1.创建文件夹 #!/bin/sh mkdir -m 777 "%%1" 2.创建文件 #!/bin/sh touch "%%1" 3.删除文件 #!/bin/sh rm -if "%%1" 4.删除文件夹 #!/bin/sh rm -rf "%%1" 5.删除一个目录下所有的文件夹 #!/bin/bash direc="%%1" #$(pwd) for dir2del in $direc/* ; do if [ -d $dir2del ]; then rm -rf $dir2del fi done 6.清空文件夹 #!/bin/bash direc="%%1" #$(pwd) rm -if $direc/* for dir2del in $direc/* ; do if [ -d $dir2del ]; then rm -rf $dir2del fi done 7.读取文件 #!/bin/sh 7.1.操作系统默认编码 cat "%%1" | while read line; do echo $line; done 7.2.UTF-8编码 cat "%%1" | while read line; do echo $line; done 7.3.分块读取 cat "%%1" | while read line; do echo $line; done 8.写入文件 #!/bin/sh cat > "%%1" << EOF %%2 EOF tee "%%1" > /dev/null << EOF %%2 EOF #sed -i '$a %%2' %%2 9.写入随机文件 #!/bin/sh cat > "%%1" << EOF %%2 EOF tee "%%1" > /dev/null << EOF %%2 EOF #sed -i '$a %%2' %%2 10.读取文件属性 #!/bin/bash file=%%1 file=${file:?'必须给出参数'} if [ ! -e $file ]; then echo "$file 不存在" exit 1 fi if [ -d $file ]; then echo "$file 是一个目录" if [ -x $file ]; then echo "可以" else echo "不可以" fi echo "对此进行搜索" elif [ -f $file ]; then echo "$file 是一个正规文件" else echo "$file不是一个正规文件" fi if [ -O $file ]; then echo "你是$file的拥有者" else echo "你不是$file的拥有者" fi if [ -r $file ]; then echo "你对$file拥有" else echo "你并不对$file拥有" fi echo "可读权限" if [ -w $file ]; then echo "你对$file拥有" else echo "你并不对$file拥有" fi echo "可写权限" if [ -x $file -a ! -d $file ]; then echo "你拥有对$file" else echo "你并不拥有对$file" fi echo "可执行的权限" 11.写入文件属性 #!/bin/bash #修改存放在ext2、ext3、ext4、xfs、ubifs、reiserfs、jfs等文件系统上的文件或目录属性,使用权限超级用户。 #一些功能是由Linux内核版本来支持的,如果Linux内核版本低于2.2,那么许多功能不能实现。同样-D检查压缩文件中的错误的功能,需要2.5.19以上内核才能支持。另外,通过chattr命令修改属性能够提高系统的安全性,但是它并不适合所有的目录。chattr命令不能保护/、/dev、/tmp、/var目录。 chattr [-RV] [-+=AacDdijsSu] [-v version] 文件或目录 -R:递归处理所有的文件及子目录。 -V:详细显示修改内容,并打印输出。 -:失效属性。 +:激活属性。 = :指定属性。 A:Atime,告诉系统不要修改对这个文件的最后访问时间。 S:Sync,一旦应用程序对这个文件执行了写操作,使系统立刻把修改的结果写到磁盘。 a:Append Only,系统只允许在这个文件之后追加数据,不允许任何进程覆盖或截断这个文件。如果目录具有这个属性,系统将只允许在这个目录下建立和修改文件,而不允许删除任何文件。 i:Immutable,系统不允许对这个文件进行任何的修改。如果目录具有这个属性,那么任何的进程只能修改目录之下的文件,不允许建立和删除文件。 D:检查压缩文件中的错误。 d:No dump,在进行文件系统备份时,dump程序将忽略这个文件。 C:Compress,系统以透明的方式压缩这个文件。从这个文件读取时,返回的是解压之后的数据;而向这个文件中写入数据时,数据首先被压缩之后才写入磁盘。 S:Secure Delete,让系统在删除这个文件时,使用0填充文件所在的区域。 u:Undelete,当一个应用程序请求删除这个文件,系统会保留其数据块以便以后能够恢复删除这个文件。 12.枚举一个目录中的所有文件夹 #!/bin/bash OLDIFS=$IFS IFS=: for path in $( find "%%1" -type d -printf "%p$IFS") do #"$path" done IFS=$OLDIFS 13.复制文件夹 #!/bin/sh cp -rf "%%1" "%%2" 14.复制一个目录下所有的文件夹到另一个目录下 #!/bin/bash direc="%%1" #$(pwd) for dir2cp in $direc/* ; do if [ -d $dir2cp ]; then cp $dir2cp "%%2" fi done 15.移动文件夹 #!/bin/sh mv -rf "%%1" "%%2" 16.移动一个目录下所有的文件夹到另一个目录下 #!/bin/bash direc="%%1" #$(pwd) for dir2mv in $direc/* ; do if [ -d $dir2mv ]; then mv $dir2mv "%%2" fi done 17.以一个文件夹的框架在另一个目录下创建文件夹和空文件 #!/bin/bash direc="%%1" #$(pwd) OLDIFS=$IFS IFS=: for path in $( find $direc -type d -printf "%p$IFS") do mkdir -p "%%2/${path:${#direc}+1}" done IFS=$OLDIFS #cp -a "%%1" "%%2" 表达式 含义 ${#string} {#string} 1,取得字符串长度 string=abc12342341 //等号二边不要有空格 echo ${#string} //结果11 expr length $string //结果11 expr "$string" : ".*" //结果11 分号二边要有空格,这里的:根match的用法差不多2,字符串所在位置 expr index $string '123' //结果4 字符串对应的下标是从0开始的这个方法让我想起来了js的indexOf,各种语言对字符串的操作方法大方向都差不多,如果有语言基础的话,学习shell会很快的。 3,从字符串开头到子串的最大长度 expr match $string 'abc.*3' //结果9个人觉得这个函数的用处不大,为什么要从开头开始呢。 4,字符串截取 echo ${string:4} //2342341 从第4位开始截取后面所有字符串 echo ${string:3:3} //123 从第3位开始截取后面3位 echo ${string:3:6} //123423 从第3位开始截取后面6位 echo ${string: -4} //2341 :右边有空格 截取后4位 echo ${string:(-4)} //2341 同上 expr substr $string 3 3 //123 从第3位开始截取后面3位上面的方法让我想起了,php的substr函数,后面截取的规则是一样的。 5,匹配显示内容 //例3中也有match和这里的match不同,上面显示的是匹配字符的长度,而下面的是匹配的内容 expr match $string '\([a-c]*[0-9]*\)' //abc12342341 expr $string : '\([a-c]*[0-9]\)' //abc1 expr $string : '.*\([0-9][0-9][0-9]\)' //341 显示括号中匹配的内容这里括号的用法,是不是根其他的括号用法有相似之处呢, 6,截取不匹配的内容 echo ${string#a*3} //42341 从$string左边开始,去掉最短匹配子串 echo ${string#c*3} //abc12342341 这样什么也没有匹配到 echo ${string#*c1*3} //42341 从$string左边开始,去掉最短匹配子串 echo ${string##a*3} //41 从$string左边开始,去掉最长匹配子串 echo ${string%3*1} //abc12342 从$string右边开始,去掉最短匹配子串 echo ${string%%3*1} //abc12 从$string右边开始,去掉最长匹配子串这里要注意,必须从字符串的第一个字符开始,或者从最后一个开始, 7,匹配并且替换 echo ${string/23/bb} //abc1bb42341 替换一次 echo ${string//23/bb} //abc1bb4bb41 双斜杠替换所有匹配 echo ${string/#abc/bb} //bb12342341 #以什么开头来匹配,根php中的^有点像 echo ${string/%41/bb} //abc123423bb %以什么结尾来匹配,根php中的$有点像 #!