
Jason Chen’s Answer to What is the Difference Between Baidu andGoogle


Here is the difference between the searching results of Baidu and Google by the same key word”three point perspective pictures”.

And the other best example for the difference between them is Google developed AI to win the most brilliant GO player in the world and Baidu just uses it to serve take-away food.

Their difference is like the difference between the earth and the sky, the night and the day.


Update 1

As certain fans of Baidu claimed“three point”is ambiguous in Chinese and my example failed to prove Baidu’s defect. I just added one from millions of such cases:

Here is the search result of“many noblemen in the court are wearing strange and colorful clothes”, which was a famous quote from Chinese classic literature.

Google found the accurate sources of such quote. And as usual, Baidu provided porn pictures and books to you again.

Update 1

有一位百度的铁粉站出来说:“三点” 在中国文化里本身语意不明确,我所举的这个例子根本不能证明百度的缺陷。好的!那我就从千万个例子当中选一个来反驳:当你同时再谷歌和百度里输入“艳妆怪服,遍见朝士(这是中国经典文学里的一句名言。)”。谷歌能找到准确的解释,但是百度却给我们呈现的是色情文学!


It is a pity after Baidu Bashed Over Student’s Cancer Death became the hottest public event in China these days there are still many defend for Baidu.

Baidu’s evil is really beyond your imagination.

Just hours ago Zhihu, Chinese version of Quora suspended accounts of six top writers forever due to their gross violation of community rules and causing disorders in Zhihu, i.e. They are suspected to be involved in writing articles defending and acquitting Baidu after paid by PR company which were obviously employed by Baidu. The following Wechat dialogues were between one of the top six writers, Zhang Zhaojie who got suspended later and other Zhihu users:

In which Zhang(who was apparently hired by the PR company to do the dirty job)had prepared drafts of articles acquitting Baidu and other users complained thhis time was too risky.

I am sure the similar practice and users are very likely to exist in Quora too, as Baidu knows Quora is very influential in English world, which is the most important part of Baidu’s international market.

Some Baidu’s defenders claimed when they input”three point perspective pictures”in many examples and now the result is normal, then accused me fabricating the date and my dirty mentality of obsession with porn to show off their cheap moral superiority.

Ok, now i can tell you guys this comparison was not first done by me and some intelligent users already did the research since 2014.

The article三点透视图在Google和百度的区别——百度知道, was the same comparison done under Baidu Knows in 2015, which was launched by Baidu itself, did Baidu fabricate the data itself?

This report一个关键词展现百度与谷歌之间的区别——网易新闻中心was from Netease in 2014, which used the same example to interpret the difference between Baidu and Google, did Netease fabricated the data too?

It is no secret Baidu as an evil company plagued by scandals from time to time, paid great attention to monitoring of any piece of adverse news or post, then it would spare no effort to eliminate and erase such harmful message, including using PR companies to do the dirty work. As much kind of typical bad examples being discovered by Baidu, it was no surprise Baidu had already chopped up the corpse and obliterated all traces as it was to easy for it to do that. Of course you can call it fixing it when it’s wrong.

However, as an arrogant devil, Baidu has left too much shit during long time practice and there is an old Chinese saying“You can’t make a crab walk straight”as the gene of evil is inherent in Baidu. Just minutes ago, i input the key word“female”in both Baidu and Google, and then i got these:

The first result is female pictures in Baidu image, the the second is the genital system of female under Baidu Baike, the third is the advertisement for female masturbation tools;

And the first of Google result is a website on private chats between women, the second is Wikipedia’s article on female, the third is a female fashion style website.

Is Baidu’s imbecile and evil not self evidences? Anyone can find it by trying more key words like that. But i am afraid those who defend Baidu, most of which are China and they can’t enjoy the privilege of free access to Google. Therefore, there is no way they can fully understand what is good and right when talking about Baidu and Google. As usual, the former provides knowledge, the later sells you advertisement.

If you are good at Chinese, you can find millions of Chinese posts complained about Baidu’s misleading and fabricated searching results, among which there are many detailed and convincing articles on Baidu’s evil on Zhihu, most of them have not been blocked or covered by Baidu yet.

As for Baidu’s AI achievement, some mentioned certain works and Andrew Ng. Is Andrew Ng the Almighty God and can make an evil different? He is a normal person with flesh and blood and no one can deny his working for Baidu is partly for money. And can you tell me after joined Baidu did he make any meaningful achievement when compared with Google?

It is a pity Quora doesn’t have the function of“No Comment”under answers. For those who defended Baidu, it is your freedom to be devil’s advocate. But please write your own answers, and don’t shit on my answer. I don’t welcome any offensive and misleading comments in my field.

Therefore, from now on i will bot reply to any offensive and misleading comment under this answer.

Last free advice for those defending Baidu, all of you should know these days Baidu is facing an unprecedented storm in China, which is the reflection of public attitude for and against. The Chinese old saying“good and evil will have their karmic retribution when their time comes.”should be applied to Baidu without ant exception.

Update 2



网易新闻中心早在2014年就 “一个关键词展现百度和谷歌之间的区别”做过报道,这都是用同一个例子在说明谷歌和百度之间的区别啊!难道网易也造假?








当提到百度在人工智能方面的成就时,有些人不免提到了一些实在的成品和Andrew Ng(吴恩达)。但是Andrew Ng能抵掉百度的所作所为吗?他只不过是一个有血有肉的普通人,不可否认他为百度工作的部分原因是金钱。吴恩达加入百度后的作为能跟他在谷歌时的成就相比吗?



Update 3

The following is the hard work from an intelligent and diligent Chinese netizen, which is a full scale of comparison between searching results of Baidu and Google with different key words ranging from cartoon characters, address to telephone number and agency. And the conclusion is very obvious. Baidu failed completely again.

Update 3


