

  • 「英语不好/英语很糟」:I am not 100% fluent, but at least I am improving. / I am still having a few problems, but I am getting better.
  • 「打招呼/你好」:How are you? / What's up? / How are you doing? / How's it going? / What's going on?。回答可以说Good. / Great. / Not much.(没怎么)。
  • 「谢谢」:I appreciate it. / Thanks for helping me.
  • 「不用谢/不客气」:My pleasure. / No problem. / It's nothing. / Don't mention it. / Anytime. / You bet. / That's for sure.(美国人很少说you're welcome)
  • 「没关系」:That's all right. / That's fine. / That's okay. / Don't worry about it. / We are cool.
  • 「拜拜/再见」:Catch you later.(之后再见) / Take care.(保重) / See ya.(拜拜)
  • 「我得去」:I've got to ...
  • 「很好/好棒/好厉害」:awesome / sick / amazing / cool / terrific / fantastic / fabulous
  • 「没错/对极了」:Right on.
  • 「你说得对/表示赞同/同意」:You said it!(你说得对) / Couldn't agree more.(我完全同意) / There you go!(这就对了) / You can say that again.(没错,的确如此) / You took the words right out of my mouth.(我也想这么说来着)
  • 「我不这么想/不是很同意」:I wouldn't say so/that.
  • 「不是这样/不是那样的/才不会」:It's not like that. / Far from it.
  • 「不/否定」:Not really. / Not exactly. 算不上,不见得。
  • 「好的/是的/没错/当然/的确/确实/对啊」:Okey-dokey! / For sure! / Totally! / Exactly! / Certainly! / Absolutely! / Sure thing! / You bet.(表示“一点也没错”,同时还要注意一下you bet经常可以用于表达“不用谢”,类似you are welcome),不要用of course,它带有挑衅的意味。
  • 「肯定是/我敢打赌」:I'll bet.
    • I'll bet he will come.
  • 「请便/随便用/别客气/当然可以」:Be my guest.(请便) / Knock yourself out.(你还跟我客气什么!只能和关系好的人说)。(当別人问:「我可以借用一下你的电话吗?」、「请问这个位置我可以坐吗?」、「你的笔借用一下好吗?」,这种情況就可以回答“请便”。但是不要用suit yourself,它是不太情愿的“随你便”)
  • 「委婉拒绝」:I'm afraid I can't.(恐怕不行) / I think I'm good.(不用了,谢谢) / I don't feel like ...(我没有很想…) / I'd love to, but ...(我也想啊,可是…) / Thanks for asking, but...(谢谢你问我,但是…)。讲"No, thanks."太low了。
  • 「我又来了」:Here I come again. / Here I am again. / It's me, again.
  • 「前方高能预警」:Dragon(s) Ahead / watch out / alert
    • spoiler alert 剧透警告
  • 「安利/推荐」:strongly recommend
    • I strongly recommend to you an awesome TV show called “Informal Talks”. 给大家安利一部综艺节目《非正式会谈》,非常好看。
  • 「打广告」:to push
    • Mu Xiaolong often pushes Egyptian culture onto us and wants us to think Egypt invent everything. 穆小龙经常给埃及文化打广告,想让我们认为什么都是埃及发明的。
  • 「为…带盐」:sing the praises of
    • Luo Shijie is always singing the praise of Chinese dumplings, maybe if I ate as many as him I can be strong like a horse too. 罗狮杰总在安利中国饺子,如果我像他一样吃那么多,也许我也可以力大如牛了吧!
  • 「扎心了,老铁」:That's hurt, my old fellow. / sting / cut sb to the quick / tear sb‘s heart out
    • His words stung her. 他的话刺痛了她的心。
    • Your heartless comments cut me to the quick. 你那番无心的话深深刺痛到了我。
    • The thought of our sweet memory is tearing my heart out. 一想到我们曾经美好的记忆,我就心碎了。
  • 「乐翻了/开心到飞起」:on cloud nine / in seventh heaven / walk on air / over the moon / be tickled pink
  • 「玩得很嗨」:have a ball
    • We had an absolute ball last night and didn't come home until 2 AM. 我们昨晚玩得太开心了,直到凌晨两点才回家。
  • 「浓缩才是精华」:vertically challenged
    • Whenever anyone teases Andy about his height, He just tells them that he is vertically challenged!
  • 「这就很尴尬了」:That’s super awkward!
  • 「有趣的灵魂」:a barrel of laughs
  • 「辣眼睛」:It's such an eyesore! / My eyes! / It's blinding me.
  • 「丧」:demotivation
  • 「不是我想打击你」:I hate to burst your bubble, but ...
  • 「打酱油的」:bystander / goofoff
  • 「吃瓜群众」:netizens
  • 「键盘侠」:keyboard warrior
  • 「一炮走红/爆红」:catapult to fame / go viral
  • 「过气明星」:goner / has-been / over the hill(说东西不再流行可以用out of fashion / not trendy anymore)
  • 「毒舌」:sharp-tongued
  • 「闷骚」:mild on the outside but wild on the inside
  • 「腹黑」:scheming
  • 「蠢萌」:adorkable
  • 「吐槽」:roast sb
  • 「老司机」:old hand
  • 「戏精」:drama queen
  • 「女汉子」:tough girl(“软妹子”就是girly girl)
  • 「吃货」:foodie
  • 「书呆子」:nerd
  • 「宅男」:homebody / shut-in
  • 「咸鱼/懒人」:lazybones
  • 「奇葩」:weirdo
  • 「奇怪」:weird,老美很少用 strange 而比较偏爱 weird 这个字
  • 「品性不佳的/行为低劣的」:sleazy
  • 「猥琐」:creepy / filthy / dirty
  • 「邋遢」:scruffy / slovenly / unkempt / slob
  • 「任性」:willful / unruly / headstrong
  • 「玻璃心」:sensitive
  • 「接地气」:down to earth
  • 「中毒/上瘾」:be hooked on / be addicted to
  • 「狂热/无节制地」:binge(追剧就是binge watching,酗酒就是binge drinking)
  • 「烂」:suck
  • 「馋死了」:have a craving for / My mouth is watering.