/bin/bash direc=$(pwd) for file in "$(direc)/*" do if [ "${file##*.}" = "sh" ]; then xterm -e bash $file elif [ "${file##*.}" = "bin" ]; then xterm -e $file elif [ "${file##*.}" = "run" ]; then xterm -e $file elif [ "${file##*.}" = "bundle" ]; then xterm -e $file elif [ "${file##*.}" = "pl" ]; then xterm -e perl $file elif [ "${file##*.}" = "class" ]; then xterm -e java ${file%.*} elif [ "${file##*.}" = "rpm" ]; then xterm -e rpm -ivh $file elif [ "${file##*.}" = "rb" ]; then xterm -e ruby $file elif [ "${file##*.}" = "py" ]; then xterm -e python $file elif [ "${file##*.}" = "jar" ]; then xterm -e java -jar $file fi done OLDIFS=$IFS IFS=: for path in $( find $direc -type d -printf "%p$IFS") do for file in `ls $path` do if [ "${file##*.}" = "sh" ]; then xterm -e bash """"$path"/"$file"""" elif [ "${file##*.}" = "bin" ]; then xterm -e """"$path"/"$file"""" elif [ "${file##*.}" = "run" ]; then xterm -e """"$path"/"$file"""" elif [ "${file##*.}" = "bundle" ]; then xterm -e """"$path"/"$file"""" elif [ "${file##*.}" = "pl" ]; then xterm -e perl """"$path"/"$file"""" elif [ "${file##*.}" = "class" ]; then xterm -e java """"$path"/"${file%.*}"""" elif [ "${file##*.}" = "rpm" ]; then xterm -e rpm -ivh """"$path"/"$file"""" elif [ "${file##*.}" = "rb" ]; then xterm -e ruby """"$path"/"$file"""" elif [ "${file##*.}" = "py" ]; then xterm -e python """"$path"/"$file"""" elif [ "${file##*.}" = "jar" ]; then xterm -e java -jar """"$path"/"$file"""" fi done done IFS=$OLDIFS 18.复制文件 #!/bin/sh cp %%1 %%2 19.复制一个目录下所有的文件到另一个目录 #!/bin/bash direc="%%1" $(pwd) for file in "$direc/*" do cp "$file" "%%1" done 20.提取扩展名 #!/bin/sh %%2=${%%1##.} 21.提取文件名 #!/bin/sh %%2="$(basename %%1)" 22.提取文件路径 #!/bin/sh %%2="$(dirname %%1)" 23.替换扩展名 #!/bin/sh %%3="$(basename %%1)$%%2" 24.追加路径 #!/bin/sh %%3="$(dirname %%1)/$%%2" 25.移动文件 #!/bin/sh mv "%%1" "%%2" 26.移动一个目录下所有文件到另一个目录 #!/bin/bash direc="%%1" #$(pwd) OLDIFS=$IFS IFS=: for file in "$(direc)/*" do mv "$file" "%%1" done IFS=$OLDIFS 27.指定目录下搜索文件 #!/bin/sh find -name "%%1" 28.打开文件对话框 #!/bin/sh %%1="$(Xdialog --fselect '~/' 0 0 2>&1)" 29.文件分割 #!/bin/sh split -b 2k "%%1" while read f1 f2 f3 do echo $f1 >> f1 echo $f2 >> f2 echo $f3 >> f3 done #!/bin/bash linenum=`wc -l httperr8007.log| awk '{print $1}'` n1=1 file=1 while [ $n1 -lt $linenum ] do n2=`expr $n1 + 999` sed -n "${n1}, ${n2}p" httperr8007.log > file_$file.log n1=`expr $n2 + 1` file=`expr $file + 1` done 其中httperr8007.log为你想分割的大文件,file_$file.log 为分割后的文件,最后为file_1.log,file_2.log,file_3.log……,分割完后的每个文件只有1000行(参数可以自己设置) split 参数: -b :后面可接欲分割成的档案大小,可加单位,例如 b, k, m 等; -l :以行数来进行分割; #按每个文件1000行来分割除 split -l 1000 httperr8007.log httperr httpaa,httpab,httpac ........ #按照每个文件100K来分割 split -b 100k httperr8007.log http httpaa,httpab,httpac ........ #!/bin/bash if [ $# -ne 2 ]; then echo 'Usage: split file size(in bytes)' exit fi file=$1 size=$2 if [ ! -f $file ]; then echo "$file doesn't exist" exit fi #TODO: test if $size is a valid integer filesize=`/bin/ls -l $file | awk '{print $5}'` echo filesize: $filesize let pieces=$filesize/$size let remain=$filesize-$pieces*$size if [ $remain -gt 0 ]; then let pieces=$pieces+1 fi echo pieces: $pieces i=0 while [ $i -lt $pieces ]; do echo split: $file.$i: dd if=$file of=$file.$i bs=$size count=1 skip=$i let i=$i+1 done echo "#!/bin/bash" > merge echo "i=0" >> merge echo "while [ $i -lt $pieces ];" >> merge echo "do" >> merge echo " echo merge: $file.$i" >> merge echo " if [ ! -f $file.$i ]; then" >> merge echo " echo merge: $file.$i missed" >> merge echo " rm -f $file.merged" >> merge echo " exit" >> merge echo " fi" >> merge echo " dd if=$file.$i of=$file.merged bs=$size count=1 seek=$i" >> merge echo " let i=$i+1" >> merge echo "done" >> merge chmod u+x merge' 30.文件合并 #!/bin/sh cp "%%1"+"%%2" "%%3" exec 3> join.txt done #!/bin/bash if [ $# -ne 2 ]; then echo 'Usage: split file size(in bytes)' exit fi file=$1 size=$2 if [ ! -f $file ]; then echo "$file doesn't exist" exit fi #TODO: test if $size is a valid integer filesize=`/bin/ls -l $file | awk '{print $5}'` echo filesize: $filesize let pieces=$filesize/$size let remain=$filesize-$pieces*$size if [ $remain -gt 0 ]; then let pieces=$pieces+1 fi echo pieces: $pieces i=0 while [ $i -lt $pieces ]; do echo split: $file.