Born a Crime: Ending 2017-10-26

Born a Crime

Born a Crime: Ending 2017-10-26_第1张图片
Born a Crime

书名:Born a Crime


作者: Trevor Noah

副标题: Stories from a South African Childhood


Trevor Noah

是一位来自南非的喜剧演员、脱口秀表演者、电视和电台节目主持人。他接替乔恩·斯图尔特(囧司徒)成为美国的新闻讽刺电视节目每日秀 的现任主持人。

Born a Crime: Ending 2017-10-26_第2张图片
Trevor Noah


I grew up in a world of violence, but I myself was never violent at all.

I. A world of violence:

One minute it'll be a placid afternoon, people hanging out, doing their thing, and next thing you know there's a cop car chasing gangsters, flying through the streets, a gun battle going off, helicopters circling overhead. Then, ten minutes later, it's like it never happened—everyone's back to hanging out, back to the hustle, coming and going, running around.

Trevor Noah 生于种族隔离制度下的南非,因混种婚姻禁止法:禁止人种不同的男女结婚,母亲和白人的父亲结合非法,自己的出生即是种罪名,Born a crime。 以人种划分居住区域, Trevor生活成长的街区,盗版CD名牌,真实的罪犯枪手,没有非法合法之分。Trevor母亲因受家庭暴力而多次伸手向警方寻求帮助,然而当地政府什么也没有做过。诉讼档案总是会失踪,而法院从未审理过这些案件···那样一个动荡暴力下的南非,而Trevor却活出精彩的人生,最多的付出莫过于他的队友——母亲。如Trevor所言:Love is a creative act. When you love someone you create a new world for them.母亲在动乱的南非下给予Trevor正常孩子应有的童年、教育和一个充满爱的世界。

She was my mom. She was my teammate. It had always been me and her together, me and her against the world.

II. Trevor 's mother

Trevor母亲,不知如何夸赞,独立自主、生活达观、睿智坚韧可又也是家暴下的弱小受害者。能不畏的面对生活中经历一切,永远报以微笑,或许,因为她是天主教至诚信徒而懂得 "God helps them that help themselves." 如其所言:" 'Patricia, I don't do anything by mistake. There is nothing I give you that you cannot handle.' "


①."You cannot blame anyone else for what you do. You cannot blame your past for who you are. You are responsible for you. You make your own choices."


②."My child, you must look on the bright side." ..."Of course there is. Now you're officially the best-looking person in the family." She broke out in a huge smile and started laughing.


③. ...another trait I inherited from my mother: her ability to forget the pain in life.


④. No one chose her. She did it on her own. She found her way through sheer force of will.


III. Mother and Son  & Tom and Jerry

书中表达,幽默风趣,形象生动的描述生活场景,母亲和儿子的相爱相杀故事。Trevor说自己与母亲的关系如猫和老鼠那般,逃体罚。分享最捧腹的一段 Chapter I Runner 中画面:

① 母亲的追缉智慧“抓小偷”:she'd yell “Thief!”knowing it would bring the whole neighborhood out against me, and then I'd have strangers trying to grab me and tackle me, and I'd have to duck and dive and dodge them as well, all the while screaming, “I'm not a thief! I' her son!”

② 为逃离出租车司机的谋杀,母亲将毫不知情Trevor扔出车外,之后的对峙:

“You never told me that! You just threw me out of the car!”

“I did tell you. Why didn't  you jump?”

“Jump?! I was asleep!”

“So I should have left you there for them to kill you?”

“At least they would have woken me up before they killed me.”

I was too confused and too angry about getting thrown out of the car to realize what had happened. 被扔出后还不知真相的呆萌可怜的Trevor。

③ But you, God gave you that ass for whipping.







Born a Crime: Ending 2017-10-26_第3张图片
Trevor Noah



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