

朗阁海外考试研究中心  杨小蛾

一个英语学习者会不会使用连接词,将直接决定其表达的地道程度和逻辑性,写作中如此,口语更是这样。不少“烤鸭”不习惯使用逻辑词,因为在汉语中有时我们并不需要使用太多的逻辑词来组成我们的句子。例如汉语的“你喝,我就喝”,但是到了英语,我们的句子就变成了“If you drink, I'll drink.”在这里我们需要用if来连接两个句子。这是因为中文注重意合,英文注重形合,举个例子:

Do you like your high school?

Yes,I love my high school. Most of my high school teachers are familiar with teachingskills. They know how to design drills and class activities. They also know howto make every lesson lively and stimulating to engage each student. I have spentmost of my memorable years in my high school. I have made lots of friends at thattime, and that is a lifelong fortune for me.


Yes,I love my high school,becausemost ofmy high school teachers are familiar with teaching skills.Besides,they know how to design drills and class activities. They alsoknow how to make every lesson lively and stimulating to engage each student.Furthermore,I have spent most of my memorableyears in my high school,whenI havemade lots of friends, and that is a lifelong fortune for me.

以上句子,在添加了相应的连接词之后就变得很流利了,也是考官一听就很有逻辑性的口语答案。首先“烤鸭”不仅要使用逻辑性词语,还要能够恰当地使用,从描述顺序和步骤到解释因果,让不同的具体关系都能充分掌握。“烤鸭”要提高Part 3口语的流利性就要从转变汉语中不常使用连接词这一语言习惯做起,熟记并且理解和熟练运用各种关系、连词以及插入语,让语言变得有序,且“活”一点。




Because, since, as, now that, considering, the reason why…  is…for the sake of, due to, thanks to, on account of


When, while, whenever, as, before, after, the moment/ minute/  day, the first/second time, last/next time


If, unless, whether


Where, wherever


How, as, as if


So that, such that, lest, for fear that


For the purpose that,  in order to


Than, as


Although, though, while,  whereas, as long as




Firstly, secondly, next, last, finally, in addition, furthermore,  apart from, also, at present


At the beginning, first of all, the first thing I should mention  is…, to begin with, to start with, for one thing…(for another…), the topic is…


In conclusion, to sum  up, to conclude, in summary, in brief, altogether, in short, overall, as has been  mentioned, on the whole


Most/more importantly, most significantly, above all, primarily


Similarly, likewise,  also, on the other hand, on the contrary, in contrast


The cause of, the reason for, as a result, as a consequence,  therefore, thus, consequently, hence


Lead to, bring about,  contribute to, result in, account for, that’s why, trigger off, responsible for


Indeed, obviously, generally, in fact, in particular, especially,  clearly, importantly, undoubtedly, on top of that


And, in addition, additionally,  furthermore, as well as, too


For example/instance, that is, such as, including, namely,  just like, take… for example


In other words, I…, and  that means…, let me put it another way, what I’m suggesting is…, all I’m trying  to say is…, perhaps I should make that clearer by saying…, perhaps it would be  more accurate to say…


However, in comparison, but, nevertheless, yet, in contrast,  or else, on the other hand, after all, admittedly


Even so, even if, in  spite of, despite, regardless of


1. Should parents set goals for children?

Itdepends.On the one hand,if the goalsare reasonable for children, their parents should set it.This is becausereasonable targets are helpful when children are inthe process of problem solution.However,if the goals are beyond kids’ reach, their parents had better avoid settingthem. It will only lead to burdens to their kids with too many goals to realize.

Part 3中经常会出现分类讨论的情况,在不同的论点之间的过渡和衔接就需要适当地运用连接词,对于不同的逻辑关系(并列、转折、补充、因果等等),可以从上面的表格里选择适当的关系词。除了凸显口语表达的流利度,烤鸭们还要注意“凹造型”,即凸显个性,这就需要烤鸭们把常见的连接词用中国考生不常用但在英语里却很地道的表达方式表达出来。

2.Do parents in your countries spend a lot of time with theirchildren?

Well, it’s hard to say.The first thing I should mention is thatfor those white-collar parents, they don't have too much time to stay with theirchildren during the weekdays. They're very busy with their work and some of themmay work until late at night,for the purpose

ofwinning the promotion and to survive in the competitive society, so theycan only have the happy family time with their children during the weekends andholidays.Whereas,for those parentswho have their own business, they have more time to stay with their children. Thatis because these parents don’t have to get up early and arrived at the office ontime every dayasthey can arrange thedaily schedule according to their daily schedule, so they can spend a lot of timewith their children.