$i: dd if=$file of=$file.$i bs=$size count=1 skip=$i let i=$i+1 done echo "#!/bin/bash" > merge echo "i=0" >> merge echo "while [ $i -lt $pieces ];" >> merge echo "do" >> merge echo " echo merge: $file.$i" >> merge echo " if [ ! -f $file.$i ]; then" >> merge echo " echo merge: $file.$i missed" >> merge echo " rm -f $file.merged" >> merge echo " exit" >> merge echo " fi" >> merge echo " dd if=$file.$i of=$file.merged bs=$size count=1 seek=$i" >> merge echo " let i=$i+1" >> merge echo "done" >> merge chmod u+x merge' 31.文件简单加密 #!/bin/bash #make test && make strings && sudo make install shc -r -f %%1.sh #%%1.x #%%1.x.c 32.文件简单解密 #!/bin/bash #make test && make strings && sudo make install shc -r -f %%1.sh #%%1.x #%%1.x.c 33.读取ini文件属性 #!/bin/bash if [ "$%%3" = "" ];then sed -n "/\[$%%2\]/,/\[.*\]/{ /^\[.*\]/d /^[ ]*$/d s/;.*$// p }" $1 elif [ "$%%4" = "" ];then sed -n "/\[$%%2\]/,/\[.*\]/{ /^\[.*\]/d /^[ ]*$/d s/;.*$// s/^[ | ]*$%%3[ | ]*=[ | ]*\(.*\)[ | ]*/\1/p }" $1 else if [ "$%%4" = "#" ];then sed "/\[$%%2\]/,/\[.*\]/{ s/^[ | ]*$%%3[ | ]*=.*/ / }p" $1 > /tmp/sed$$ mv /tmp/sed$$ $1 else sed "/\[$2\]/,/\[.*\]/{ s/^[ | ]*$%%3[ | ]*=.*/$%%3=$%%4/ }p" $1 > /tmp/sed$$ mv /tmp/sed$$ $%%1 fi fi 34.合并一个文件下所有的文件 #!/bin/sh cat $(ls |grep -E '%%1\.') > %%1 #!/bin/bash OLDIFS=$IFS IFS=: for path in $( find %%1 -type d -printf "%p$IFS") do for file in $path/*.c $path/*.cpp do if [[ ! "$file" =~ \*.[A-Za-z]+ ]]; then #"$(path)/$(file)" fi done done IFS=$OLDIFS #!/bin/bash cat <<'EOF'> combine.c #include int main() { FILE *f1,*f2,*f3; f1=fopen("a1.txt","r"); f2=fopen("a2.txt","r"); f3=fopen("a3.txt","w"); int a,b; a=getw(f1); /*从a1.txt和a2.txt中分别取最小的数a和b*/ b=getw(f2); while(!feof(f1)&&!feof(f2)) /*两个文件都没结束时,执行循环、比较*/ { if(a<=b) { putw(a,f3); a=getw(f1); } else {putw(b,f3); b=getw(f2); } } if(feof(f1)) /*文件a1.txt结束时,把a2.txt中的数全部输入a3.txt*/ {putw(b,f3); while((b=getw(f2))!=EOF) putw(b,f3); } if(feof(f2)) /*同上*/ { putw(a,f3); while((a=getw(f1))!=EOF) putw(a,f3); } fclose(f1); fclose(f2); fclose(f3); printf("已完成!"); return 0; } EOF gcc -o combine combine.c if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then ./combine else echo 'Compile ERROR' fi 35.写入ini文件属性 #!/bin/bash if [ "$%%3" = "" ];then sed -n "/\[$%%2\]/,/\[.*\]/{ /^\[.*\]/d /^[ ]*$/d s/;.*$// p }" $1 elif [ "$%%4" = "" ];then sed -n "/\[$%%2\]/,/\[.*\]/{ /^\[.*\]/d /^[ ]*$/d s/;.*$// s/^[ | ]*$%%3[ | ]*=[ | ]*\(.*\)[ | ]*/\1/p }" $1 else if [ "$%%4" = "#" ];then sed "/\[$%%2\]/,/\[.*\]/{ s/^[ | ]*$%%3[ | ]*=.*/ / }p" $1 > /tmp/sed$$ mv /tmp/sed$$ $%%1 else sed "/\[$%%2\]/,/\[.*\]/{ s/^[ | ]*$%%3[ | ]*=.*/$%%3=$%%4/ }p" $1 > /tmp/sed$$ mv /tmp/sed$$ $%%1 fi fi 36.获得当前路径 #!/bin/sh %%1=$(pwd) 37.读取XML数据库 如何通过shell命令行读取xml文件中某个属性所对应的值? 例如: BuildVersion 5 我希望能够通过Unix shell命令对属性键的名称BuildVersion进行查询,返回的结果是5,如何实现呀? #!/bin/bash grep BuildVersion|sed 's/.*<.*>\([^<].*\)<.*>.*/\1/' 结果返回的是“BuildVersion”,而不是“5”,如果要查询BuildVersion自动返回数值5应当如何写? 应该没错的。试一下: echo "BuildVersion 5 "|grep BuildVersion|sed 's/.*<.*>\([^<].*\)<.*>.*/\1/'我在SL的终端里试,返回值是5 目前需要从xml文件提取数据,想做一个xmlparser.sh xml 类似这样希望输入 xmlparser.sh a.xml hostip可以返回192.168.0.1 #!/bin/sh if [ $# -ne 2 ];then echo "Usage: $0 " exit 0 fi grep $2 $1|awk '{print $2}'|grep -o "[0-9.]*" 把 grep $2 $1|awk '{print $2}'|grep -o "[0-9.]*" 改成 grep $2 $1|awk '{print $2}'|grep -Eo "[0-9.]+" 楼上这个有问题,如果我要得到的是 中的sharename,那么,呵呵,就错了 我觉得应该先定位到第二个参数“$2”的位置,然后再提取“=”后面的内容 这里有个完整的实现: Parse Simple XML Files using Bash – Extract Name Value Pairs and Attributes http://www.humbug.in/2010/parse-simple-xml-files-using-bash-extract-name-value-pairs-and-attributes/ 不过需要安装xmllint. 设计到对多个xml文件进行element的读取和列表。有人做过么? 举个例子, 多个xml文件里面都有 通过shell读取,然后合并到一起,再生成一个新的xml,但是其他元素不变。 xxx aaa 如果格式异常简单,没有特例,那么可以用shell实现 如果有可能格式复杂,因为shell的命令所使用的正则表达式都不支持跨行匹配,所以用shell来解决这个问题就绕圈子了。 用perl来作这个工作最直接、简单。perl的XML:DOM模块是专门处理XML文件的。 偶倒是觉得,用PHP写Scripts也很方便,功能强大,而且,跨平台, #!/bin/sh sed -n '/ bbb /{ N; /\n[[:space:]]* /{ N; / .*<\/article>/p } D; n }' 这小段代码能把一个xml文件中,你要的东西拿出来. 你可以用for file in $*把这些信息都>>tmpfile中. 