Benjamin Button's Letter to Daughter

Benjamin Button’s Letter to Daughter  本杰明.巴顿致女儿的一封信

From: The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (Film) 选自电影:本杰明奇事


We can make the best or the worst of it.I hope you make the best of it.


There's no rules.

阅读翻译笔记  By 成蹊

For what it's worth:


It's never too late or, in my case, too early to be whoever you want to be.


There's no time limit. Stop whenever you want.


You can change or stay the same. There are no rules to this thing.


We can make the best or the worst of it.I hope you make the best of it.


And I hope you see things that startle you.


I hope you feel things you never felt before.


I hope you meet people with a different point of view.


I hope you live a life you're proud of.

人, 贵在自知自重,

If you find that you're not, I hope you have the strength to start all over again.


Plotof the Film(电影情节简介--成蹊按)

Benjamin Button 是The Curious Case of Benjamin Button<返老还童/本杰明奇事> (2008)这部影片中的男主人公的名字 。本杰明生下来就具有老人的生理特质并在逆生长。别人是从婴儿变成老人,而他的人生却反过来,越活越年轻。他被父亲遗弃在养老院中,和养母奎妮的女儿黛西一起长大。本杰明与黛西,两个人几经错过,终于在彼此人生交错的两个不同方向上,赶上了时间的脚步,生活在了一起。不久他们有了一个女儿。但本杰明却很清楚自己在逐渐变得年轻,不可能陪伴黛西和孩子。他变卖了父亲留给他的全部财产并将其留给了母女俩,在一个清晨悄然离去。本文摘录并翻译的是本杰明在离家之后寄给女儿的信中的一段话。

Background of the Film: 电影背景简介 以下信息来自维基百科

Benjamin Button's Letter to Daughter_第1张图片
From Wikpedia

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button is a 2008 American romantic fantasy drama film directed by David Fincher. The storyline by Eric Roth and Robin Swicord is loosely based on the 1922 short story of the same name by F. Scott Fitzgerald. The film stars Brad Pitt as a man who ages in reverse,Cate Blanchett as the love interest throughout his life, and Taraji P. Henson as the woman who raised him.

<返老还童/本杰明.巴顿奇事>是2008年一部由大卫·芬奇导演的美国浪漫奇幻戏剧性电影。 电影故事情节由Eric Roth和Robin Swicord在1922年F. Scott Fitzgerald的一部同名短篇小说的基础上进行了自由改编。布拉德.皮特出演逆生长的男主角本杰明;凯特·布兰切特出演和本杰明相爱相伴一生的女主角爱人黛西;塔拉吉·P·汉森出演养老院中抚养本杰明长大的女人奎妮。

The film was released in North America on December 25, 2008 to positive reviews. The film went on to receive thirteen Academy Award nominations, including Best Picture,Best Director for Fincher,Best Actor for Pitt and Best Supporting Actress for Taraji P. Henson, and won three, for Best Art Direction,Best Makeup, and Best Visual Effects.


Tips of Pic. 图片简介 By 成蹊


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