qiqi的Scalers Talk第四轮新概念朗读持续力训练Day14 20181021


Lesson 14 Do you speak English?

I had an amusing experience last year. After I

had left a small village in the south of France, I drove on to the next town.

On the way, a young man waved to me. I stopped and he asked me for a lift. As

soon as he had got into the car, I said good morning to him in French and he

replied in the same language. Apart from a few words, I do not know any French

at all. Neither of us spoke during the journey. I had nearly reached the town,when the young

man suddenly said,very slowly, ' Do you speak English?' As I soon learnt, he was English himself!

/aɪ/ /həd/ /ən/ /əmˈjuzɪŋ/ /ɪkˈspɪriəns/ /læst/ /jɪr//ˈæftər/ /aɪ/ /həd/ /lɛft/ /ə/ /smɔl/ /ˈvɪləʤ/ /ɪn/ /ðə/ /saʊθ/ /əv/ /fræns//aɪ/ /droʊv/ /ɑn/ /tə/ /ðə/ /nɛkst/ /taʊn//ɑn/ /ðə/ /weɪ//ə/ /jʌŋ/ /mæn/ /weɪvd/ /tə/ /mi//aɪ/ /stɑpt/ /ənd/ /hi/ /æskt/ /mi/ /fər/ /ə/ /lɪft//əz/ /sun/ /əz/ /hi/ /həd/ /gɑt/ /ˈɪntə/ /ðə/ /kɑr//aɪ/ /sɛd/ /gʊd/ /ˈmɔrnɪŋ/ /tə/ /ɪm/ /ɪn/ /frɛnʧ/ /ənd/ /hi/ /rɪˈplaɪd/ /ɪn/ /ðə/ /seɪm/ /ˈlæŋgwəʤ//əˈpɑrt/ /frəm/ /ə/ /fju/ /wɜrdz//aɪ/ /dʊ/ /nɑt/ /noʊ/ /ˈɛni/ /frɛnʧ/ /ət/ /ɔl//ˈniðər/ /əv/ /əs/ /spoʊk/ /ˈdʊrɪŋ/ /ðə/ /ˈʤɜrni//aɪ/ /həd/ /ˈnɪrli/ /riʧt/ /ðə/ /taʊn/,/wɛn/ /ðə/ /jʌŋ/ /mæn/ /ˈsʌdənli/ /sɛd/,/ˈvɛri/ /ˈsloʊli/, ' /dʊ/ /jʊ/ /spik/ /ˈɪŋglɪʃ//əz/ /aɪ/ /sun/ /lɜrnt//hi/ /wəz/ /ˈɪŋglɪʃ/ /hɪmˈsɛlf/!

任务配置:L0+ L1+L4



Left/lɛft/ next/nɛkst/  said/sɛd/  French/frɛnʧ/ very/ˈvɛri/  himself/hɪmˈsɛlf/ 


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