Go Micro Selector 源码分析



type Selector interface {
    Init(opts ...Option) error
    Options() Options
    // Select returns a function which should return the next node
    Select(service string, opts ...SelectOption) (Next, error)
    // Mark sets the success/error against a node
    Mark(service string, node *registry.Node, err error)
    // Reset returns state back to zero for a service
    Reset(service string)
    // Close renders the selector unusable
    Close() error
    // Name of the selector
    String() string


  1. Client调用Call方法
  2. Call方法调用selector组件的Select方法,获取next函数
  3. call匿名函数中调用next函数(默认为CacheSelector 随机获取服务列表中的节点) 返回node
  4. 以grpcClient为例,调用grpcClient.call
  5. call函数中获取conn,然后Invoke调用服务端函数


// Client 调用call函数
func (g *grpcClient) Call(ctx context.Context, req client.Request, rsp interface{}, opts ...client.CallOption) error {
    // make a copy of call opts
    callOpts := g.opts.CallOptions
    for _, opt := range opts {
    // `1. Client调用Call方法`
    next, err := g.next(req, callOpts)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    // check if we already have a deadline
    d, ok := ctx.Deadline()
    if !ok {
        // no deadline so we create a new one
        ctx, _ = context.WithTimeout(ctx, callOpts.RequestTimeout)
    } else {
        // got a deadline so no need to setup context
        // but we need to set the timeout we pass along
        opt := client.WithRequestTimeout(time.Until(d))

    // should we noop right here?
    select {
    case <-ctx.Done():
        return errors.New("go.micro.client", fmt.Sprintf("%v", ctx.Err()), 408)

    // 复制call函数 在下面的goroutine中使用
    gcall := g.call

    // wrap the call in reverse
    for i := len(callOpts.CallWrappers); i > 0; i-- {
        gcall = callOpts.CallWrappers[i-1](gcall)

    // return errors.New("go.micro.client", "request timeout", 408)
    call := func(i int) error {
        // call backoff first. Someone may want an initial start delay
        t, err := callOpts.Backoff(ctx, req, i)
        if err != nil {
            return errors.InternalServerError("go.micro.client", err.Error())

        // only sleep if greater than 0
        if t.Seconds() > 0 {

        // 调用next方法,获取服务器节点
        node, err := next()
        if err != nil && err == selector.ErrNotFound {
            return errors.NotFound("go.micro.client", err.Error())
        } else if err != nil {
            return errors.InternalServerError("go.micro.client", err.Error())

        // 调用grpccall方法 正式发送数据
        err = gcall(ctx, node, req, rsp, callOpts)
        g.opts.Selector.Mark(req.Service(), node, err)
        return err
    // 初始化channel 接受call返回的error 用于重试
    ch := make(chan error, callOpts.Retries+1)
    var gerr error

    for i := 0; i <= callOpts.Retries; i++ {
        go func(i int) {
            ch <- call(i)

        select {
        case <-ctx.Done():
            return errors.New("go.micro.client", fmt.Sprintf("%v", ctx.Err()), 408)
        case err := <-ch:
            // if the call succeeded lets bail early
            if err == nil {
                return nil

            retry, rerr := callOpts.Retry(ctx, req, i, err)
            if rerr != nil {
                return rerr

            if !retry {
                return err

            gerr = err

    return gerr

// grpcClient next方法 调用selector组件的Select方法,获取next函数
func (g *grpcClient) next(request client.Request, opts client.CallOptions) (selector.Next, error) {
    service := request.Service()

    // get proxy
    if prx := os.Getenv("MICRO_PROXY"); len(prx) > 0 {
        service = prx

    // get proxy address
    if prx := os.Getenv("MICRO_PROXY_ADDRESS"); len(prx) > 0 {
        opts.Address = []string{prx}

    // return remote address
    if len(opts.Address) > 0 {
        return func() (*registry.Node, error) {
            return ®istry.Node{
                Address: opts.Address[0],
            }, nil
        }, nil

    // get next nodes from the selector
    next, err := g.opts.Selector.Select(service, opts.SelectOptions...)
    if err != nil && err == selector.ErrNotFound {
        return nil, errors.NotFound("go.micro.client", err.Error())
    } else if err != nil {
        return nil, errors.InternalServerError("go.micro.client", err.Error())

    return next, nil

// 随机获取Registry中服务列表中的一个 策略是从上层方法传进来的
func Random(services []*registry.Service) Next {
    var nodes []*registry.Node

    for _, service := range services {
        nodes = append(nodes, service.Nodes...)

    return func() (*registry.Node, error) {
        if len(nodes) == 0 {
            return nil, ErrNoneAvailable

        i := rand.Int() % len(nodes)
        return nodes[i], nil



// 默认selector对象
type registrySelector struct {
    so Options
    rc cache.Cache

// Options设置 只有一个time to live 设置
type Options struct {
    // TTL is the cache TTL
    TTL time.Duration

// Cache 对象
type cache struct {
    // Registry对象如果过期则通过这个对象获取
    // Options 设置TTL
    opts Options
    // 锁用来控制并发问题
    // 利用map缓存服务器节点 用name作为key
    cache   map[string][]*registry.Service
    // map保存的服务器过期时间
    ttls    map[string]time.Time
    watched map[string]bool
    exit chan bool

// CacheSelector获取服务节点核心方法
// 利用如果找到则直接返回如果找不到则请求Registry获取服务器节点列表
func (c *cache) get(service string) ([]*registry.Service, error) {
    // read lock

    // 先获取缓存中的服务节点
    services := c.cache[service]
    // 获取服务节点的ttl
    ttl := c.ttls[service]

    if c.isValid(services, ttl) {
        // make a copy
        cp := registry.Copy(services)
        // unlock the read
        // return servics
        return cp, nil

    // get does the actual request for a service and cache it
    get := func(service string) ([]*registry.Service, error) {
        // 如果缓存不存在则
        services, err := c.Registry.GetService(service)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err

        // cache results
        // 设置缓存 并同时设置TTL
        c.set(service, registry.Copy(services))

        return services, nil

    // watch service if not watched
    if _, ok := c.watched[service]; !ok {
        go c.run(service)

    // unlock the read lock

    // get and return services
    return get(service)


在调用cache.get函数执行完成之后 会创建一个goroutine来监控service节点。调用的是Register中的watch方法,获取到result然后判断是否要添加、修改或者删除缓存中的服务器节点。

// get方法调用run函数启动监控
if _, ok := c.watched[service]; !ok {
    go c.run(service)

func (c *cache) run(service string) {
    // set watcher
    c.watched[service] = true

    // delete watcher on exit
    defer func() {
        delete(c.watched, service)

    var a, b int

    for {
        // exit early if already dead
        if c.quit() {

        // 设施隔多久检测服务是否可用
        j := rand.Int63n(100)
        time.Sleep(time.Duration(j) * time.Millisecond)

        // 创建一个watcher
        w, err := c.Registry.Watch(

        if err != nil {
            if c.quit() {

            d := backoff(a)

            if a > 3 {
                log.Log("rcache: ", err, " backing off ", d)
                a = 0



        // reset a
        a = 0

        // watch循环下一个事件并调用update
        // update函数根据 Register 返回的result 来修改本地缓存中的节点信息
        if err := c.watch(w); err != nil {
            if c.quit() {

            d := backoff(b)

            if b > 3 {
                log.Log("rcache: ", err, " backing off ", d)
                b = 0



        // reset b
        b = 0