然后用sed 在指定文件的指定位置用r命令把tmpfile粘贴进来~~~~ 大思路如此^_^ 我想有这个东西(只要能正确的跑出结果)后面就不难了吧... Name xmllint — command line XML tool Synopsis xmllint [[--version] | [--debug] | [--shell] | [--debugent] | [--copy] | [--recover] | [--noent] | [--noout] | [--nonet] | [--htmlout] | [--nowrap] | [--valid] | [--postvalid] | [--dtdvalid URL] | [--dtdvalidfpi FPI] | [--timing] | [--output file] | [--repeat] | [--insert] | [--compress] | [--html] | [--xmlout] | [--push] | [--memory] | [--maxmem nbbytes] | [--nowarning] | [--noblanks] | [--nocdata] | [--format] | [--encode encoding] | [--dropdtd] | [--nsclean] | [--testIO] | [--catalogs] | [--nocatalogs] | [--auto] | [--xinclude] | [--noxincludenode] | [--loaddtd] | [--dtdattr] | [--stream] | [--walker] | [--pattern patternvalue] | [--chkregister] | [--relaxng] | [--schema] | [--c14n]] [xmlfile] Introduction The xmllint program parses one or more XML files, specified on the command line as xmlfile. It prints various types of output, depending upon the options selected. It is useful for detecting errors both in XML code and in the XML parser itself. It is included in libxml2. Options --version Display the version of libxml2 used. --debug Parse a file and output an annotated tree of the in-memory version of the document. --shell Run a navigating shell. Details on available commands in shell mode are below. --debugent Debug the entities defined in the document. --copy Test the internal copy implementation. --recover Output any parsable portions of an invalid document. --noent Substitute entity values for entity references. By default, xmllint leaves entity references in place. --nocdata Substitute CDATA section by equivalent text nodes. --nsclean Remove redundant namespace declarations. --noout Suppress output. By default, xmllint outputs the result tree. --htmlout Output results as an HTML file. This causes xmllint to output the necessary HTML tags surrounding the result tree output so the results can be displayed in a browser. --nowrap Do not output HTML doc wrapper. --valid Determine if the document is a valid instance of the included Document Type Definition (DTD). A DTD to be validated against also can be specified at the command line using the --dtdvalid option. By default, xmllint also checks to determine if the document is well-formed. --postvalid Validate after parsing is completed. --dtdvalid URL Use the DTD specified by URL for validation. --dtdvalidfpi FPI Use the DTD specified by the Public Identifier FPI for validation, note that this will require a Catalog exporting that Public Identifier to work. --timing Output information about the time it takes xmllint to perform the various steps. --output file Define a file path where xmllint will save the result of parsing. Usually the programs build a tree and save it on stdout, with this option the result XML instance will be saved onto a file. --repeat Repeat 100 times, for timing or profiling. --insert Test for valid insertions. --compress Turn on gzip compression of output. --html Use the HTML parser. --xmlout Used in conjunction with --html. Usually when HTML is parsed the document is saved with the HTML serializer, but with this option the resulting document is saved with the XML serializer. This is primarily used to generate XHTML from HTML input. --push Use the push mode of the parser. --memory Parse from memory. --maxmem nnbytes Test the parser memory support. nnbytes is the maximum number of bytes the library is allowed to allocate. This can also be used to make sure batch processing of XML files will not exhaust the virtual memory of the server running them. --nowarning Do not emit warnings from the parser and/or validator. --noblanks Drop ignorable blank spaces. --format Reformat and reindent the output. The $XMLLINT_INDENT environment variable controls the indentation (default value is two spaces " "). --testIO Test user input/output support. --encode encoding Output in the given encoding. --catalogs Use the catalogs from $SGML_CATALOG_FILES. Otherwise /etc/xml/catalog is used by default. --nocatalogs Do not use any catalogs. --auto Generate a small document for testing purposes. --xinclude Do XInclude processing. --noxincludenode Do XInclude processing but do not generate XInclude start and end nodes. --loaddtd Fetch external DTD. --dtdattr Fetch external DTD and populate the tree with inherited attributes. --dropdtd Remove DTD from output. --stream Use streaming API - useful when used in combination with --relaxng or --valid options for validation of files that are too large to be held in