


tid ORDER BY dateline desc LIMIT 1", $_local_conn);
			$lastpost = mysql_fetch_array($result);
			$username = getusername($thread->authorid);
			mysql_query("UPDATE $_new_db_name.pre_forum_thread SET lastpost = $lastpost[dateline], author = '$username', lastposter = '$lastpost[author]' WHERE tid = $thread->tid"
					, $_local_conn);
	function update_post_detail(){
		global $_local_conn, $_new_db_name, $_old_db_name;
		$authorresult = mysql_query("SELECT pid, authorid FROM $_new_db_name.pre_forum_post", $_local_conn);
		while($author = mysql_fetch_object($authorresult)){
			$username = getusername($author->authorid);
			mysql_query("UPDATE $_new_db_name.pre_forum_post SET author = '$username' WHERE pid = $author->pid"
			, $_local_conn);
	function update_member_count(){
		global $_local_conn, $_new_db_name, $_old_db_name;
		$resultofthreadbyuser = mysql_query("SELECT count(1) AS threadsnum, authorid, (SELECT COUNT(1) FROM $_new_db_name.`pre_forum_post` post WHERE post.authorid = thread.authorid) AS postsnum"
				." FROM $_new_db_name.`pre_forum_thread` thread GROUP BY thread.authorid", $_local_conn);
		while($threadbyuser = mysql_fetch_object($resultofthreadbyuser)){
			$sql = "UPDATE $_new_db_name.`pre_common_member_count` SET posts = $threadbyuser->postsnum, threads = $threadbyuser->threadsnum WHERE uid = $threadbyuser->authorid";
			mysql_query($sql, $_local_conn);
	 * insert pre_common_stat and update thread num
	function insert_common_stat(){
		global $_local_conn, $_new_db_name, $_old_db_name;
		$from_date = "20120731";
		while($from_date < date("Ymd")){
			$date = date_create($from_date);
			date_add($date, date_interval_create_from_date_string("1 days"));
			$from_date = date_format($date, "Ymd");
// 			echo strtotime($from_date)."/".(strtotime($from_date)-86400);
			$resultofthreadsbydate = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(1) AS threadnum FROM $_new_db_name.pre_forum_thread WHERE dateline > ".strtotime($from_date)." AND dateline < ".(strtotime($from_date)+86400), $_local_conn);
			$threadbydate = mysql_fetch_array($resultofthreadsbydate);
// 			echo "SELECT COUNT(1) AS threadnum FROM $_new_db_name.pre_forum_thread WHERE dateline > ".strtotime($from_date)." AND dateline < ".(strtotime($from_date)+86400);
			$sql = "INSERT INTO $_new_db_name.`pre_common_stat` (`daytime`, `login`, `mobilelogin`, `connectlogin`, `register`, `invite`, `appinvite`, `doing`, `blog`, `pic`, `poll`, `activity`, `share`, `thread`, `docomment`, `blogcomment`, `piccomment`, `sharecomment`, `reward`, `debate`, `trade`, `group`, `groupjoin`, `groupthread`, `grouppost`, `post`, `wall`, `poke`, `click`, `sendpm`, `friend`, `addfriend`) "
					."VALUES ($from_date, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, $threadbydate[threadnum], 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)";
			mysql_query($sql, $_local_conn);
	function sync_posts(){
	function insert_posts(){
		global $_local_conn, $_new_db_name, $_old_db_name;
		$_query_old_posts_sql = "SELECT * FROM $_old_db_name.jforum_posts posts, $_old_db_name.jforum_posts_text text WHERE posts.post_id = text.post_id";
		$_old_posts = mysql_query($_query_old_posts_sql, $_local_conn);

		while(($old_post = mysql_fetch_object($_old_posts))){
			$_dateline = strtotime($old_post->post_time);
			$sql = "INSERT INTO $_new_db_name.`pre_forum_post` (`pid` ,`fid` ,`tid` ,`first` ,`author` ,`authorid` ".
			",`subject` ,`dateline` ,`message` ,`useip` ,`invisible` ,`anonymous` ,`usesig` ,`htmlon` ,`bbcodeoff`".