  • 「穷/吃土/身无分文」:be financially embarrassed(手头拮据) / I'm short on cash.(我缺钱、手头紧) / I'm flat broke.(我没钱了) / eat dust bunnies(吃土、喝西北风)
    • It seems that I will have to live on dirt next month. 看来下个月只有吃土了。
    • I'm financially embarrassed at the moment. 我目前手头拮据。
  • 「夜宵」:midnight snack / late-night snack
  • 「修仙/熬夜/刷夜/通宵」:pull an all-nighter / burn the midnight oil / stay up late
  • 「舍不得」:reluctant(更常用)、grudge(还有吝啬、积怨、耿耿于怀的意思)
    • This dream has no end, but how also reluctant to wake up. 这一场梦没有终点,却怎么也舍不得醒来。
    • The boy keeps looking back at the assistant, fascinated, as if reluctant to leave. 男孩一直出神地看着那位助理,似乎舍不得离开。
  • 「不经意间」:unconsciously / without noticing / before one realizes it
  • 「图个啥」:What for? / To what end? / What (the hell) is that for? / What's in it for you?
  • 「对牛弹琴」:It's like talking to a wall.
  • 「你是个好人」:You're a nice guy.
  • 「太麻烦了」:It's too complicated. / This won't be easy. / It's a pain in the ass.
  • 「明天我有事情要做/忙/脱不开身」:Sorry but I am tied up all day tomorrow. 表示自己忙,脱不开身。
  • 「快了」:Almost.
  • 「快到了/马上到了」:Almost there. / I'll be right there soon. / A couple blocks away. / Will be there any minute. / Will be there in a bit. / Just a sec.
  • 「马上回来」:I'll be right with you.
  • 「重感情的人」:a person who cares too much about feelings and relationships
  • 「搭讪/撩妹」:hit on sb / charm
  • 「面基/约会/约一波」:meet up
  • 「心动」:flipped
  • 「表白/我喜欢你/看上某人」:I have a crush on you. / I'm keen on you. / I get a kick out of you.
  • 「装/假/虚伪」:fake
  • 「装逼/炫耀」:ostentatious / show off / poser(要是说某人装逼一般说"You are such a poser.")
  • 「出风头」:push oneself forward / steal the show / hog the limelight
  • 「打嘴炮」:all talk and no action
  • 「别太膨胀」:Don't be complacent.
  • 「注孤生」:doomed to be forever alone
  • 「光棍/单身狗」:bare branches / damn single / unattached / bachelor
  • 「秀恩爱」:PDA = public displays of affection
  • 「小哥哥/小姐姐/帅哥/美女」:handsome / cute / pretty / stunning / (drop-dead) gorgeous / charming / breathtaking,或者也可以直接说"Hi, beautiful."
  • 「夸小孩可爱」:adorable
  • 「谈恋爱」:in a relationship
    • Have you been in a relationship before? 你有没有谈过恋爱?
  • 「小三」:mistress / home wrecker
  • 「出轨/劈腿」:have an affair with
  • 「渣男/花心大萝卜」:two-timer / pig / jerk/asshole(混蛋) / scum(人渣)
  • 「八卦」:gossip
  • 「狗血」:It's a cliche.
  • 「狗仔」:paparazzi
  • 「无节操/节操掉了一地」:have no sense of shame
  • 「备胎」:rebound guy / back-burner guy(on the back burner可以表示“先放一放;降低优先级;放在次要位置”)
  • 「被甩了」:get dumped by someone
  • 「好相处」:He's nice to be around. 他很好相处。
  • 「合得来」:have good chemistry with each other / be in sync / I think we two really click. / hit it off
  • 「请吃饭」:I'll treat you to a meal.
  • 「破了/坏了」:裤子破了用torn/worn out,机械功能不正常的话就可以用broken,硬的东西也可以用broken
  • 「手残」:I have no hand-eye coordination.
  • 「敷面膜」:apply a facial mask / put on a facial mask
  • 「戴口罩」:wear a face mask
  • 「充电宝」:mobile charger / portable charger / pocket charger / power bank
  • 「坐过站了」:I missed my stop.
  • 「你到家了吗」:Have you reached home yet? / Are you at home yet?
    • Have you already arrived? 你已经到了吗?
  • 「不占用名额」:fill capacity / fill quota
    • last 3 quota 最后3个名额
    • campus recruitment quota 校招名额
    • Students don't fill the schools new-student capacity. 学生不占用学校的招生名额。
    • We still have vacancies for secretaries but other positions have been filled. 我们的秘书名额尚有空缺,但其他职位都满了。
  • 「不用算上我」:Count me out!
  • 「算你一份」:cut all you in / give you a cut
    • I cut all you in. 把大家都算在内。
  • 「这个座位有人吗?/这个位子被占了吗?」:Is this seat taken?
    • The seat is occupied. / I’m sorry, It's taken. 座位有人占了。
    • No, go ahead. 没有,坐吧。
    • 「帮忙占座位」:Save a seat for me.
  • 「午餐吃什么」:What are we going to eat for lunch today?
  • 「我在马路对面」:I'm just across the street.
  • 「距离…还有多少天」:How many days do I have before I resign / until my resignation
  • 「走着瞧/你看着办/你给我等着」:Just you wait and see.
  • 「废话不多说,直接进入主题」:Get to the point.
  • 「不值一提」:None to speak of. / Nothing worth mentioning. /not worth bringing up
  • 「凑合/将就」:make do with sth
    • I gotta make do with it. 我只好将就着了。
    • We have to make do with the small room for the night. 我们晚上只的在这小房间里将就一下。
  • 「不费吹灰之力/毋庸置疑」:hands down
    • He won that singing contest hands down. 他不费吹灰之力地就赢了歌唱比赛。
    • Your English is hands down the best among these students. 你的英文程度毋庸置疑地是这些学生中最好的了。
  • 「小气鬼」:stingy指的是舍不得花钱,如要表达器量小心胸狹窄可以用small-minded或intolerant。
  • 「生活拮据/死定了」:in a bind
    • Each month I gotta pay my rent, cable TV, internet, transportation, etc. And after paying those bills, I am in a bind. 我每个月要付房租,有线电视费,网路及交通费等等,付完之后我生活就很拮据了。
    • I think I failed my test last week, damn, I am in a bind. 我想我上星期的考试可能考砸了,他妈的,我死定了。
  • 「完了/死定了/嗝屁」:I'm screwed. / I'm doomed. / I'm dead. / I'm toast.
    • It's all fucked up. 这下全完了。
  • 「豁出去」:throw caution to the wind
    • He threw caution to the wind and bet all his money in the sporting house wishing that he could be a millionaire in just one bet. 他豁出去了把所有的钱在赌场里一次下注,期待可以一注就成为百万富翁。
  • 「花血本」:It cost me a fortune.
  • 「求稳/不冒险」:play safe
  • 「图片与实物不符」:The product doesn't match the picture!
  • 「我不喜欢别人说我胖」:I don't like it when others tell me I'm fat.
  • 「校园生活」
    • 「学长学姐」:美帝人民他们没有这样贴标签式的说法,一般直呼其名。如果实在要这样说,就senior schoolmate / junior schoolmate。
    • 「逃课/翘课」:play truant / ditch school / skip class
    • 「老师点名」:call the roll
      • The teacher will call the roll in every period of class. 老师每节课都会点名。
      • remove sb's name from the roll 把某人除名
    • 「偷懒的人/分组报告时什么都不做的人」:slacker / loafer
    • 「夜冲/刷夜」:have a night out
  • 「活生生的例子」:living proof
  • 「不带这样的」:Aww...come on, man!
  • 「我的心情很复杂」:I'm in a very complicated mood/state right now. / My emotions are very complex.
  • 「我想静静」:I just want a few moments of peace. / I need some time to myself. / Leave me be! / Please leave me alone.
  • 「逃过一劫/幸免于难/好险」:a narrow escape / a close call
    • It's a close call.I nearly hit the car in front. 好险啊!差点撞上前车。
  • 「美丽」:Charlotte's web was truly a thing of beauty.
    • 类似造句:David is truly a man of humor.
  • 「站得住脚」:hold water
    • How can this conclusion hold water? 这种结论怎么站得住脚?
  • 「找茬」:pick on sb
    • Don't pick on me. 不要来找我麻烦。
  • 「话扯太远了」:I've gotten carried away.
  • 「站着说话不腰疼」:Easier said than done.
  • 「我先走了」:I gotta run. / I have to go. / I have to get going. / I have to head out.
  • 「冻死了」:I'm freezing to death!
  • 「我很累/累坏了/累趴下/累成狗」:I'm beat. / I'm exhausted. / I'm dead tired. / I'm worn out. / I'm feeling burned out. / I'm ready to drop.
  • 「很忙」:swamped
    • I'm already totally swamped with work! 工作太多了,好像陷进了沼泽地一样,让我觉得喘不过气。
  • 「贵」:steep / cost sb an arm and a leg
    • That’s a bit steep. 这个东西有一点点贵。
    • It costs an arm and a leg to own a cat these days. 现在连养只猫都贵得要死。
  • 「想得美/没门儿」:You wish! / In your dreams! / Dream on! / Over my dead body! / As if! / Not a chance! / Yes, and pigs might fly!
  • 「你管得着吗?谁理你呀!」:Bite me!
  • 「真可惜/真遗憾」:What a pity! / What a shame! / That's too bad!
  • 「真丢脸/真无耻」:Shame on you!
  • 「等一下」:Give me a second. / Wait me a second. / Just a few more minutes. / Half a moment. / Hold on a moment.
  • 「不开心/没心情」:I'm not in the mood. / I'm upset. / I'm down.
    • I'm not in the mood for company. 我这会儿就想一个人呆着。
  • 「不在状态」:I'm not myself today.(今天不在状态) / I just zoned out for a moment.(心不在焉,走神) / My brain isn't functioning.(脑子不转了)
  • 「我的天」:Oh my Gosh. / Oh my goodness. / Oh, Boy!(表示高兴、兴奋、惊奇) / Whoops!(糟糕,讲话的人不小心做错了什么事或忘了什么事) / Ouch!(被什么东西碰到或被弄疼了)
  • 「被整了」:prank
    • You were/got pranked! 你被整了!
    • I'm just messing with you. 逗你玩儿呢。
  • 「道歉/我不是那个意思/这并非我的本意」:I didn't mean it that way. / I'm not trying to be mean. / My sincere apologies. / Are you mad at me?(你在生我的气吗?)
  • 「请求帮忙」:Could you do me a favor? / Could I trouble you to ... / Could you possibly ... / Would you mind ... / Can you give me a hand?
    • Could you possibly give me a lift home? 我能搭个便车吗?
  • 「餐巾纸」:tissue(最常见的一包包的纸) / napkin(比较厚、硬的餐布)
  • 「厕所」:Where is the bathroom?
  • 「近视」:nearsighted / shortsighted
  • 「你对我没感觉了?你不喜欢我了?你已经忘了我吗?」:Are you over me?
  • 「这对我有什么好处?」:How does it benefit me? / What do I get out of this? / What’s in it for me?(最正宗)
  • 「随你便/无所谓/不在乎/我才不管/与我无关/爱咋咋的/去他妈的我才不管/我他妈才不在乎呢」:Suit yourself. / For all I care. / It's none of my business. / I don't care. / I don't give two hoots. / I don't give a crap/damn/shit.
  • 「随便/都行」:Anything is fine. / Doesn't matter, anything. / I'm good with anything.
  • 「一般般/还可以/就那样」:It's okay. / Sort of. / Not bad.
  • 「我保证/我发誓/放心吧/妥妥的」:You have my word. / I promise you.
  • 「说吧/开始吧/继续吧/表示同意允许」:Go ahead.
  • 「过分」:go too far / over the top / cross the line / This is too much.
  • 「不要得寸进尺/别蹬鼻子上脸」:You're pushing it.
  • 「串门儿/顺便拜访」:drop by
    • Come by anytime.(随时来串门) / Drop by if you are free.(有空来串门)
  • 「下车/把某人送到某个地方/顺便把东西给某人」:drop off
    • Just drop me off at the next intersection. 就在下个路口把我放下吧。
    • I'll drop by your place and drop off your stuff later. 我等会顺道去你家把你的东西给你。
  • 「拉家常」:chit-chat / make a small talk
  • 「打包」:take away / take out
    • I'd like to pack it away. 我想打包带走。
    • For here or to go? 在这儿吃还是带走?
  • 「你来决定/你说了算」:It's your call. / You make the call. / You have the final say. / It's all up to you. / You are the boss.
  • 「有你的电话」:There's a call for you. / It's your phone call.
  • 「不想理你/懒得理你」:turn one's back on sb / gave sb the cold shoulder / gives sb the silent treatment / ignore sb / brush sb off
    • I'm crossing you out. 我不理你了。
    • I don't understand why she gave me the cold shoulder. 我不明白她为何对我冷淡。
    • She always gives me the silent treatment whenever she gets mad at me. 她每次一和我吵架就不理我了。
  • 「太棒了」:You rock!
  • 「给我递个东西」:Can you pass/hand me ...?
    • 「给你」:Here you are. / Here you go.
  • 「你要这个干嘛?」:What do you want/need the ... for?
  • 「关心/你怎么了/发生了什么」:What’s going on? / What’s wrong? / What happened? / What’s the matter? / Is anything wrong? / Is anything bothering you? / Are you okay? / Are you all right? / What can I do for you?
  • 「你还好吗」:Are you all right? / All right with you?
  • 「手机没电」:My phone's dead. / My phone's out of batteries.
  • 「交朋友」: Let's be friends! Could I have your WeChat? Let me scan your QRCode.
  • 「什么意思」:What Do You Mean? / What does that mean?
  • 「我不是故意的」:I didn’t mean it.
  • 「随便问问」:I'm just checking. / I'm just wondering.
  • 「还真别说/你别说,还真是」:Hey, look, It really works.
  • 「真得吗/真是这样吗/惊讶」:You don't say it! / Really? / Is that so?
  • 「呵呵」:interesting
  • 「互撕/争执/有恩怨」:have a beef with each other
  • 「喝汤」:eat soup / have soup(万金油动词have)
  • 「你先走」:After you.(不要说You go first.)
  • 「不着急」:用公共饮水机/洗手池时,如果有人正好在用,可以这样说"Take your time."(不着急,你先用)。等对方用完了,ta可能会对你说"All yours."(请便)
  • 「你先忙吧/那你去忙吧/先不打扰了」:I'll leave you to it. / I'll let you go. / I'll let you get back to work. / I won't disturb you any further. / I won't keep you. / I'll get out of your hair. / Then you go. / It is all right, go ahead please. / It's ok, please take your time.
    • Go ahead and do what you need to do first. We will talk later.
  • 「听懂了吗?」Does this make sense? / Did you get it/me? / Was that clear? / Where did I lose you?(我还有哪里没说清楚吗?)
  • 「没听清/没明白/听不懂」:Pardon? / You lost me. / I didn't follow.
  • 「我知道了/我懂了/明白了」:I got it! / I got you!
  • 「睡懒觉」:sleep in
  • 「插队」:cut the queue / jump the line
    • 「请排队」:Please line up, okay?
  • 「闯红灯」:run the red light
  • 「学霸」:straight A student / grind
  • 「夜猫子」:night owl
  • 「赶紧的/快一点」:On the double!
  • 「心疼/为…感到难过」:feel bad for
  • 「请自取」:Help yourself to the tableware. 餐具请自取。
    • Help yourself to anything you like. 喜欢什么请随便吃。
  • 「往返票」:round-trip ticket
  • 「不怀好意」:up to no good
    • I could tell from that smile that he was up to no good. 从他笑的那样子我就知道他不怀好意。
  • 时间日期相关
    • 「时间几点几分」:quarter past eight(8点15分)、quarter to nine(8点45分)、half past eight(8点30分)、twenty past eight(8点20分)、ten to nine(8点50分)
    • 「下下周」:the week after the next / two weeks from now
    • 「前几天」:the other day
    • 「几天前」:a few days ago
    • 「这几年/这些年来」:over the years
    • 「一直」:all the time
  • 「说坏话」:speak ill of sb
  • 「有钱」:well off
  • 「天气热」:hot 热的,scorching 灼热的,blazing 炎热的,sweaty 出汗多的,sweltering 闷热的,sizzling 极热的,It's raining fire! 天气火热火热的
  • 「天气冷/冻死了」:freezing cold
    • 「零下10度」:minus 10 / 10 below
  • 「晒黑」:get tanned / get dark
  • 「晒伤」:be sunburned
  • 「抹防晒霜」:put on sunscreen / rub
  • 「累赘」:excess baggage
  • 「收拾屋子」:tidy up the room
  • 「折中」:middle ground
    • I think we should find a middle ground. 我想我们应该折中一下。
    • Let's try to figure out where the middle ground is. 让我们试试看看能不能找到一个折中的方法。
  • 「费时」:time-consuming
  • 「掺和/正忙于/参与其中」:in the middle of
  • 「注定」:be bound to
  • 「冤枉/错怪」:You are accusing me wrongly!(你冤枉我了) / I have wronged you.(我错怪你了) / bark up the wrong tree(错怪了某人)
  • 「坚持到底」:We tough it out.
  • 「坚持不懈」:plug away
    • I'll just keep plugging away.
    • The more you plug away at practicing piano, the better you'll be at playing it. 你越坚持练习,就能弹得越好。
  • 「胜任」:be qualified / be competent / be cut out + for sth / to do sth
  • 「无论如何」:Anyway / One way or another
  • 「表面上看」:on the surface
  • 「你懂的」:You know what I mean.
  • 「别生我气」:Please don't be mad at me.
  • 「别管它/随它去/顺其自然」:Let it slide. / Let it be.
  • 「想开点/看开点」:Get over it.
    • You've got to get over this. 你应该看开点。
  • 「少来了/少骗人了/怎么可能/闭嘴」:Get out of here! / Shut up!
  • 「省省吧/得了吧/少来这套/别扯淡了/别忽悠人了」:Save it. / Stop it. / Come on. / Don't give me that.
  • 「得了吧」:give me a break
    • You think he is the best in our team? Give me a break! 你觉得他是最好的?得了吧你!
    • Come on. Give me a break, I don't want to do this. 拜托,饶了我吧,我可不想这样。
  • 「尽兴」:have a blast
  • 「闷闷不乐」:feel depressed / long face / down in the mouth / Why are you so glum?
    • Why the long face? 为什么闷闷不乐呀?
  • 「故意」:on purpose
    • Is he doing this on purpose? 他是不是故意的啊?
  • 「太困难/太难懂」:over one's head
    • Math is just over my head. 数学对我来说太难了。
  • 「家务」
    • 「扫地」:sweep the floor
    • 「拖地」:mop the floor
    • 「铺床」:make the bed
    • 「煮饭」:cook the meals
    • 「洗碗」:wash the dishes
    • 「烧水」:boil water
    • 「洗衣服」:do the laundry
    • 「晾衣服」:hang out the laundry
    • 「收衣服」:bring in the laundry
    • 「这衣服」:fold the laundry
    • 「刷厕所」:scrub the toilet
    • 「丟垃圾」:take out the trash/garbage
  • 「感冒生病症狀」
    • 「身体不舒服/小病」:I'm not feeling well. / I feel under the weather.
    • 「鼻塞」:My nose is congested/stuffed. / I have a stuffy nose.
    • 「流鼻涕」:I have a runny nose. / My nose is running.
    • 「擤鼻子」:Do you have any tissues? I have to blow my nose. 你有纸吗?我得擤一下鼻涕。
    • 「发烧」:have a temperature / have a (high) fever
    • 「咳嗽」:(have a bad) cough
    • 「打嗝」:hiccup
    • 「打喷嚏」:sneeze
    • 「打呵欠」:yawn
    • 「喉咙沙哑」:sore throat
    • 「胸闷」:chest tightness / chest tension
    • 「胸痛」:chest pain
    • 「失眠」:have insomnia / have trouble sleeping
    • 「过敏」:I have allergies.
    • 「食物中毒」:have food poisoning
    • 「肚子不舒服」:My stomach is a bit dodgy. / I feel a bit dodgy. / My stomach is feeling weird. / My stomach is upset. / My stomach is killing me. / bellyache(比较可爱的说法)
    • 「腹泻/拉肚子」:I have/get diarrhea. / I get the runs.
    • 「恶心想吐/反胃」:I'm feeling nauseated. / I feel like I'm gonna throw up.
    • 「呕吐」:vomit / throw up
      • I vomited up most of my dinner. 我吃的饭大部分都吐掉了。
      • He vomited up all he had just eaten. 他把刚才吃下的所有东西都吐了出来。
      • I feel like throwing up. 我想吐。
    • 「吃不下任何东西」:I can't keep anything down.
    • 「有痰」:phlegm
    • 「头晕」:dizzy
    • 「昏昏欲睡的/嗜睡的」:drowsy
    • 「痛」:pain(刺痛,程度更重) / ache(隐隐作痛,程度更轻)
    • 「刮伤」:I scratched my face yesterday.
    • 「刮痕」:I have scratches on my arm.
    • 「脚扭了/扭到脚」:I sprained my ankle.
    • 「腰酸背痛/全身酸痛」:My whole body is so sore.
  • 「回到正轨」:back on track
  • 「沉住气/别着急/别发火」:keep one's shirt on
  • 「别往心里去」:Don't take it personally.
  • 「跟你没完」:This isn't over.
  • 「大惊小怪」:make a fuss
  • 「孤立无援」:be left high and dry
  • 「天壤之别」:far cry
    • It is a far cry from a success, but it is a good start. 虽然离成功还很远,但它是一个好的开始。
    • This flat is a far cry from the house they had before. 这个公寓和他们从前的房子大不相同。
  • 「与众不同」:He is one of a kind.
  • 「自恋」:narcissist
  • 「通融/变通/放宽规定」:bend the rules
  • 「有事瞒着我」:Are you hiding something from me?
  • 「挑剔/挑三拣四」:picky
  • 「悬而未决」:be up in the air
  • 「恰到好处」:hit the spot
    • Perfect. It really hits the spot. 完美,恰到好处!
    • I think the ice-cream will hit the spot today. 我想今天这些冰淇淋挺合胃口的。
  • 「一针见血/直击要害」:right for the jugular / right to the belly of the beast / hit the nail on the head
  • 「没眼光」:It's their loss! 是他们没眼光!
  • 「自以为是」:full of oneself
  • 「鼻塞」:I have a stuffy nose.
  • 「脑子一片空白」:draw a blank
    • I've completely drawn a blank. 我完全想不起来了,脑子一片空白。
  • 「顶嘴/反驳」:talk back to sb
  • 「地道」:authentic
  • 「路痴」:I have no sense of direction.
  • 「纠结」:torn / indecisive / struggle to decide
    • Mike is so torn between becoming a doctor and becoming a teacher. Mike在做医生还是当老师之间无比纠结。
    • I know you are very torn on this issue, but you have to do something. 我知道这件事你很纠结,但你必须有所行动了。
  • 「私下」:in confidence / in private
  • 「辛苦了/鼓励」:I really appreciate it! / Good job! / Well done! / Great effort, guys! / Keep it up!
  • 「很棒/做得好/好样的」:Way to go! / Well done! / Good job!
  • 「加油」:Hang in there!(撑着点) / I'm rooting for you.(我支持你) / You've got this!(你没问题的) / I've got your back.(我挺你) / You're almost there.(马上就可以了)
  • 「坚持下去/继续加油/继续努力/再接再厉」:Keep it up! / Keep up the good work!
  • 「我挺你/安慰他人」:I'm on your side. / I'm behind you. / I'll stand by you. / I'm with you. / I'll back you up. / I got your back.
  • 「还没睡吗?」:Still up?
  • 「少放点盐/辣」:Go easy on the salt/pepper.
  • 「可不是嘛/就是说嘛/认同/附和」:Tell me about it.
  • 「这还用说/我早就知道了/还要你告诉我/挖苦」:You're telling me! / Tell me about it!
  • 「绝不/一点也不」:by no means(一点也不) / not at all(一点也不) / on no account(绝对不可以/切勿)
  • 「我不相信」:I'm not buying it. / I don't buy it.
  • 「请假」:have day off
    • I’d like to have three days off. 我想请三天假。
    • Can I take next Tuesday off? 下周二我能请假吗?
  • 「替班」:cover for sb
    • Could you cover for me today? 你今天能替我值班吗?
    • Can you cover my shift today? 我不在的时候你替我一会儿好吗?
  • 「白班/夜班」:day shift / night shift
  • 「我认为/据我所知/在我看来」:in my book / in my opinion / as far as I am concerned
  • 「开始相信/以为/觉得」:get it into one's head that ...
    • He somehow got it into his head that I might have had an accident. 他莫名其妙地觉得我可能出事了。
    • He's got it into his head that he was going to marry me. 他总以为我会嫁给他。
  • 「没什么大不了的」:It’s no big deal.
  • 「都有了」:You name it.
    • You name it, and we have it. 凡是你说的出名字的我们都有。
    • I enjoy all sports: tennis, football, swimming, you name it. 我喜欢所有的运动,网球,足球,游泳只要你说的出的运动我都喜欢。
  • 「过奖了/受宠若惊」:I'm so flattered. / Was it?! I was so nervous. I totally messed up the beginning. 有嘛?过奖啦。我特别紧张,前面都搞砸了。
  • 「太感谢了」:You are so sweet!
  • 「真了不起」:That's really something.
  • 「赖我/我的错/是我不好」:My bad. / I apologize for that.
  • 「搞砸」:blow it
  • 「有同感/我也这样认为」:I feel the same way.
  • 「很难说/谁也不知道/谁也没把握」:You never can tell.
    • Get real! You can never tell about this sort of thing. 现实点吧,这种事谁也说不准。
  • 「这就对了/就是这样/问题就在这儿」:That's it.
  • 「完了/没有别的了/到此结束了」:That's it.
    • -Anything else? 还有其他事吗? -That's it. You can leave any time. 没别的了,你随时可以离开了。
  • 「我不喜欢」:I'm not into it. / That's not for me.
  • 「抽不开身」:He was unavoidably detained. 他太忙了,实在抽不开身。
  • 「滚/走开」:fuck off
  • 「希望/但愿/走运的话」:with any luck
  • 「芝麻开门」:Open Sesame
  • 「认输」:throw in the towel
  • 「吓到我」:freak me out
  • 「好吗」:All right?
  • 「这样不太好吧」:That's not a good idea. / This way is not too good, right?
  • 「脸皮厚/不要脸/不知羞耻的」:shameless / bold-faced / brass neck
  • 语气词
    • 「废话/那不然勒/黑人问号」:Duh!
    • 「呀/惊讶」:Yikes!
    • 「少女心喷发/可怜」:Aww
    • 「无聊/没兴趣/还好」:Meh
    • 「呸/切/轻蔑」:Pfft
  • 「相信/认识到」:be convinced of
  • 「耍小聪明」:get smart with sb / play tricks on sb
  • 「你又不是三岁小孩」:You weren't born yesterday.
  • 「和解/言归于好」:bury the hatchet
  • 「无意」:I didn't mean to hurt you. 我无意伤害你。
  • 「恶心」:gross / nasty / disgusting
  • 「无趣」:lame
  • 「向前一点」:Scoot up。Scoot 这个字如果你去查字典,它告诉你的解释是“轻快地奔跑”,但是一般在日常生活中如果用到 scoot 这个字的话,则是表示稍微移动一下的意思。比如说有一次我去图书馆念书,我坐在我的位置上,把走道都堵死了,结果有一个老美要过过不去,他要我把椅子稍微向前移动一下,他会说 Scoot up。你也可以说 scoot up a little bit,表示往前靠一点点。同样的,scoot over就是“往旁边靠一点”的意思。
  • 「上路/出发/动身/启程」:hit the road
  • 「我该怎么说呢?」:How can I put it?
  • 「好主意」:light bulb
  • 「我不是自吹」:Not to pat myself on the back.
  • 「翻来覆去/辗转反侧/难以入睡」:toss and turn
    • I've been tossing and turning all night. 翻来覆去睡不着
  • 「好吃/美味」:yummy / tasty / appetizing / mouthwatering / awesome / It tastes good. / It has a good taste.(老外几乎不说“Delicious”)
  • 「好了没」:Are we all good?
  • 「搞定了」:I nailed it.
  • 「手里拿着什么啊?」:What are you holding?
  • 「临阵退缩」:cold feet
    • I got cold feet when asked to make a speech. 当叫我发言时,我吓得不敢上台。
  • 「厌烦/腻了/受够了/忍受不了」:be up to here with / be fed up with
    • I'm up to here with you. 我真是受够你了。
    • I am so fed up with him trying to brainwash everyone every day, from food to music. 真受不了他一天到晚安利各种东西,从食品到音乐。
  • 「在观望中」:on the fence
    • I'm still on the fence. 我还在观望中。
  • 「生气/气死了/气炸了」:be pissed off / have a cow / blow up
    • He was pissed off when I said Taiwan is China. 当我说台湾是中国的一部分时,他气死了。
    • I thought he would have a cow when I told him I crashed his car. 我以为他听说我把他的车撞了,他一定会大发雷霆的。
    • I'm tired. I'm exhausted. I'm blowing up. 我好累,我就要原地爆炸了。
  • 「你的良心不会痛吗」:Has this action ever given you a slash of conscience? / How can you reconcile into your conscience? / You had the conscience to do such a thing. / afflicted with conscience / one's conscience pricks
  • 「你不必这么做/你真是太客气了/太破费了」:You don't have to do that! / You shouldn't have!
  • 「谈判筹码」:bargain chip
  • 「回头客/老客户」:repeat customer / regular client
  • 「我自己走,不用送了」:I'll see myself out.
  • 「谢谢你送我回家」:Thanks for walking me home.
  • 「学东西可快了」:fast learner
  • 「完胜」:outclass
  • 「遛狗」:walk the dog
  • 「给差评」:write negative reviews/comments
    • It got a poor rating. 这家店评价不太好。
  • 「挣钱不容易/钱不是长在树上的」:Money doesn't grow on trees.
  • 「忽略/不听/无视/漠视不理/轻轻带过」:brush off
    • My friend shouldn't brush off the poor ratings of the convertible. 我朋友不应该忽略这辆敞篷车很差的车评。
    • He brushed aside our objection. 他无视我们的反对。
    • -Have you talked to your boyfriend about buying a table? 你跟你的男友谈了买桌子的事情吗?
      -Yes, but he just brushed it off as if it were only my business.谈过了,但他只是轻轻带过,好像这事情只是我的事儿一样。
  • 「非常/相当/很」:badly / fairly / terribly / pretty / rather / quite / very
    • I wanted so badly to be a part of it. 我非常想参与其中。
    • I miss you so badly! 我好想好想好想你。
    • He fairly flew across the room. 他简直是飞过了房间。
    • For him, the place is fairly boiling with humanity. 对他来说,这个地方充满了人情味。
  • 「更加/远远超过」:way more / far more(way口语里经常用作副词,很,非常,相当地)
    • Her performance is way better than her peers. 她的表现比同辈好多了。
    • Things are far more complicated than I expected. 事情远比我想的复杂。
  • 「我不只代表我自己/我代表了一个群体」:I am not just me, I am also a "we"!
  • 「昏迷」:in a coma
  • 「活该/你自找的/自作自受/自讨苦吃」:Serve your right. / You ask for it!
  • 「我哪儿也不去」:I'm not going anywhere.
  • 「以我的方式」:on my terms
    • I live my life on my own terms. 我按自己的方式活。
  • 「停车/把车停在路边」:pull over
  • 「这不太对劲」:There's something going on here.
  • 「知道/了解/明白」:get wise to
  • 「不知道」:have no idea / don't have the slightest idea
    • I have no idea about it. 我一点都不知道。
    • You have no idea what's going on, right? 你根本不知道怎么回事。
    • I don't have the faintest/slightest idea what you're talking about. 我完全不知道你们在讲什么。
  • 「都安排好了」:We are good.
  • 「会有进一步发展/事情没那么简单」:There is more to it.
    • There is more to it than it seems. 事情没那么简单。
  • 「才不是呢」:Not true.
  • 「我要疯了」:I'm losing my mind. / I'm going crazy/mad. / go nuts / drive sb crazy
    • Are you nuts? 你疯了吗?
    • That noise is driving me crazy. 那个噪音快要把我逼疯了。
  • 「站队」:take sides / side with sb / take one's part / speak in sb's favor / stand up for
    • Whatever you do, I'll take sides with you. 无论你做什么,我都会站在你这边。
    • Why do you always side against me? 你为什么总站在我的对立面?
    • The United States said on Monday that it would not take sides in the Huangyan Island standoff between China and the Philippines in the South China Sea. 美国于本周一表示,不会在中菲黄岩岛问题上站队。
  • 「亦敌亦友」:frenemy
  • 「煎熬/折磨人」:torment / torture
  • 「顺利地/安稳地」:without a hitch
  • 「妥善地」:properly
  • 「供不应求」:demand exceeds supply / The supply could not meet the demand.
  • 「砍价/再便宜一点」:Could you go any lower? / Can you give me a better deal/price on this?
  • 「要就拿走,不要拉倒」:Take it or leave it.
  • 「或许/可能/万一/说不定」:by any chance
  • 「可以保证/百分之一百二的肯定」:Take it to the bank.
  • 「一切都看你了」:The Ball is in your Court.
  • 「口渴」:thirsty(最一般正常的渴),dry(口干舌燥的渴),parched(整个人要干裂的渴),dehydrated(脱水快变成人干的渴)
  • 「永远」:for good
    • I'm leaving this city for good. 我要永远离开这座城市了。
  • 「不好使/不能运行」:This machines doesn't function. / I can't get it to work.
  • 「打盹」:take a nap / take a snooze
  • 「非常有趣的」:hilarious = very funny
  • 「说话大声点」:Could you speak a little louder, please? / Can you speak up?
  • 「说话小声点/别吵」:Excuse me. Would you mind keeping your voice down? / Can you please keep it down? / Please lower your voice.
  • 「竟然/怎么会」:should / enough / I can't believe ... / how could ... / how come / dafuq
    • How are you still alive! 你怎么会/竟然还活着!
    • How come you are still alive? 你怎么会/竟然还活着!
    • How could you are still alive?
    • Tom was fool enough to believe it. 汤姆竟然傻到会相信这个。
    • She told me it was brand new and I was stupid enough to believe her. 她跟我说这是全新的,我也真够傻,竟然相信她。
    • 英文中怎么表述「竟然」?
  • 「听话/乖」:Be good. / Be a good boy. / Be a lamb.
  • 「你真乖」:Good boy. / That's my Boy. / You are so sweet. / well-behaved
  • 「好了好了,别哭了/安慰/哄人」:There, there, stop crying. Never mind!
  • 「你看,我说对了吧/我说吧」:There now!
    • There now! It's just as I expected. 你看! 果然不出我所料。
    • There now! What did I tell you? 你看! 我是怎么跟你说的?
  • 「不要...才...」:
    • 不要在deadline前一天才让我改代码。
    • Please don't let me change the code until the day before deadline, you should give me feedback earlier
    • let me change the code before the deadline, pls dont wait until the last day?
    • Don't wait until the last day before deadline to let me change xxxx, please give me heads-up earlier!
  • 「爬山」:go hiking
  • 「攀岩」:go climbing
  • 「随你挑/随便挑/任意挑」:Take your pick.
  • 「说曹操曹操到」:Speak of the devil, here he is now. / Speak of the devil, and he shall appear.
  • 「摆脱困境」:off the hook
    • Let me off the hook with a mild reprimand. 温和地责备后便放过了我。
  • 「事情都办完了,你可以走了」:You're all set.
    • Am I all set? 我可以走了吗?
  • 「洗耳恭听」:I'm all ears!
  • 「别装了」:Don't play dumb!
  • 「隐瞒」:hold back / cover up / conceal
    • You seem to be holding something back. 你好像隐瞒了点什么。
    • I am not holding anything back. 我没有隐瞒任何事情。
    • The enterprise tried to cover up a deadly explosion at a railway tunnel project. 这家企业试图瞒报铁路隧道爆炸致人死亡事故。
    • To conceal his identity, the man's voice has been dubbed over. 为了隐瞒他的身份,那个男人的声音已被配音了。
  • 「别胡闹了」: Don't be silly.
  • 「讲真/我说真的/我是认真的」:I mean it.
  • 「真的/几乎/绝逼/简直/不加夸张地/没一点夸张的」:literally,用以强调某件事的真实性和准确性
    • Jessica is literally out of her mind. She broke everything in the room. 杰西卡真是疯掉了啊,把屋里东西都摔坏了。
    • I'm literally gonna kill you today. 我今天非杀了你不可。
    • I literally ran 300 miles today. 我今天真的跑了300里。(强调)
    • I literally died of embarrassment. 我尴尬得要死了。(夸张、比喻)
    • I was literally amazed at the country to be honest. 我真的真的被中国农村给震惊了。
    • The city was literally destroyed. 那个城市真个被毁灭了。
    • Can you believe Melissa is moving to New York!? I am literally bursting with happiness! 你能相信Melissa要搬来纽约吗?我真是高兴得要爆炸了!
    • You literally drives me crazy. 你简直要把我弄疯了。
    • literally can't believe it! 我简直不能相信!
  • 「习以为常」:That's always the case.
  • 「我忘了」:It slipped my mind.
  • 「打鼾/打呼噜」:snore / saw logs
    • You were snoring last night. 昨天晚上你打呼噜了。
    • Did I keep you up? 影响你睡觉了吗?
  • 「你到底想说什么?」:What are you trying to say?
  • 「放鸽子/失约/爽约」:stand sb up
    • I got stood up. 我被放鸽子了。
    • I didn't mean to stand you up. 我不是故意放你鸽子的。
  • 「吃大餐/大吃一顿/大快朵颐」:pig out / have a big meal
  • 「各付各的」:go dutch / split the bill
  • 「一人吃一半」:split the food
  • 「这家餐厅远近闻名」:The restaurant is one the map.
  • 「这有什么稀奇的?」:What else is new?
  • 「刀子嘴豆腐心/嘴硬心软」:His bark is worse than his bite. / He is more bark than bite.
  • 「有一点/有几分/多少有点/或多或少」:more or less
    • Most people are more or less selfish. 大多数的人多少都有些自私。
    • He doesn't love her, more or less. 他一点都不爱她。(more or less在否定句中表示“毫不、一点也不”)
  • 「迟早/早晚」:sooner or later
  • 「我也这么想/我也一样/我也是同样的情况」:I had the same thought. / That makes two of us.
  • 「搞不清状况/消息不灵通」:out of the loop
  • 「搞清楚/弄明白」:get sth straight
  • 「搞定/解决/想出办法/弄清楚」:figure it out
  • 「送行/送某人离开」:see sb off / get one way
    • I will get on my way tomorrow, may you get one way at the airport? 明天我就要走了,你能来机场送我吗?
  • 「为所欲为」:get one's way
    • You can't get your way on this thing. 在这件事上你不能为所欲为。
  • 「得逞」:have one's way
    • She is very good at using her charm to get her way. 她擅长于用自己的魅力来得逞。
  • 「特写镜头」:close-up
  • 「你怎么不讲道理」:Come on, be reasonable/sensible.
  • 「碰运气/试试看」:take pot luck / push one's luck(更多的是“贪心不足、挺而走险”的意思) / try one's fortune / roll the dice
  • 「如果我实在想的话」:If I were so inclined
  • 「愚蠢之人」:mouth breather
  • 「无话可说」:be at loss for words
  • 「有勇气/敢」:get up the nerve / work up the nerve
    • Wonder you've got the nerve to speak to me.
    • For six months I've been trying to work up the nerve to ask her to marry me, but I'm afraid all she'll do is laugh. 最近六个月来我一直想鼓起勇气开口向她求婚,但却老觉得难以启齿,因为我怕她会一笑了之。
  • 「惹恼/刺激/使不安/使心烦」:get on sb's nerves
  • 「白眼狼/狼心狗肺/忘恩负义」:ungrateful / bite the hand that feeds you
  • 「舍不得分离」:
    • It's so hard for me to say goodbye, I will be missing you. 很难过要和你说再见了,我会想你的。
    • Gosh, you know, we only have a few short weeks left. It's been so wonderful meeting you and living with you. 天啊我们就剩几个礼拜了。认识你、跟你一起住真的非常好。
    • It's going to be very difficult to start the next chapter of my life without you. 没有你在,我自己面对人生的新篇章很难啊。
    • But I want you to know that I really appreciate all the times we were able to spend together. 但是我想和你说我非常珍惜我们在一起的时光。
    • I hope we can stay friends wherever we go and keep in touch. 我希望无论我们将来在哪都能一直是好朋友。
  • 「东西舍不得用」:save it for
    • Grandma tries everything she can to save it for her grandson to eat. 奶奶舍不得吃,什么都留给孙子。
    • This necklace is very important to me. My mom made this for me. It's not just any necklace, It's one of a kind. I don't want anything to happen to it so I'm saving it for special occasions. 这对我很重要。这是我妈妈做给我的,可不是一般的项链,世上仅此一个。我不想它坏了,要等到特殊场合才会戴上呢。
  • 「舍不得/其中带有情感寄托」:I don't have the slightest idea to ... 没有丝毫的想法
    • I don't have the slightest idea to throw it away for it was passed down my father. 这是我爸爸给我的,舍不得扔啊。
  • 「走心/用心」:heartfelt
  • 「独一无二」:one of a kind
  • 「还轮不到你来…」:
    • 还轮不到你教训我。
    • It's not your turn to tell me what to do. 轮不到你来教我怎么做事。
  • 「不要对我指手画脚妄加评判/不要用你的价值观来评判我」:Don't judge me.
  • 「你知道吗」:Guess what? / You know what?
  • 「看什么看/这里没什么好看的」:Nothing to see here!
  • 「不听我的就滚蛋!」:My way or the highway.
  • 「再来一杯/份」:Make it three.(和老外一起到酒吧,餐厅点同样东西时的经典用语,言简意赅)
  • 「别催我」:Don't rush/push me.
  • 「扯平了」:Call it even.
  • 「时间不够了/时间快用完了」:Now, we are (running) out of time.
  • 「时间超过了」:We are over time.
  • 「时间到」:Time is up.
  • 「你还要多久」:How much longer?(特别强调“还”这个字,是做事做到一半时问的)
    • How much longer will it take you to get all of this stuff done? 你还要多久才能把事情做完。
  • 「争分夺秒/时间紧迫」:against the clock / pressed for time / time is ticking away / cut it fine
    • On our last project, we were working against the clock. 上一个工程,我们一直都在和时间赛跑。
    • I am pressed for time as I have a lot of work to do. 我时间很紧,因为我有许多事要做。
    • We need to intervene before it's too late. Time's ticking away. 趁着还不算晚,我们应该插手这件事。时间可是正一分一秒地过去。
    • It's cutting it a bit fine to get to the station at 9:45 when the train leaves at 9:50! 火车9点50开,我们9点45到车站,这时间算得太紧了。
  • 「最后关头/最后期限」:at the eleventh hour / down to the wire
    • Their plan was called off at the eleventh hour. 他们的计划在最后时刻被取消了。
    • I never leave it down to the wire. 我从来不把工作拖到最后关头。
  • 「参加排队」:come to our party(不要用join,它往往是指参加俱乐部或者协会)
  • 「我不在行/我没有经验/我不太清楚」:I don't know much about that. / I am not really an expert in this area.
  • 「一直以来/一贯的」:consistent
    • Thanks for your consistent help. 感谢您一直以来对我的帮助。
  • 「打电话」
    • 「接电话/你是谁」:This is Shawyer, who's speaking? / Shawyer's speaking. May I ask who's speaking? / Who's calling, please?
    • 「我就是」:This is he. / Speaking. / Him speaking.
    • 「你打错电话了」:You've got/dialed the wrong number.
    • 「有什么事吗」:May I ask what this is regarding?
    • 「说明来电缘由」:I'm calling to ... / I'm calling about some issues with ...
    • 「信号不好/听不清」:I'm sorry. You're breaking up. Can you repeat that? 不好意思,你那边断断续续的,可以重复一遍吗? / I'm having really bad reception. 我这边信号很不好。
    • 「稍等一下」:Hang on (a second)(不太正式,用于比较熟的人) / Would you mind holding on a moment, please?(正式)
    • 「能说慢一点吗」:Could you please speak a little more slowly, please?
    • 「大点声音说」:Would you mind speaking up, please?
    • 「需要拼写」:Would you mind spelling that for me? / Can you spell it?
    • 「一会给我打过来可以吗」:Would you mind calling back?
    • 「不方便接电话/什么时候方便回电」:When is a good time to call?
    • 「谈话结束」:It's been great talking to you. Have a great day!
  • 「几乎不」:rarely(美帝人民几乎从来不用seldom)
  • 「恕我直言/无意冒犯/冒昧地说一句」:with all due respect / no offense
  • 「别误会」:Please don't take this the wrong way. / Don't get me wrong.
  • 「改天/另外找一天」:take a rain check
  • 「胡闹/鬼混/不作正经事」:screw around
    • Quit screwing around and work on your paper, Max! Max你不要胡闹了, 作你的报告去吧!