memory. --walker Test the walker module, which is a reader interface but for a document tree, instead of using the reader API on an unparsed document it works on a existing in-memory tree. Used in debugging. --chkregister Turn on node registration. Useful for developers testing libxml2 node tracking code. --pattern patternvalue Used to exercise the pattern recognition engine, which can be used with the reader interface to the parser. It allows to select some nodes in the document based on an XPath (subset) expression. Used for debugging. --relaxng schema Use RelaxNG file named schema for validation. --schema schema Use a W3C XML Schema file named schema for validation. --c14n Use the W3C XML Canonicalisation (C14N) to serialize the result of parsing to stdout. It keeps comments in the result. Shell xmllint offers an interactive shell mode invoked with the --shell command. Available commands in shell mode include: base display XML base of the node bye leave shell cat node Display node if given or current node. cd path Change the current node to path (if given and unique) or root if no argument given. dir path Dumps information about the node (namespace, attributes, content). du path Show the structure of the subtree under path or the current node. exit Leave the shell. help Show this help. free Display memory usage. load name Load a new document with the given name. ls path List contents of path (if given) or the current directory. pwd Display the path to the current node. quit Leave the shell. save name Saves the current document to name if given or to the original name. validate Check the document for error. write name Write the current node to the given filename. Catalogs Catalog behavior can be changed by redirecting queries to the user's own set of catalogs. This can be done by setting the XML_CATALOG_FILES environment variable to a list of catalogs. An empty one should deactivate loading the default /etc/xml/catalog default catalog. Debugging Catalogs Setting the environment variable XML_DEBUG_CATALOG using the command "export XML_DEBUG_CATALOG=" outputs debugging information related to catalog operations. Error Return Codes On the completion of execution, Xmllint returns the following error codes: 0 No error 1 Unclassified 2 Error in DTD 3 Validation error 4 Validation error 5 Error in schema compilation 6 Error writing output 7 Error in pattern (generated when [--pattern] option is used) 8 Error in Reader registration (generated when [--chkregister] option is used) 9 Out of memory error Parse Simple XML Files using Bash – Extract Name Value Pairs and Attributes 2 Comments 1 Tweet Pratik Sinha | July 31, 2010 I have written up a simple routine par***ML to parse simple XML files to extract unique name values pairs and their attributes. The script extracts all xml tags of the format xyz and dynamically creates bash variables which hold values of the attributes as well as the elements. This is a good solution, if you don’t wish to use xpath for some simple xml files. However you will need xmllint installed on your system to use the script. Here’s a sample script which uses the par***ML function #!/bin/bash xmlFile=$1 function par***ML() { elemList=( $(cat $xmlFile | tr '\n' ' ' | XMLLINT_INDENT="" xmllint --format - | /bin/grep -e "$" | while read line; do \ echo $line | sed -e 's/^.*<\///' | cut -d '>' -f 1; \ done) ) totalNoOfTags=${#elemList[@]}; ((totalNoOfTags--)) suffix=$(echo ${elemList[$totalNoOfTags]} | tr -d '>') suffix="${suffix}_" for (( i = 0 ; i < ${#elemList[@]} ; i++ )); do elem=${elemList[$i]} elemLine=$(cat $xmlFile | tr '\n' ' ' | XMLLINT_INDENT="" xmllint --format - | /bin/grep "$elem>") echo $elemLine | grep -e "^[^ ]*>$" 1>/dev/null 2>&1 if [ "0" = "$?" ]; then continue fi elemVal=$(echo $elemLine | tr '\011' '\040'| sed -e 's/^[ ]*//' -e 's/^<.*>\([^<].*\)<.