还是应该遵守RMDB的范式来设计DB,将多值的列,拆分出一个新表来保存。这样写left join时就方便一对一处理。最后,要输出多个值时,多值会存在多列,可以采用GROUP_CONCAT() ... group by将多列值合并为一行。
CREATE VIEW edc_v_customer AS SELECT A.`id`, A.`email`, A.`mobile`, A.`first_name`,A.`last_name`, A.`manggis_id`, A.`external_id`, GROUP_CONCAT(ST.item_value) as site, A.`nick_name`, A.`chinese_name`, S.`item_value` as sex, A.`birthdate`, A.`age`, G.`item_value` as `age_group`, I.`item_value` as income, E.`item_value` as educate, M.`item_value` as marial, O.`item_value` as occupation, C.`item_value` as country, A.`update_time`,A.`status` FROM edc_customer AS A LEFT JOIN edc_prop_country AS C ON A.`country_id`>0 and A.`country_id`=C.id LEFT JOIN edc_customer_in_site AS CS ON (CS.customer_id=A.id) LEFT JOIN edc_prop_site AS ST ON ST.id=CS.site_id LEFT join `edc_prop_sex` AS S on A.`sex_id`>0 and S.id=A.`sex_id` LEFT join `edc_prop_occupation` AS O on A.`occupation_id`>0 and O.id=A.`occupation_id` LEFT join `edc_prop_marial` AS M on A.`marial_id`>0 and M.id=A.`marial_id` LEFT join `edc_prop_income` AS I on A.`income_id`>0 and I.id=A.`income_id` LEFT join `edc_prop_educate` AS E on A.`educate_id`>0 and E.id=A.`educate_id` LEFT join `edc_prop_age_group` AS G on A.`age_group_id`>0 and G.id=A.`age_group_id` GROUP BY A.id ;
默认导出csv文件是没有header的,为了增加header,可以选择“Custom - display all possible options”,勾选“Put columns names in the first row”