
【需求】1. 在数据库中创建表,且能按时间自动创建新表 2. 数据写入数据库 3. 从数据库读取数据

1. 创建表,并自动更新

 1 def Creat_Table(InitMySQL,tabel_name):
 2     # 创建游标
 3     cursor = InitMySQL.cursor()
 4     sql = "create table if not exists " +  tabel_name  + "(dTime   datetime not null comment '时间'," \
 5                                                 "dElectric_uA  int not null comment '电流'," \
 6                                                 "dDistance   int not null comment '距离'," \
 7                                                 "dWarning    int not null comment '报警')"
 8     # 打印sql
 9     print(sql)
10     cursor.execute(sql)
11     # 关闭游标
12     cursor.close()


tabel_name 可以根据时间创建

2. 向数据库中写入数据


 1 def Write_to_MySQL(InitMySQL,tabel_name, CurrentTime, Electric_uA, Distance, WaringStatus):
 2     # 创建游标
 3     cursor = InitMySQL.cursor()
 4     # #创建sql
 5     # w_table_name = 'warning' + day_time
 6     sql = 'insert into '+ tabel_name+ ' values (%s, %s, %s, %s)'
 7     print(sql)
 8     result = cursor.execute(sql,(CurrentTime, Electric_uA, Distance, WaringStatus))
 9     if result == 1:
10         pass
11         # print('添加成功!')
12     else:
13         print('添加数据失败!')
14     # 4. 操作成功提交事务
15     InitMySQL.commit()
16     # 关闭游标
17     cursor.close()


 1 import time
 2 import datetime
 3 import json
 4 import pymysql
 6 # JSON 文件初始化
 7 def InitJSON():
 8     global filejson
 9     try:
10         with open('TIE_LDY_20190923_1502.json', 'r') as f:
11             filejson = json.load(f)
12     except FileNotFoundError:
13         print('无法打开指定的文件!')
14     except LookupError:
15         print('指定了未知的编码!')
16     except UnicodeDecodeError:
17         print('读取文件时解码错误!')
19 #  数据库参数初始化
20 def MysqlInit():
21     # global LiuCaoSQL
22     # 1. 创建数据库连接对象
23     InitMySQL = pymysql.connect(host=filejson['MysqlInit']['host'], port=filejson['MysqlInit']['port'],
24                           database=filejson['MysqlInit']['database'], charset=filejson['MysqlInit']['charset'],
25                           user=filejson['MysqlInit']['user'], password=filejson['MysqlInit']['password'])
26     return InitMySQL
28 def Creat_Table(InitMySQL,tabel_name):
29     # 创建游标
30     cursor = InitMySQL.cursor()
31     # # 获取当前时间 年-月-日
32     # day_time ="%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M")
33     # # 拼接table名称
34     # tabel_name = 'warning' + day_time
35     # 创建sql语句  创建列表的表头 注意表的类型create table if not exists tablename
36     sql = "create table if not exists " +  tabel_name  + "(dTime   datetime not null comment '时间'," \
37                                                 "dElectric_uA  int not null comment '电流'," \
38                                                 "dDistance   int not null comment '距离'," \
39                                                 "dWarning    int not null comment '报警')"
40     # 打印sql
41     print(sql)
42     cursor.execute(sql)
43     # 关闭游标
44     cursor.close()
47 # 向数据库写入内容
48 def Write_to_MySQL(InitMySQL,tabel_name, CurrentTime, Electric_uA, Distance, WaringStatus):
49     # 创建游标
50     cursor = InitMySQL.cursor()
51     # 获取当前时间 年-月-日
52     # day_time ="%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M")
53     # #创建sql
54     # w_table_name = 'warning' + day_time
55     sql = 'insert into '+ tabel_name+ ' values (%s, %s, %s, %s)'
56     print(sql)
57     result = cursor.execute(sql,(CurrentTime, Electric_uA, Distance, WaringStatus))
58     if result == 1:
59         pass
60         # print('添加成功!')
61     else:
62         print('添加数据失败!')
63     # 4. 操作成功提交事务
64     InitMySQL.commit()
65     # 关闭游标
66     cursor.close()
67 def main():
68     # 初始化JSON 和数据库
69     InitJSON()
70     InitMySQL = MysqlInit()
71     # 测试数据库创建 表
72     # Creat_Table(InitMySQL)
73     # 测试写入数据
74     Electric_uA = 1000
75     Distance = 1000
76     WaringStatus = 0
77     i= 0
78     while(i < 10000):
79         # 获取当前时间 年-月-日
80         day_time ="%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M")
81         # 拼接table名称
82         tabel_name = 'warning' + day_time
83         # 测试数据库创建 表
84         Creat_Table(InitMySQL,tabel_name)
85         i += 1
86         CurrentTime ="%Y_%m_%d %H:%M:%S")
87         Electric_uA -= 1
88         Distance += 1
89         Write_to_MySQL(InitMySQL, tabel_name, CurrentTime, Electric_uA, Distance, WaringStatus)
90         time.sleep(0.01)
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 3. 从数据库读取数据

 1 """
 2    【函数功能】 读取数据库中最新的几分钟数据
 3    【输入】     需要查询的table名称(也可以从JSON中读取)
 4    【输出】     查找的数据列表
 5 """
 6 def Read_from_Mysql(InitMySQL, sql_tabel_name):
 7     # 从JSON中读取sql需要的参数
 8     set_time = filejson['MysqlInit']['set_delaytime_min']
 9     now_time ="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
10     last_time = ( - datetime.timedelta(minutes = set_time)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
11     # sql_tabel_name = filejson['MysqlInit']['sql_tabel_name']
12     sql_distance_header = filejson['MysqlInit']['distance_header']
13     sql_time_header = filejson['MysqlInit']['time_header']
14     # 创建游标
15     cursor = InitMySQL.cursor()
16     sql = "SELECT " + sql_distance_header + " FROM " + sql_tabel_name + " WHERE " + sql_time_header \
17           + "<'" + now_time + "'" + " and " +  sql_time_header + ">'" +last_time + "'"
18     # print(sql)
19     cursor.execute(sql)
20     # 获取该字段下的数据
21     result = cursor.fetchall()
22     # 关闭游标
23     cursor.close()
24     # 将数据转换成列表
25     new_distance= []
26     for dis in result:
27         new_distance.append(dis[0])
28     return new_distance

【重点】sql的字符串拼接中可以加入变量 时间需要用单引号引起来


 园中有博主写的关于数据库,非常详细 可以参考