*>$/\1/' | sed -e 's/^[ ]*//' | sed -e 's/[ ]*$//') xmlElem="${suffix}$(echo $elem | sed 's/-/_/g')" eval ${xmlElem}=`echo -ne \""${elemVal}"\"` attrList=($(cat $xmlFile | tr '\n' ' ' | XMLLINT_INDENT="" xmllint --format - | /bin/grep "$elem>" | tr '\011' '\040' | sed -e 's/^[ ]*//' | cut -d '>' -f 1 | sed -e 's/^<[^ ]*//' | tr "'" '"' | tr '"' '\n' | tr '=' '\n' | sed -e 's/^[ ]*//' | sed '/^$/d' | tr '\011' '\040' | tr ' ' '>')) for (( j = 0 ; j < ${#attrList[@]} ; j++ )); do attr=${attrList[$j]} ((j++)) attrVal=$(echo ${attrList[$j]} | tr '>' ' ') attrName=`echo -ne ${xmlElem}_${attr}` eval ${attrName}=`echo -ne \""${attrVal}"\"` done done } par***ML echo "$status_xyz | $status_abc | $status_pqr" #Variables for each XML ELement echo "$status_xyz_arg1 | $status_abc_arg2 | $status_pqr_arg3 | $status_pqr_arg4" #Variables for each XML Attribute echo "" #All the variables that were produced by the par***ML function set | /bin/grep -e "^$suffix" The XML File used for the above script example is:The root tag, which in this case is “status”, is used as a suffix for all variables. Once the XML file is passed to the function, it dynamically creates the variables $status_xyz, $status_abc, $status_pqr, $status_xyz_arg1, $status_abc_arg2, $status_pqr_arg3 and $status_pqr_arg4. The output when the script is ran with the xml file as an argument is @$ bash par***ML.sh test.xml a | p | x 1 | 2 | 3 | a phrase status_abc=p status_abc_arg2=2 status_pqr=x status_pqr_arg3=3 status_pqr_arg4='a phrase' status_xyz=a status_xyz_arg1=1 This script won’t work for XML files like the one below with duplicate element names. a p x This script also won’t be able to extract attributes of elements without any CDATA. For eg, the script won’t be able to create variables corresponding to a p x . It will only create the variables corresponding to abc .38.写入XML数据库 #!/bin/bash 39.ZIP压缩文件 #!/bin/sh zip -r "/%%1" "%%2" 40.ZIP解压缩 #!/bin/sh unzip -x "/%%1" "%%2" 41.获得应用程序完整路径 #!/bin/bash 42.ZIP压缩文件夹 #!/bin/bash 43.递归删除目录下的文件 #!/bin/bash rm -if "%%1/*" OLDIFS=$IFS IFS=: for path in $( find %%1 -type d -printf "%p$IFS") do for file in $path/*.c $path/*.cpp do if [[ ! "$file" =~ \*.[A-Za-z]+ ]]; then #"$(path)/$(file)" fi done done IFS=$OLDIFS 44.IDEA加密算法 #!/bin/bash 45.RC6算法 #!/bin/bash cat <<'EOF'> rc6.c #include abc /* Timing data for RC6 (rc6.c) 128 bit key: Key Setup: 1632 cycles Encrypt: 270 cycles = 94.8 mbits/sec Decrypt: 226 cycles = 113.3 mbits/sec Mean: 248 cycles = 103.2 mbits/sec 192 bit key: Key Setup: 1885 cycles Encrypt: 267 cycles = 95.9 mbits/sec Decrypt: 235 cycles = 108.9 mbits/sec Mean: 251 cycles = 102.0 mbits/sec 256 bit key: Key Setup: 1877 cycles Encrypt: 270 cycles = 94.8 mbits/sec Decrypt: 227 cycles = 112.8 mbits/sec Mean: 249 cycles = 103.0 mbits/sec */ #include "../std_defs.h" static char *alg_name[] = { "rc6", "rc6.c", "rc6" }; char **cipher_name() { return alg_name; } #define f_rnd(i,a,b,c,d) \ u = rotl(d * (d + d + 1), 5); \ t = rotl(b * (b + b + 1), 5); \ a = rotl(a ^ t, u) + l_key; \ c = rotl(c ^ u, t) + l_key[i + 1] #define i_rnd(i,a,b,c,d) \ u = rotl(d * (d + d + 1), 5); \ t = rotl(b * (b + b + 1), 5); \ c = rotr(c - l_key[i + 1], t) ^ u; \ a = rotr(a - l_key, u) ^ t u4byte l_key[44]; /* storage for the key schedule */ /* initialise the key schedule from the user supplied key */ u4byte *set_key(const u4byte in_key[], const u4byte key_len) { u4byte i, j, k, a, b, l[8], t; l_key[0] = 0xb7e15163; for(k = 1; k < 44; ++k) l_key[k] = l_key[k - 1] + 0x9e3779b9; for(k = 0; k < key_len / 32; ++k) l[k] = in_key[k]; t = (key_len / 32) - 1; // t = (key_len / 32); a = b = i = j = 0; for(k = 0; k < 132; ++k) { a = rotl(l_key + a + b, 3); b += a; b = rotl(l[j] + b, b); l_key = a; l[j] = b; i = (i == 43 ? 0 : i + 1); // i = (i + 1) % 44; j = (j == t ? 0 : j + 1); // j = (j + 1) % t; } return l_key; }; /* encrypt a block of text */ void encrypt(const u4byte in_blk[4], u4byte out_blk[4]) { u4byte a,b,c,d,t,u; a = in_blk[0]; b = in_blk[1] + l_key[0]; c = in_blk[2]; d = in_blk[3] + l_key[1]; f_rnd( 2,a,b,c,d); f_rnd( 4,b,c,d,a); f_rnd( 6,c,d,a,b); f_rnd( 8,d,a,b,c); f_rnd(10,a,b,c,d); f_rnd(12,b,c,d,a); f_rnd(14,c,d,a,b); f_rnd(16,d,a,b,c); f_rnd(18,a,b,c,d); f_rnd(20,b,c,d,a); f_rnd(22,c,d,a,b); f_rnd(24,d,a,b,c); f_rnd(26,a,b,c,d); f_rnd(28,b,c,d,a); f_rnd(30,c,d,a,b); f_rnd(32,d,a,b,c); f_rnd(34,a,b,c,d); f_rnd(36,b,c,d,a); f_rnd(38,c,d,a,b); f_rnd(40,d,a,b,c); out_blk[0] = a + l_key[42]; out_blk[1] = b; out_blk[2] = c + l_key[43]; out_blk[3] = d; }; /* decrypt a block of text */ void decrypt(const u4byte in_blk[4], u4byte out_blk[4]) { u4byte a,b,c,d,t,u; d = in_blk[3]; c = in_blk[2] - l_key[43]; b = in_blk[1]; a = in_blk[0] - l_key[42]; i_rnd(40,d,a,b,c); i_rnd(38,c,d,a,b); i_rnd(36,b,c,d,a); i_rnd(34,a,b,c,d); i_rnd(32,d,a,b,c); i_rnd(30,c,d,a,b); i_rnd(28,b,c,d,a); i_rnd(26,a,b,c,d); i_rnd(24,d,a,b,c); i_rnd(22,c,d,a,b); i_rnd(20,b,c,d,a); i_rnd(18,a,b,c,d); i_rnd(16,d,a,b,c); i_rnd(14,c,d,a,b); i_rnd(12,b,c,d,a); i_rnd(10,a,b,c,d); i_rnd( 8,d,a,b,c); i_rnd( 6,c,d,a,b); i_rnd( 4,b,c,d,a); i_rnd( 2,a,b,c,d); out_blk[3] = d - l_key[1]; out_blk[2] = c; out_blk[1] = b - l_key[0]; out_blk[0] = a; }; int main() { return 0; } EOF gcc -o rc6 rc6.c if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then ./combine else echo 'Compile ERROR' fi 46.Grep #!