Restrain the restraints
America would benefit if workers had greater freedom to choose their next employer
THE non-compete clause has
been causing trouble for
over 600 years. In 1414 an English
court heard the case of John
Dyer, an apprentice whose master
had stopped him from plying
his trade for six months. The
judge was having none of it.
“The contract is contrary to common law,” he ruled. Individuals
should be free to pursue the livelihood of their choice.
600多年来非竞争性条约一直给人们造成困扰。1414年一家英国法庭裁决了John Dyer的案件,他是一位学徒,他的雇主要求他停止经营他的贸易6个月。法院不接受这种要求。“这个条约是和民法相矛盾的,”他判决道,个人应该自由追求他们选择的生活。
That principle has been diluted in the intervening centuries—
most countries give businesses some leeway to use non compete
clauses, whereby workers promise not to start or join
firms that go head-to-head with their ex-employer. But their
prevalence in America is striking (see Finance section). According
to a study by the Treasury in 2016, almost 20% of American
workers are bound by a non-compete agreement, and almost
40% have been subject to one at some point. Efforts to rein
them in are intensifying. Rightly so.
Incumbency we trust
Defenders of these agreements put forward several arguments.
One is that non-competes encourage innovation by
stopping rivals waltzing off with trade secrets; there is some evidence
that levels of investment are higher at firms where they
are used. Another argument is that firms are less likely to train
workers if newly skilled employees are able to up sticks and
take what they have learned with them to a rival. Again, research
backs up this claim. A third argument is that firms and
employees should be free to contract as they wish.
这些条约的捍卫者提出一些观点。第一非竞争性条约通过禁止对手偷带走商业秘密来鼓励创新,有证据显示投资巨大的公司很喜欢使用非竞争性条约。另一个论点是如果熟练的员工能够跳槽带走他们所学的到对手那里,那么公司就不太会培训员工 。而且,一些研究也支持这种观点。第三个论点是公司和雇员应该能够按照他们的意愿自由签订合同。
The counter-arguments are stronger. The prevalence of
non-compete agreements is clear evidence that they are being
used indiscriminately. Roughly 15% of American employees
without a college degree, and a similar share of those earning
less than $40,000 a year, are bound by them. Burger-flippers
and care-home workers do not have trade secrets to hawk.
The gains in investment and training must be set against the
wider costs. In one study, in Michigan, researchers found that
workers’ job mobility fell by 8% when non-competes were allowed.
When people cannot work for another employer who
would value their skills, wage growth suffers, too, because
people typically achieve the biggest bumps in their salary
when they move firm. Non-competes are also associated with
a decline in enterprise. One study found that the rate of entry
of new firms into knowledge-intensive industries fell by 18%
when non-compete clauses could more easily be enforced. It is
no accident that California, a notably innovative state, is one
of only three to make the clauses unenforceable except in special
circumstances, such as the sale of a business.
The costs spill over to all workers—even those who are not
subject to non-competes. Young firms are disproportionately
important for job growth, for example; if fewer firms are
formed, it will affect everyone in the labour market. And non competes
can have a chilling effect even in places that do not
recognise them. One study found that 40% of employees who
turn down job offers from competitors cite the clauses as a reason,
whether they are in enforcing or non-enforcing states.
The drawbacks of non-compete clauses are all the more
worrying because of today’s business climate. The incentive to
invest and train counts for less when, as now, the American
economy suffers from a lack of competition. Clamping down
on such agreements would not solve the problem—just look at
the tech giants that call California home—but it would help.
Non-competes are also more worrying when the balance
of power between companies and employees is already
skewed. The spread of mandatory-arbitration clauses in employment
contracts and the decline of trade unions are both
signs of that imbalance.
The bar to making all non-compete clauses illegal is high.
But the circumstances in which they can be enforced should
be narrow, as they are in California. They should be negotiated
before employees accept a job offer and they should apply for
short times. If a company takes an ex-employee to court, it
should be required to demonstrate genuine harm to its business.
Non-compete agreements were a bad idea in the 15th century.
They still are.