我那遥远的美国朋友 期待再相见



和Josh夫妇做朋友的那两年可以说世界很温暖, 19到20岁的我很拼命地吸收西方文化,体会最深的主要是中美之间的教育人文,当然可能还有一点美式恋爱风!五年过去了,长久没联系,昨天收到了一封Lacey的邮件,感慨颇深!愿一切安好。

It has been many months ( or even years) since we have seen, talked to, or emailed you.  We regret that we have not  been able to keep in touch as much as we would have liked to. I am also afraid that many of you may have changed your email addresses and that this email might not reach you.  But, for those of you this reaches, please know this email comes with well wishes, affection, and from two people who miss you all dearly.

Five years ago at this time, Josh and I had just arrived in Baoding and were walking into classrooms where many of you sat or were to sit the following year. ......FIVE YEARS. It really seems like a lifetime ago. Time is certainly a funny thing how it goes so quickly, yet sometimes years feel just like yesterday.

This also marks three years since we returned to the states. As many of you know from our early updates upon our return, that coming back to the states was more difficult than we imagined. We missed china, our friends, the food, HFU, and hundreds of other things that we loved about China.  Coming home meant trying to find new jobs, a place to live, and try to pick back up the lives that we had put on hold for a couple years.

Now, three years later, I am pleased to share that Josh and I have both found good jobs that challenge us, offer a good balance between work and living life, and colleagues that for the most part are enjoyable to work with.   We do still live with Josh's parents, which was not in our plan, but given the time it took for us to find jobs, and the extremely high costs of housing, it has kept us at their houses longer than we would have liked.

But, i am also pleased to share that we are actively looking for our own home and hope  in the next few months will be moved out in a place of our own.  Our desire and timeframe to move out is very much driven by some other exciting news that we want to share:  In February 2017 Josh and I will become parents!!!!!  We are thrilled to be growing our family and excited to welcome this little baby into the world.

As many of you know we also have a deep desire to adopt a baby from China.  That has not changed, but rather we have just had to change the order around about when we will adopt verses having a baby.

Below are a few pictures from the past year. A picture from Christmas, then Josh surfing on our trip to Hawaii, a picture from our anniversary ( 8 years of marriage!!), one from the grand canyon, and the last was our announcement about the baby.

We would very much like to hear from each of you, what is going on in your lives, how you are doing, etc.  You are still very much loved and missed. Please know that our home is always open to you if you ever have the chance to come to the US.

Take care,

Josh and Lacey

我那遥远的美国朋友 期待再相见_第1张图片

我那遥远的美国朋友 期待再相见_第2张图片

我那遥远的美国朋友 期待再相见_第3张图片

我那遥远的美国朋友 期待再相见_第4张图片

                                                   Simon .2016.9/18

你可能感兴趣的:(我那遥远的美国朋友 期待再相见)