The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People读书笔记12

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People读书笔记12_第1张图片


Dimensions of Win/Win双赢思维的五个要素

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People读书笔记12_第2张图片


(1) Character 正确的人格  正确的人格是Win/Win的基础。

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成熟maturity  在勇气和体谅之间取得平衡,有勇气表达自己的情感和信念,同时也能够体谅对方的情感和想法。

富足心态abundance mentalitty There is plenty out there for everybody.持这种观点的人源自内心的一种安全感价值感。建立在这样思维模式上,有很多资源,足够每个人的,人人可以分享。这种观念重视的是人的满足,快乐。公共关系的胜利不意味着取胜于他人,而是意味着有效的人际关系能够带来互惠互利。相对应的另一种论调Scarcity mentality稀缺心态则认为资源是稀缺的,非此即彼,别人的所得就是我的损失,看不得别人成功,看不得别人胜利。他们时时不忘与人比较,认定别人的成功等于自身的失败。



(2) Relationships 双赢的关系 以正确的任何为基础,我们才能建立和维护双赢关系。双赢关系的精髓就是信用,情感账户。没有信用,我们最多只能妥协;缺乏信用,我们就无法开诚布公,共同学习,彼此交流,发挥真正的创造性。

From the foundation of character ,we built and maintain Win/Win relationship.The trust, the Emotional Bank Account ,is the essence of Win/Win.Without trust,the best we do is compromise;without trust ,we lack the credibility for open,mutual learning and communication and real creativity.


The stronger you are---the more genuine your character ,the higher your level of proactivity,the more committed you really are to Win/Win-the more powergul your influence will be with that other person.

然而你对双赢的态度越坚持,越真诚,越积极,越投入,你对他人的影响力就越大。这一点真的是对人际领导能力真正的考验,已经从交易化的领导transactional leadership层面过渡到了转化化领导transformational层面。

(3) Agreements 双赢协议  双赢关系确立以后,就需要有协议来说明双赢的定义和方向。它让纵向交往变成水平交往,由监管式变为自我监督,有从属关系变为合作关系。


Creating Win/Win performance agreements requires vital paradigm shifts.The focus is on results,not methods.


Win/Win agreements are tremendously liberating.But as the product of isolated techniques ,they won't hold up.


A true Win/Win agreements is the product of the paradigm, teh charater,and the relationships out of which it grows.

(4) Systems双赢体系


(5) Processes 双赢过程


(2) 找出问题关键的issues及concerns

(3) 彼此可以接受的结果

(4) 达成这些结果的做法


1.hover v.1.悬浮;(鸟、昆虫等)振翅悬停 To hover means to stay in the same position in the air without moving forwards or backwards. Many birds and insects can hover by moving their wings very quickly.

A hawk hovered over the hill.

2.逗留在一处;徘徊;踌躇 If you hover, you stay in one place and move slightly in a nervous way, for example because you cannot decide what to do.

Judith was hovering in the doorway..

3.处于不确定状态;犹豫不决 If you hover, you are in an uncertain situation or state of mind.

.She hovered on the brink of death for three months as doctors battled to save her...

2.walk one's talk  言行一致;

If it isn't aligned systematically, you won't be walking your talk.

3.align 1. ~ sth (with/to sth) to change sth slightly so that it is in the correct relationship to sth else 使一致

Domestic prices have been aligned with those in world markets.

You need to align the reward system with these goals and values.

2.~ (sth) (with sth) to arrange sth in the correct position, or to be in the correct position, in relation to sth else, especially in a straight line 排整齐;校准;(尤指)使成一条直线

A tripod will be useful to align and steady the camera

4.spingboard n.(有助于成功的)跳板

He thought that marrying the rich girl was a springboard for his career.

5.torpedo  v.故意破坏;使彻底完蛋 If someone torpedoes negotiations or plans, they deliberately prevent them from being completed or from being successful.

These attacks are seen as an effort to torpedo the talks.

6.ennoble v.1.使崇高;使高尚 To ennoble someone or something means to make them more dignified and morally better.

.the enduring fundamental principles of life that ennoble mankind.

2.[常用被动态] to make sb a member of the nobility 封(某人)为贵族

he son of a financier who had been ennobled

Adjective高尚的,高贵的 "ennobling thoughts"  "the ennobling influence of cultural surroundings"

It is much more ennobling to the human spirit to let people judge themselves than to judge them.

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