(整理翻译By Jim Ma)
Jason T. Greene(JBoss AS7项目组组长)刚刚在jboss as7邮件列表中正式发布JBoss 7.0.0.CR1(代码white rabbit)。以下是7.0.0.CR1发布信息的翻译:
我非常高兴的宣布AS7 Candidate release已经发布.
-集群(Infinispan+HTTP session复制)
-默认配置只包含EE Web Profile + JCA + JAX-RS/resteasy + OSGI
-JMS和WS包含在preview profile中
-默认配置和preview profile的配置均提供相对应的集群版的配置
非常感谢试用这一版本 ,并且报告使用过程遇到的问题.
在发布最终版本(Final release)之前,我们将重点进行AS7的文档更新(非常欢迎对AS7文档的贡献!)
从这个链接可以访问到AS7刚开始撰写的文档: https://docs.jboss.org/author/display/AS7/Documentation
I am happy to announce the candidate release for AS7! In this release we closed a whopping 350 issues and made several notable changes including - More spec coverage! - Clustering (Infinispan + HTTP Session Replication) - CLI, Console, and management improvements - Switched to EE Web Profile + JCA + JAX-RS/Resteasy + OSGi as default config + JMS + WS are available in the "preview" profile + Each also has an HA profile with clustering We would appreciate you taking it for a spin, and reporting any issues you run into. Before we hit final we are going to be putting energy towards adding documentation (contributions welcome!). You can see an early starting point here: https://docs.jboss.org/author/display/AS7/Documentation Thanks!