFactoryBean extends JndiObjectLocator implements FactoryBean
追溯JndiObjectFactoryBean的父类和实现的接口以及父类的父类,都和javax.sql.DataSource接口八竿子打不着,没有一点点渊源,oh,my God! 这怎么可能!?完全不相干的对象怎么能够被注入?这完全有悖java的精神!但事实摆在眼前,测试是完全通过的!静下心来,我注意到了JndiObjectFactoryBean实现了FactoryBean接口,一直以来脑子里对FactoryBean模式感到有点模糊,不能完全领会其本质,难道真的是这里面有文章??好,借此机会,好好研究下FactoryBean接口,下面是org.springframework.beans.factory.FactoryBean源代码里一段注释:
/** * Interface to be implemented by objects used within a BeanFactory * that are themselves factories. If a bean implements this interface, * it is used as a factory, not directly as a bean. * *NB: A bean that implements this interface cannot be used * as a normal bean. A FactoryBean is defined in a bean style, * but the object exposed for bean references is always the object * that it creates. */
private Object jndiObject; /** * Look up the JNDI object and store it. * 广义上说是造对象的过程,就本例而言,是通过JNDI获得DataSource对象 */ public void afterPropertiesSet() throws IllegalArgumentException, NamingException { super.afterPropertiesSet(); if (this.proxyInterface != null) { if (this.defaultObject != null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "'defaultObject' is not supported in combination with 'proxyInterface'"); } // We need a proxy and a JndiObjectTargetSource. this.jndiObject = JndiObjectProxyFactory.createJndiObjectProxy(this); } else { if (!this.lookupOnStartup || !this.cache) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Cannot deactivate 'lookupOnStartup' or 'cache' without specifying a 'proxyInterface'"); } if (this.defaultObject != null && getExpectedType() != null && !getExpectedType().isInstance(this.defaultObject)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Default object [" + this.defaultObject + "] of type [" + this.defaultObject.getClass().getName() + "] is not of expected type [" + getExpectedType().getName() + "]"); } // Locate specified JNDI object. this.jndiObject = lookupWithFallback(); } } /** * Return the singleton JNDI object. * 返回JNDI对象(DataSource对象) */ public Object getObject() { return this.jndiObject; } public Class getObjectType() { if (this.proxyInterface != null) { return this.proxyInterface; } else if (this.jndiObject != null) { return this.jndiObject.getClass(); } else { return getExpectedType(); } }
现在揭晓谜底:很简单,对于JndiObjectFactoryBean对象,spring IOC容器启动时确实造了它的对象,只不过这时是工厂本身,spring会自动调用工厂里的afterPropertiesSet()方法去造真正需要的bean,然后调用getObject()和getObjectType()方法返回已造好的对象和类型,再将其准确的注入依赖它的其他bean里面,所以并没有违背java的精神!
有兴趣也可以看看org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.LocalSessionFactoryBean,它也实现了FactoryBean接口,内部实现如出一辙,只不过它担负的重任不是造JNDI object,而是要造SessionFactory对象