quartz ha 一点疑惑

public class MyClusterDetailQuartzJobBean extends QuartzJobBean implements StatefulJob{

	protected final Logger logger = LoggerFactory

	// 上下文
	private ApplicationContext applicationContext;

	public void setApplicationContext(ApplicationContext applicationContext) {
		this.applicationContext = applicationContext;

	// 对象
	private String targetObject;

	public void setTargetObject(String targetObject) {
		this.targetObject = targetObject;

	// 方法
	private String targetMethod;

	public void setTargetMethod(String targetMethod) {
		this.targetMethod = targetMethod;

	protected void executeInternal(JobExecutionContext context)
			throws JobExecutionException {
		logger.debug("execute [" + targetObject + "] at once >>>>>>");
		try {
			// 从Spring获取对象
			Object otargetObject = applicationContext.getBean(targetObject);
			// 获取方法
			Method m = otargetObject.getClass().getMethod(targetMethod,
					new Class[] {JobExecutionContext.class});
			// 执行
			m.invoke(otargetObject, new Object[] { context });
		} catch (Exception e) {
			logger.error("", e);
			throw new JobExecutionException(e);

这里的applicationContext 如何注入进来的?


* Set the key of an ApplicationContext reference to expose in the JobDataMap,
* for example "applicationContext". Default is none.
* Only applicable when running in a Spring ApplicationContext.

In case of a QuartzJobBean, the reference will be applied to the Job
* instance as bean property. An "applicationContext" attribute will correspond
* to a "setApplicationContext" method in that scenario.

Note that BeanFactory callback interfaces like ApplicationContextAware
* are not automatically applied to Quartz Job instances, because Quartz
* itself is responsible for the lifecycle of its Jobs.

Note: When using persistent job stores where JobDetail contents will
* be kept in the database, do not put an ApplicationContext reference into
* the JobDataMap but rather into the SchedulerContext.

* @see SchedulerFactoryBean#setApplicationContextSchedulerContextKey
* @see org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext
