
作者:[email protected],转载请注明作者




 * Session maintains the relationship between client connection and user information.
 * There is a session associated with each client connection. And it should bind to a
 * user id after the client passes the identification.
 * Session is created in frontend server and should not be accessed in handler.
 * There is a proxy class called BackendSession in backend servers and FrontendSession 
 * in frontend servers.
var Session = function(sid, frontendId, socket, service) {
  this.id = sid;          // r
  this.frontendId = frontendId; // r
  this.uid = null;        // r 注意这里,uid初始是null
  this.settings = {};

  // private
  this.__socket__ = socket;
  this.__sessionService__ = service;
  this.__state__ = ST_INITED;

sid实际上是socket创建时指定的一个id。sid = socket.id;,它是在connector中生成的,对于sioconnector,有这样一段代码。

var curId = 1;

  sio.on('connection', function (socket) {
    var siosocket = new SioSocket(curId++, socket); //curId++就是sid
    self.emit('connection', siosocket);
    siosocket.on('closing', function(reason) {
      siosocket.send({route: 'onKick', reason: reason});


  session.on('bind', function(uid) {
    logger.debug('session on [%s] bind with uid: %s', self.app.serverId, uid);
    // update connection statistics if necessary
    if (self.connection) {
      self.connection.addLoginedUser(uid, {
        loginTime: Date.now(),
        uid: uid,
        address: socket.remoteAddress.ip + ':' + socket.remoteAddress.port
    self.app.event.emit(events.BIND_SESSION, session);


Session.prototype.bind = function(uid) {
  this.uid = uid;
  this.emit('bind', uid);


为了避免概念上的混乱,下面总结一下,先说明一下session是指对客户端连接的一个抽象,它里面包含uid,sid,socket,以后出现session这单个单词,就是指连接的抽象。pomelo核心中有一个session component,这个session component是对sessionService的抽象。sessionService位于service下,实现session管理的具体工作。session的具体结构是在sessionService中出现的,叫Session。很绕啊,这就是名字取得不好的弊端。

下面再来看一下session component和sessionService之间是什么样的关系。

var SessionService = require('../common/service/sessionService');

module.exports = function(app, opts) {
  var cmp = new Component(app, opts);
  app.set('sessionService', cmp, true);
  return cmp;

 * Session component. Manage sessions.
 * @param {Object} app  current application context
 * @param {Object} opts attach parameters
var Component = function(app, opts) {
  opts = opts || {};
  this.app = app;
  this.service = new SessionService(opts); //创建sessionService
  var getFun = function(m) {
    return (function() {
          return function() {
            return self.service[m].apply(self.service, arguments); //arguments是随调用变化的
  // proxy the service methods except the lifecycle interfaces of component
  var method, self = this;
  for(var m in this.service) { //遍历sessionService的成员
    if(m !== 'start' && m !== 'stop') { //如果不是start和stop方法
      method = this.service[m]; //取出成员
      if(typeof method === 'function') { //如果成员是函数
        this[m] = getFun(m); //把函数加到自己模块里

Component.prototype.name = '__session__';

根据上面的分析,session component实际上是对sessionService做了一层代理。把sessionService的函数都加载到sesssion component里来了。这个代理的实现,下一篇文章会专门去讲它。
