SQLite 官方提供的编译方法:
Creation of an import library from the sqlitedll.zip (http://www.sqlite.org/sqlitedll.zip) for MS Visual C++ is achieved by the following command:
LIB /DEF:sqlite3.def
This makes the files sqlite3.lib and sqlite3.exp files. The sqlite3.lib can then be used to link your programs against the SQLite DLL.
If you are using Visual C++ 6.0, you might also want to check #3057 for ways to work around an optimizer bug in the compiler.
Creation of an import library from the sqlitedll.zip (http://www.sqlite.org/sqlitedll.zip) for MS Visual C++ is achieved by the following command:
LIB /DEF:sqlite3.def
This makes the files sqlite3.lib and sqlite3.exp files. The sqlite3.lib can then be used to link your programs against the SQLite DLL.
If you are using Visual C++ 6.0, you might also want to check #3057 for ways to work around an optimizer bug in the compiler.
这样生成的静态库是需要 dll 文件的。所以我一直没明白官方提供的方法意义何在?
如果想要一个独立的 sqlite3.lib,可以这样做:
下载最新版本的 sqlite3 源代码,sqlite-amalgamation-3.x.xx.tar.gz。
sqlite3 源代码有好几个版本,amalgamation 版最适合集成到自己的工程中使用,它把所有的源代码都放入一个文件当中,在 sqlite3.c 这个含有 10 万多行代码的文件中包含了一切,直接编译它就可以生成一个独立的 sqlite3.lib。用 VC 编译:
cl /c sqlite3.c //只编译不链接,生成 obj 文件
lib sqlite3.obj
lib sqlite3.obj
用 GCC 编译的话方法类似