TalkingData 锐眼看世界 Easy Monday 周一特辑 2017-01-16

** 上周新闻回顾:**

  • 大众发布 ID Buzz 纯电动概念车
    Volkswagen unveils I.D. Buzz, an all-electric connected concept vehicle

  • 日本保险公司用 AI 取代人类员工
    U.S. workers beware: Japanese insurer to replace humans with A.I.

  • 亚马逊秘密收购 AI 安全创企
    Sources: Amazon quietly acquired AI security startup for around $20M

  • 为公众利益而创建的2700万美元 AI 研究基金成立
    Omidyar, Hoffman create $27M research fund for AI in the public interest

  • 特斯拉挖走苹果 Swift 创始人负责 Autopilot 开发
    Tesla hires Apple’s creator of Swift as new VP of Autopilot Software

  • Airmada 展示无人机地面站
    This Robotic Box Is Home to a Drone

  • 美国空军测试 IBM 神经芯片作为空中坦克侦察员
    Air Force Tests IBM’s Brain-Inspired Chip as an Aerial Tank Spotter

  • Facebook 正在努力实现未来用脑电波传送想法
    Facebook is working on a way to read brain waves that could let you send your thoughts to people

  • Abraaj 通过实施 RAVN 的认知搜索推动私募股权市场创新
    Abraaj Drives Innovation in Private Equity Market with Implementation of RAVN’s Cognitive Search Solution

** 近期重点活动预告:**

  • 冬季首席数据与分析官会议将于1月25日-26日在美国迈阿密举办

Chief Data & Analytics Officer, Winter

  • 法国数据管理战略会议将于1月25日-27日在法国巴黎召开

Strategies de Gestion de Donnees Intelligentes (Data Management Strategies), French conference. Paris, France.

你可能感兴趣的:(TalkingData 锐眼看世界 Easy Monday 周一特辑 2017-01-16)