1. 获取jar包中所有的JarEntry
2. 检查每一个JarEntry的name,如果name是以'.class'结尾,那么,获取class名字
3. 使用第2步中得到的class名字,通过反射获取Method数组。
4. 循环Method数组,如果发现方法名与已知的方法名一致,则在控制台输出该类的class name。
基于上述思想,我写了一个小程序,并去跑了一个实例--> 在jar包 'commons-lang-2.4.jar'中查找拥有方法名 ' removeCauseMethodName' 的class。
Method [removeCauseMethodName] is included in Class [org.apache.commons.lang.exception.ExceptionUtils]
注意: 运行如下程序之前请先把'commons-lang-2.4.jar' 添加到build path中,然后根据自己的workspace环境指定该jar包的具体路径。
import java.io.IOException; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.jar.JarEntry; import java.util.jar.JarFile; public class SearchMetodInJarFile { private static final String CLASS_SUFFIX = ".class"; public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, SecurityException, ClassNotFoundException { /** target method name to be searched */ String targetMethodClass = "removeCauseMethodName"; /** * Specify a target method name as 'removeCauseMethodName'. Find class * name that includes the target method name in Jar File. */ new SearchMetodInJarFile().searchMethodName(new JarFile( "D:\\Develop\\workspace\\Test\\commons-lang-2.4.jar"), targetMethodClass); } /** * Search target method name in multiple Jar files. */ public void searchMethodName(JarFile[] jarFiles, String targetMethodName) throws SecurityException, ClassNotFoundException { for (JarFile jarFile : jarFiles) { searchMethodName(jarFile, targetMethodName); } } /** * Search target method name in one Jar file. */ public void searchMethodName(JarFile jarFile, String targetMethodName) throws SecurityException, ClassNotFoundException { EnumerationentryEnum = jarFile.entries(); while (entryEnum.hasMoreElements()) { doSearchMethodName(entryEnum.nextElement(), targetMethodName); } } /** * Check the name of JarEntry, if its name ends with '.class'. Then do the * following 3 steps: 1. Populate Class name. 2. Get the methods by * reflection. 3. Compare the target method name with the names. If the * methood name is equal to target method name. Then print the method name * and class name in console. */ private void doSearchMethodName(JarEntry entry, String targetMethodName) throws SecurityException, ClassNotFoundException { String name = entry.getName(); if (name.endsWith(CLASS_SUFFIX)) { /** * Populate the class name */ name = name.replaceAll("/", ".") .substring(0, name.lastIndexOf(".")); /** * Retrieve the methods via reflection. */ Method[] methods = Class.forName(name).getDeclaredMethods(); for (Method m : methods) { /** * Print the message in console if the method name is expected. */ if (targetMethodName.equals(m.getName())) { System.out.println(String.format( "Method [%s] is included in Class [%s]", targetMethodName, name)); break; } } } } }