1.1 概率的历史

The use of probability to measure uncertainty and variability dates back hundreds
of years. Probability has found application in areas as diverse as medicine, gambling, weather forecasting, and the law.

The concepts of chance and uncertainty are as old as civilization itself. People have
always had to cope with uncertainty about the weather, their food supply, and other
aspects of their environment, and have striven to reduce this uncertainty and its
effects. Even the idea of gambling has a long history. By about the year 3500 b.c.,
games of chance played with bone objects that could be considered precursors of
dice were apparently highly developed in Egypt and elsewhere. Cubical dice with
markings virtually identical to those on modern dice have been found in Egyptian
tombs dating from 2000 b.c. We know that gambling with dice has been popular ever
since that time and played an important part in the early development of probability


It is generally believed that the mathematical theory of probability was started by
the French mathematicians Blaise Pascal (1623–1662) and Pierre Fermat (1601–1665)
when they succeeded in deriving exact probabilities for certain gambling problems
involving dice. Some of the problems that they solved had been outstanding for about
300 years. However, numerical probabilities of various dice combinations had been
calculated previously by Girolamo Cardano (1501–1576) and Galileo Galilei (1564–

通常认为,概率的数学理论是由帕斯卡和费马开启的,他们解决了骰子赌博中精确的概率问题。然而,有一些骰子的组合问题是有Cardano 和伽利略解决的。

The theory of probability has been developed steadily since the seventeenth
century and has been widely applied in diverse fields of study. Today, probability
theory is an important tool in most areas of engineering, science, and management.
Many research workers are actively engaged in the discovery and establishment of
new applications of probability in fields such as medicine, meteorology, photography
from satellites, marketing, earthquake prediction, human behavior, the design of
computer systems, finance, genetics, and law. In many legal proceedings involving
antitrust violations or employment discrimination, both sides will present probability
and statistical calculations to help support their cases.


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