#!/usr/bin/env python
from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch
import os
import configparser as cparser
from builtins import int
from framework.logger import Logger
from utils.rcpUtils import rcpUtils
base_dir = str(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(file)))
file_path = base_dir + "\config\config.ini"
cf = cparser.ConfigParser()
host = cf.get("uatesconf", "host")
port = cf.get("uatesconf", 'port')
logger = Logger(logger="esUtils").getlog()
rcp = rcpUtils()
class esUtils:
def __init__(self):
self.es = Elasticsearch([{'host':host,'port':port}])
logger.info('connect to es sevrver %s:%s successfully!'%(host,port))
except BaseException as e:
logger.exception("Failed to get the es Connection,please check the configuration:%s" %e)
def isClusterUP(self):
return self.es.ping()
def getServerInfo(self):
return self.es.info()
def isExist_table(self,table):
if self.es.indices.exists(index=table) is True:
return True
return False
def getESInfo(self,index,_id):
logger.info('Search %s contains %s.' %(index,_id))
params = {
'query': {
'match': {
'_id': _id
_searched = self.es.search(index=index, doc_type=index, body=params)
return _searched['hits']['hits'][0]['_source']
if name == 'main':
es = esUtils()
index = 't_order'
order_id = '8019079610268001'
#system_id = '7b6a99f3bce14915863cde5104bdf2c3'
system_id = '7ecedd704a124a91a0d46ca13bda87c1'
_id = rcp.get_id(system_id, order_id)
print(es.getESInfo(index, _id))