/bin/bash grep -qE %%1 %%2 47.直接创建多级目录 #!/bin/bash mkdir -p %%1 48.批量重命名 #!/bin/bash find $PWD -type f -name '*\.cpp' |sed s/'\.cpp'//g|awk '{MV = "mv"};{C = "\.c"};{ CPP="\.cpp"}; {print MV, $1 CPP , $1 C}'|sh ls | awk -F '-' '{print "mv "$0" "$2}' #去掉带'-'的前缀 49.文本查找替换 #!/bin/bash sed -e 's:%%2:%%3:g' %%1 #sed -e 's/%%2/%%3/g' %%1 50.文件关联 #!/bin/bash 51.批量转换编码从GB2312到Unicode #!/bin/bash scode="gbk" dcode="ucs2" for FILE in $(find $(pwd) -type f) do TMP_file=$(mktemp -p $(pwd)) if [ -f $FILE ]; then Fright=$(stat -c %a $FILE) Fuser=$(stat -c %U $FILE) Fgrp=$(stat -c %G $FILE) iconv -f $scode -t $dcode $FILE -o $TMP_file mv $TMP_file $FILE chmod $Fright $FILE chown $Fuser.$Fgrp $FILE fi done 52.设置JDK环境变量 #!/bin/bash find "$PWD" -type f \( -iname '*.bin' \) -print0 | xargs -0 chmod +x find -type f \( -iname '*.bin' \) -print | while read filename do case "$filename" in *.bin) xterm -e "$filename" && rm -if "$filename" ;; esac done OLDIFS=$IFS IFS=$'\n' for line in `cat ~/.bashrc` do if [[ "$line" =~ .*export.* ]]; then if [[ "$line" =~ .*JAVA_HOME=.* ]]; then if [[ "$line" =~ =(\/([0-9a-zA-Z._]+))+ ]]; then javahome=$line fi fi fi if [[ "$line" =~ export\ PATH=\$PATH:\$JAVA_HOME/bin:\$JAVA_HOME/jre/bin$ ]];then javapath=$line fi if [[ "$line" =~ export\ CLASSPATH=.:\$JAVA_HOME/lib:\$JAVA_HOME/jre/lib$ ]];then classpath=$line fi done if [ ! -n "$javahome" ]; then sed -i '$a export JAVA_HOME='$(pwd)'/jdk1.6.0_25' ~/.bashrc else sed -i 's:'${javahome//\\/\\\\}':export JAVA_HOME='$(pwd)'/jdk1.6.0_32:g' ~/.bashrc fi if [ ! -n "$javapath" ]; then sed -i '$a export PATH=$PATH:$JAVA_HOME/bin:$JAVA_HOME/jre/bin' ~/.bashrc fi if [ ! -n "$classpath" ]; then sed -i '$a export CLASSPATH=.:$JAVA_HOME/lib:$JAVA_HOME/jre/lib' ~/.bashrc fi IFS=$OLDIFS #!/bin/bash shift OLDIFS=$IFS IFS=$'\n' for line in `cat ~/TestBash.txt` #~/.bashrc do if [[ "$line" =~ .*export.* ]]; then if [[ "$line" =~ export\ CLASSPATH=.:\$JAVA_HOME/lib:\$JAVA_HOME/jre/lib$ ]]; then classpath=$line elif [[ "$line" =~ export\ PATH=\$PATH:\$CATALINA_HOME/bin$ ]]; then jbosspath=$line fi if [[ "$line" =~ .*JAVA_HOME=.* ]]; then if [[ "$line" =~ =(\/([0-9a-zA-Z._]+))+ ]];then javahome=$line fi elif [[ "$line" =~ .*CATALINA_HOME=.* ]];then if [[ "$line" =~ =(\/([0-9a-zA-Z._]+))+ ]];then catalinahome=$line fi elif [[ "$line" =~ .*TOMCAT_HOME=.* ]];then if [[ "$line" =~ =(\/([0-9a-zA-Z._]+))+ ]];then tomcathome=$line fi elif [[ "$line" =~ .*CATALINA_BASE=.* ]];then if [[ "$line" =~ =(\/([0-9a-zA-Z._]+))+ ]];then catalinabase=$line fi elif [[ "$line" =~ .*JBOSS_HOME=.* ]];then if [[ "$line" =~ =(\/([0-9a-zA-Z._]+))+ ]];then jbosshome=$line fi fi elif [[ "$line" =~ ^PATH=\$PATH:\$JAVA_HOME/bin:\$JAVA_HOME/jre/bin$ ]];then javapath=$line fi if [[ "$line" =~ export\ CLASSPATH=.:\$JAVA_HOME/lib:\$JAVA_HOME/jre/lib$ ]];then classpath=$line fi if [[ "$line" =~ export\ PATH=\$PATH:\$JBOSS_HOME/bin$ ]];then jbosspath=$line fi done if [ ! -n "$javahome" ]; then sed -i '$a export JAVA_HOME='$(pwd)'/jdk1.6.0_24' ~/TestBash.txt #~/.bashrc else sed -i 's:'${javahome//\\/\\\\}':export JAVA_HOME='$(pwd)'/jdk1.6.0_24:g' ~/TestBash.txt fi if [ ! -n "$javapath" ]; then sed -i '$a PATH=$PATH:$JAVA_HOME/bin:$JAVA_HOME/jre/bin' ~/TestBash.txt #~/.bashrc fi if [ ! -n "$classpath" ]; then sed -i '$a export CLASSPATH=.:$JAVA_HOME/lib:$JAVA_HOME/jre/lib' ~/TestBash.txt #~/.bashrc fi if [ ! -n "$catalinahome" ]; then sed -i '$a export CATALINA_HOME='$(pwd) ~/TestBash.txt #~/.bashrc else sed -i 's:'${catalinahome//\\/\\\\}':export CATALINA_HOME='$(pwd)':g' ~/TestBash.txt fi if [ ! -n "$tomcathome" ]; then sed -i '$a export TOMCAT_HOME='$(pwd) ~/TestBash.txt #~/.bashrc else sed -i 's:'${tomcathome//\\/\\\\}':export TOMCAT_HOME='$(pwd)':g' ~/TestBash.txt fi if [ ! -n "$catalinabase" ]; then sed -i '$a export CATALINA_BASE='$(pwd) ~/TestBash.txt #~/.bashrc else sed -i 's:'${catalinabase//\\/\\\\}':export CATALINA_BASE='$(pwd)':g' ~/TestBash.txt fi if [ ! -n "$jbosshome" ]; then sed -i '$a export JBOSS_HOME='$(pwd) ~/TestBash.txt #~/.bashrc else sed -i 's:'${jbosshome//\\/\\\\}':export JBOSS_HOME='$(pwd)':g' ~/TestBash.txt fi if [ ! -n "$jbosspath" ]; then sed -i '$a export PATH=$PATH:$CATALINA_HOME/bin' ~/TestBash.txt #~/.bashrc fi IFS=$OLDIFS 53.批量转换编码从Unicode到GB2312 #!/bin/bash scode="ucs2" dcode="gbk" for FILE in $(find $(pwd) -type f) do TMP_file=$(mktemp -p $(pwd)) if [ -f $FILE ]; then Fright=$(stat -c %a $FILE) Fuser=$(stat -c %U $FILE) Fgrp=$(stat -c %G $FILE) iconv -f $scode -t $dcode $FILE -o $TMP_file mv $TMP_file $FILE chmod $Fright $FILE chown $Fuser.$Fgrp $FILE fi done 54.删除空文件夹 #!/bin/bash rmdir -p %%1 55.GB2312文件转UTF-8格式 #!/bin/bash iconv -f gbk -t utf8 %%1 -o %%2 56.UTF-8文件转GB2312格式 #!/bin/bash iconv -f utf8 -t gbk %%1 -o %%2 57.获取文件路径的父路径 #!/bin/bash %%1=basename $PWD 58.Unicode文件转UTF-8格式 #!/bin/bash iconv -f ucs2 -t utf-8 %%1 -o %%2 59.CRC循环冗余校验 #!/bin/bash cat <<'EOF'> crc.c #include unsigned long int crc32_table[256]; unsigned long int ulPolynomial = 0x04c11db7; unsigned long int Reflect(unsigned long int ref, char ch) { unsigned long int value(0); // 交换bit0和bit7,bit1和bit6,类推 for(int i = 1; i < (ch + 1); i++) { if(ref & 1) value |= 1 << (ch - i); ref >>= 1; } return value; } init_crc32_table() { unsigned long int crc,temp; // 256个值 for(int i = 0; i <= 0xFF; i++) { temp=Reflect(i, 8); crc32_table[i]= temp<< 24; for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++){ unsigned long int t1,t2; unsigned long int flag=crc32_table[i]&0x80000000; t1=(crc32_table[i] << 1); if(flag==0) t2=0; else t2=ulPolynomial; crc32_table[i] =t1^t2 ; } crc=crc32_table[i]; crc32_table[i] = Reflect(crc32_table[i], 32); } } unsigned long GenerateCRC32(char xdata * DataBuf,unsigned long len) { unsigned long oldcrc32; unsigned long crc32; unsigned long oldcrc; unsigned int charcnt; char c,t; oldcrc32 = 0x00000000; //初值为0 charcnt=0; while (len--) { t= (oldcrc32 >> 24) & 0xFF; //要移出的字节的值 oldcrc=crc_32_tab[t]; //根据移出的字节的值查表 c=DataBuf[charcnt]; //新移进来的字节值 oldcrc32= (oldcrc32 << 8) | c; //将新移进来的字节值添在寄存器末字节中 oldcrc32=oldcrc32^oldcrc; //将寄存器与查出的值进行xor运算 charcnt++; } crc32=oldcrc32; return crc32; } 参数表可以先在PC机上算出来,也可在程序初始化时完成。下面是用于计算参数表的c语言子程序,在Visual C++ 6.0下编译通过。 #include unsigned long int crc32_table[256]; unsigned long int ulPolynomial = 0x04c11db7; unsigned long int Reflect(unsigned long int ref, char ch) { unsigned long int value(0); // 交换bit0和bit7,bit1和bit6,类推 for(int i = 1; i < (ch + 1); i++) { if(ref & 1) value |= 1 << (ch - i); ref >>= 1; } return value; } int main() { unsigned long int crc,temp; // 256个值 for(int i = 0; i <= 0xFF; i++) { temp=Reflect(i, 8); crc32_table[i]= temp<< 24; for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++){ unsigned long int t1,t2; unsigned long int flag=crc32_table[i]&0x80000000; t1=(crc32_table[i] << 1); if(flag==0) t2=0; else t2=ulPolynomial; crc32_table[i] =t1^t2 ; } crc=crc32_table[i]; crc32_table[i] = Reflect(crc32_table[i], 32); } return 0; } EOF gcc -o crc crc.c if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then ./combine else echo 'Compile ERROR' fi 60.判断是否为空文件 #!/bin/bash 61.终止程序 #!/bin/sh kill -KILL pidof %%1 -s #killall %%1 62.定时关机 #!/bin/sh shutdown -h %%1 & #23:00 #shutdown -h now #halt #/sbin/poweroff #init 0 63.显示进程列表 #!/bin/sh ps aux #fuser -l 64.遍历文件夹列出文件大小 #!/bin/sh du -sH "%%1/*" 65.GOST算法 #!/bin/bash 66.对目标压缩文件解压缩到指定文件夹 #!/bin/bash 67.保存文件时重名自动生成新文件 #!/bin/bash 68.打开网页 #!/bin/sh lynx %%1 69.删除空文件夹整合操作 #!/bin/bash 70.获取磁盘所有分区 #!/bin/sh df -k 71.激活一个程序或程序关联的文件 #!/bin/bash 72.MP3播放 #!/bin/sh amp "%%1" 73.WAV播放 #!/bin/sh amp "%%1" 74.写图像到剪切板 #!/bin/bash 75.从剪贴板复制图像到窗体 #!/bin/bash 76.删除文件夹下的所有文件且不删除文件夹下的文件夹 #!/bin/sh rm -if "%%1/*" 77.XML遍历结点属性值 #!/bin/bash 78.Unicode文件转GB2312格式 #!/bin/sh iconv -f ucs2 -t gbk %%1 -o %%2 79.开源程序库Xercesc-C++代码工程中内联80.提取包含头文件列表 #!/bin/bash 81.GB2312文件转Unicode格式 #!/bin/sh iconv -f gbk -t ucs2 %%1 -o %%2 82.Java程序打包 #!/bin/bash 83.UTF-8文件转Unicode格式 #!/bin/bash iconv -f utf8 -t ucs2 %%1 -o %%2