			" ,`smileyoff` ,`parseurloff` ,`attachment` ,`rate` ,`ratetimes` ,`status` ,`tags` ,`comment` ,`replycredit` ,`position`)"
					."VALUES ('$old_post->post_id', '$old_post->forum_id', '$old_post->topic_id', '1', '', '$old_post->user_id', '$old_post->post_subject',"
					."$_dateline, '$old_post->post_text', '$old_post->post_ip', '0', '0', '1', '1', '-1', '-1', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '', '0', '0', NULL)";
			mysql_query($sql, $_local_conn);
			 * insert into pre_forum_post_tableid, when insert post
			mysql_query("INSERT INTO $_new_db_name.`pre_forum_post_tableid` VALUES ($old_post->post_id)", $_local_conn);
	function sync_threads(){
	function update_forum_id(){
		global $_local_conn, $_new_db_name, $_old_db_name;
		 * update forums
		$forums = getForums();
		$jforums = getJforums();
		while($forum = mysql_fetch_object($forums)){
			while($jforum = mysql_fetch_object($jforums)){
				if($forum->name == $jforum->forum_name){
					 * update forum id in table thread
					mysql_query("UPDATE $_new_db_name.pre_forum_thread SET fid = $forum->fid WHERE fid = $jforum->forum_id", $_local_conn);
					//echo "更新主题表中的板块id信息";
					 * update forum id in table post
					mysql_query("UPDATE $_new_db_name.pre_forum_post SET fid = $forum->fid WHERE fid = $jforum->forum_id", $_local_conn);
					 * update pre_forum_forum, forum detail
					$thread_num_result = mysql_query("SELECT count(1) AS thread_num FROM $_new_db_name.pre_forum_thread WHERE fid = $forum->fid", $_local_conn);
					$thread_num = mysql_fetch_array($thread_num_result);
					$post_num_result = mysql_query("SELECT count(1) AS post_num FROM $_new_db_name.pre_forum_post WHERE fid = $forum->fid", $_local_conn);
					$post_num = mysql_fetch_array($post_num_result);
					$post_message_result = mysql_query("SELECT message FROM $_new_db_name.pre_forum_post WHERE fid = $forum->fid ORDER BY dateline DESC LIMIT 1", $_local_conn);
					$post_message = mysql_fetch_array($post_message_result);
					$sub_message = substr($post_message[message], 0, 29);
					mysql_query("UPDATE $_new_db_name.pre_forum_forum SET threads = $thread_num[thread_num], posts = $post_num[post_num], lastpost = '$sub_message'"
							." WHERE fid = $forum->fid"
							, $_local_conn);
			mysql_data_seek($jforums, 0); //put jforum db result index back to 0
	 * insert threads only sql
	function insert_threads(){
		global $_local_conn, $_new_db_name, $_old_db_name;
		//create a query
		$sql = "SELECT * FROM discuz.pre_common_member limit 0, 10";
		$queryJforumTopics = "SELECT * FROM jforum1.jforum_topics ";
		$result = mysql_query($queryJforumTopics, $_local_conn);
		////insert new threads
		while (($row = mysql_fetch_object($result))){
			//print "$row->topic_id
"; $_dateline = strtotime($row->topic_time); $sql = "INSERT INTO discuz.pre_forum_thread (`tid` ,`fid` ,`posttableid` ,`typeid` ,`sortid` ,`readperm` ,`price` ,`author` ,`authorid` ,`subject` ,". "`dateline` ,`lastpost` ,`lastposter` ,`views` ,`replies` ,`displayorder` ,`highlight` ,`digest` ,`rate` ,`special` ,`attachment` ,`moderated` ,`closed` ,". "`stickreply` ,`recommends` ,`recommend_add` ,`recommend_sub` ,`heats` ,`status` ,`isgroup` ,`favtimes` ,`sharetimes` ,`stamp` ,`icon` ,`pushedaid` ,`cover` ,". "`replycredit` ,`relatebytag` ,`maxposition`)". " VALUES ('$row->topic_id' , '$row->forum_id', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '', '$row->user_id', '$row->topic_title', $_dateline, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), '', '1', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '32', '0', '0', '0', '-1', '-1', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0')" ; mysql_query($sql, $_local_conn); } } function getusername($userid){ global $_local_conn, $_new_db_name, $_old_db_name; $finduseridsql = "SELECT username FROM $_new_db_name.pre_common_member WHERE uid = $userid"; $userresult = mysql_query($finduseridsql, $_local_conn); $user = mysql_fetch_array($userresult); return $user[username]; } /** * get new forum detail * @return resource */ function getForums(){ global $_local_conn, $_new_db_name, $_old_db_name; $sql = "SELECT * FROM $_new_db_name.pre_forum_forum WHERE type = 'forum' and status = '1'"; $forums = mysql_query($sql, $_local_conn); return $forums; } /** * get old forum detail. * @return resource */ function getJforums(){ global $_local_conn, $_new_db_name, $_old_db_name; $sql = "SELECT * FROM $_old_db_name.jforum_forums "; $jforums = mysql_query($sql, $_local_conn); return $jforums; } ?>






