【常远|托福】:万能思路11 - benefits of museum 参观博物馆的益处

2017-04-02  常远托福


【常远|托福】:万能思路11 - benefits of museum 参观博物馆的益处_第1张图片

01 了解国家的历史文化不

【常远|托福】:万能思路11 - benefits of museum 参观博物馆的益处_第2张图片

- When visiting a new place→×know local people &culture


-museum → provide knowledge


-eg. local people live, what their tradition, lifestyles or food


【常远|托福】:万能思路11 - benefits of museum 参观博物馆的益处_第3张图片

02 欣赏艺术作品

【常远|托福】:万能思路11 - benefits of museum 参观博物馆的益处_第4张图片

- see unique masterpieces


- feel artists’ emotion→×through TV & Internet


- a bridge between people & a place


【常远|托福】:万能思路11 - benefits of museum 参观博物馆的益处_第5张图片


【常远|托福】:万能思路11 - benefits of museum 参观博物馆的益处_第6张图片

I would like totake foreigners to visit museums for the following reasons.

First,museums give them chances to know better about the past history and culture of the country. When they travel to a new place, they don’t know much about the local people and the culture, but visiting museums can provide them with the knowledge about how local people live, what their tradition, lifestyles or food is like

Also,when visiting museums, foreigners will be able to see unique masterpieces or arts and feel the emotion of the artists, which they can’t feel by just watching it on TV or on the internet.Museums are the places where centuries and centuries of history are hidden. It is like a bridge between people and a place.

Soforeigners should visit museums to access to the history, the culture, the tradition and the arts of the place.

【常远|托福】:万能思路11 - benefits of museum 参观博物馆的益处_第7张图片

历年托福考试与Historical Relics相关的题目和答案

【常远|托福】:万能思路11 - benefits of museum 参观博物馆的益处_第8张图片

2016年1月23日 大陆考试

Task1.Which one of thefollowing history courses should be added: history of science, art history or modernhistory of the 20thcentury?




Personally speaking,Ibelieve art history courses should be added. And here are my reasons.

First,arthistory courses  help remind students  about the past history and culture of theirown country. Learning art history courses helps students see and know how peoplein the past live, what their tradition, lifestyles or food is like. Without arthistory courses, students can’t remember their history and understandthemselves.

Also,when takingart history courses, students will be able to see some unique masterpieces orarts and feel the emotion of the artists, which they can’t feel by justwatching it on TV or on the internet. art history classes provide students withthe chances to discover centuries of history are hidden. It is like a bridgebetween today and the past.

2016年5月22日 大陆考试

Task1.When visiting anew city, which of the following would you choose to better learn about theplace? Visiting a museum, walking through streets, or taking an organized trip?




Personally speaking,Ibelieve visiting a museum will help people learn about a new city better.

First,museumremind people about the past history and culture of their own country. Also,when tourists come to the city, they want to visit museum and spots in order tosee and know how local people live, what their tradition, lifestyles or food islike. Without museum and the objects from the past, people can’t remember theirhistory and understand themselves.

Also,whenvisiting museum, tourists will be able to see unique masterpieces or arts andfeel the emotion of the artists, which they can’t feel by just watching it onTV or on the internet. museum are the places where centuries and centuries ofhistory are hidden. It is like a bridge between people and a place.

So foreigners should visit museums to access to the history, the culture,the tradition and the arts of the place.


Task1.Where would you take foreigners if they visited your city, if choosing between the three options of a factory, a university, or a museum?




I would like totake foreigners to visit museums for the following reasons.

First,museums give them chances to know better about the past history and culture of the country. When they travel to a new place, they don’t know much about the local people and the culture, but visiting museums can provide them with the knowledge about how local people live, what their tradition, lifestyles or food is like

Also,when visiting museums, foreigners will be able to see unique masterpieces or arts and feel the emotion of the artists, which they can’t feel by just watching it on TV or on the internet.Museums are the places where centuries and centuries of history are hidden. It is like a bridge between people and a place.

Soforeigners should visit museums to access to the history, the culture, the tradition and the arts of the place.


Task2Some cities protect old buildings, while some cities build new buildings instead. Which approach to city planning do you most agree with, and why?




I thinkprotecting old buildings will be more significant for the following reasons.

First,old buildings remind people about the past history and culture of their own country.Also, when tourists come to the city, they want to visit historical relicts and spots in order to see and know how local people live, what their tradition, lifestyles or food is like. Without old buildings and the objects from the past, people can’t remember their history and understand themselves.

Also,when visiting old buildings, tourists will be able to see unique masterpieces or arts and feel the emotion of the artists,which they can’t feel by just watching it on TV or on the internet. old buildings are the places where centuries and centuries of history are hidden. It is like a bridge between people and a place.

Soforeigners should visit museums to access to the history, the culture, the tradition and the arts of the place.


I think protecting old buildings will be more significant in view ofthe following reasons.

First,there is an increasing number of modern and new buildings already and many cities and regions are still crazy about building new ones. All these construction and pulling down, to some extent, destroy the old and historic houses. Following the new trend and fashion is not wrong, but we still need to maintain the treasure and legacy passed down generation and generation from our ancestors.

Also,protecting old houses is an important part of protecting the historical sites and cultural heritage. Old houses give us chances to know better about the past history and culture of the country and can provide us with the knowledge about how ancient people live, what their tradition, lifestyles or food is like, which is full of educational meaning.

【常远|托福】:万能思路11 - benefits of museum 参观博物馆的益处_第9张图片

【常远|托福】:万能思路11 - benefits of museum 参观博物馆的益处_第10张图片

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