Fun with English (Harvard Accelerator Series) 欢乐学英语(哈佛提升系列) — 6 至 10 岁

Fun with English (Harvard Accelerator Series) 欢乐学英语(哈佛提升系列) — 6 至 10 岁_第1张图片
Fun with English (Harvard Accelerator Series)– Age 6 to 10
欢乐学英语(哈佛提升系列) — 6 至 10 岁

课程详情Course Details:

课时Course Duration = 30 x 60 minute lessons30 课,每课 60 分钟

教学总时长Total hours of teaching:30 小时 + 不限次数免费参加新星际的实践和社交活动。30 hours  + unlimited free attendance to Rising Scholars’ activities and social events.

这个班有 2 级,课程有趣,有吸引力,采用互动教学。

This class has 2 levels and is a fun, engaging, interactive course.

主课(英语口语), 20 次,每次 60 分钟

Main Class (Oral English) x 20 (60 minutes)

各课使用的教案和材料一般来自以及新星际外语培训有限公司针对中国学习者特别开发的英语课程; 这些课程由我们的英语培训总监 Michael Gaudette 先生、高水平的美国团队以及具有该年龄段丰富经验的 ESL 教师编写。

Classes will often use lesson plans and materials made by Rising Scholars Education Groups specially developed English curriculum for Chinese learners, developed by our Director of English Training, Mr.Michael Gaudette, our esteemed USA team and experienced ESL teachers of this age group.

在我们的课上,学生将打下牢固的英语基础, 在充满乐趣的学习中增强其信心。学生将通过紧张有趣的师生互动、交流和讨论,学习拼音、准确的发音、阅读、句子结构和词汇。课堂上还会加入新的西式热门游戏和实践活动,同时提供轻松、有趣、有教益但有挑战性的学习环境。这套《哈佛提升系列快乐学英语》培训课程适合 6 至 10 岁儿童,可为今后熟练掌握英语打下良好基础。

In our class, students will build a solid English foundation, have fun, and boost their confidence. They will study phonics, accurate pronouciation,reading, sentence structure and vocabulary through interactive and intensive but fun teacher to student, student to teacher interactions and discussions. Classrooms will also incorporate new popular western styled interactive games and activities in order to provide a fun, comfortable, nurturing but challenging learning environment at the same time. This Harvard Accelerator Fun with English training course for Ages 6 to 10 serves as a good foundation to build a strong command of English going forward.

Fun with English (Harvard Accelerator Series) 欢乐学英语(哈佛提升系列) — 6 至 10 岁_第2张图片
Fun with English (Harvard Accelerator Series) 欢乐学英语(哈佛提升系列) — 6 至 10 岁_第3张图片
Fun with English (Harvard Accelerator Series) 欢乐学英语(哈佛提升系列) — 6 至 10 岁_第4张图片

Fun with English (Harvard Accelerator Series) 欢乐学英语(哈佛提升系列) — 6 至 10 岁_第5张图片

Fun with English (Harvard Accelerator Series) 欢乐学英语(哈佛提升系列) — 6 至 10 岁_第6张图片
Fun with English (Harvard Accelerator Series) 欢乐学英语(哈佛提升系列) — 6 至 10 岁_第7张图片
Fun with English (Harvard Accelerator Series) 欢乐学英语(哈佛提升系列) — 6 至 10 岁_第8张图片


• 拼音(字母A-Z)

• 动作动词

• 一天的时间

• 描述人物

• 描述事物

• 动物

• 身体各部分

• 教室物体

• 颜色

• 衣服

• 事物比较

• 感觉和情绪

• 食物

• 卫生和疾病

• 工作

• 喜欢和不喜欢

• 我们的世界

• 报时

• 城镇中的各个地方

• 天气



•Phonics (lettersA-Z)

•Action Verbs

•Times of Day

•Describing People

•Describing Things


•Parts of the Body

•Classroom Objects



•Comparing Things

•Feelings and emotions


•Health and Sickness


•Likes and Dislikes

•Our World

•Telling Time



At the conclusion of the course, students will have "graduation class." Students will put on a "show/presentation/performance" to

demonstrate most of what they have learned in front of their parents.

教学目标 Teaching Objectives:

o学生将掌握需要掌握的英语基础技能Students will possess the English foundational skills needed to:

     o 用现在时造基本句子。

     o 用字母的发声读简单的文字

     o 改进发音,与本土讲英语的人相似。

     o 介绍自己、家人及家乡

     o 识别和使用言语的各部分(动词、名词、形容词、副词)

     o 报时

     o 描述他们喜欢的和不喜欢的

     o 使用比较形容词(bigger、taller、faster) 比较事物

     o 增加词汇量

     o 将英语与趣味以及了解世界相结合

     o Make basic sentences in the present tense.

     o Read simple text using the sounds of letters

     o Improve their pronunciation, similar to a native English speaker.

     o Introduce themselves, their families, and their hometowns

     o Identify and Use parts of speech (verb,noun,adjective, adverb)

     o Tell time

     o Describe their likes and dislikes

     o Compare things using adjectives of comparison (bigger,taller,faster)

     o Increase their vocabulary

     o Associate English with fun and learn about the World

实践和社交活动 Activities & Social Events:


我们会介绍各个不同的国家/地区)、母亲节(学生将学说mother、mom, 玩游戏,然后在卡片上写字和涂色送给妈妈,祝母亲们节日快


We have activities that celebrate famous USA holidays like a Pizza partEaster Egg Hunt, July 4thparty (BBQ picnic at Shun Feng Park), Flag DayJune 14th(where we teach you about different countries) Mother’s Day(Students learn how to say mother, mom, play a few games, and then write and color in a card for their mom wishing them happy mother’sday) & Father’s Day. This is often where they get to utilize the English they learn in the classroom, in a real world setting.

Fun with English (Harvard Accelerator Series) 欢乐学英语(哈佛提升系列) — 6 至 10 岁_第9张图片
Fun with English (Harvard Accelerator Series) 欢乐学英语(哈佛提升系列) — 6 至 10 岁_第10张图片

Fun with English (Harvard Accelerator Series) 欢乐学英语(哈佛提升系列) — 6 至 10 岁_第11张图片
Fun with English (Harvard Accelerator Series) 欢乐学英语(哈佛提升系列) — 6 至 10 岁_第12张图片
Fun with English (Harvard Accelerator Series) 欢乐学英语(哈佛提升系列) — 6 至 10 岁_第13张图片
Fun with English (Harvard Accelerator Series) 欢乐学英语(哈佛提升系列) — 6 至 10 岁_第14张图片
Fun with English (Harvard Accelerator Series) 欢乐学英语(哈佛提升系列) — 6 至 10 岁_第15张图片
Fun with English (Harvard Accelerator Series) 欢乐学英语(哈佛提升系列) — 6 至 10 岁_第16张图片
Fun with English (Harvard Accelerator Series) 欢乐学英语(哈佛提升系列) — 6 至 10 岁_第17张图片
Fun with English (Harvard Accelerator Series) 欢乐学英语(哈佛提升系列) — 6 至 10 岁_第18张图片

为什么我们与众不同 Why we are different?



At one of our competitors, they help students prepare for local speech contests and English contests. Last year, their students won the Shunde English contest by reciting different English folk stories and short poems, as a result of a popular learning method called extensive rote memorization, which is NOT conducive to learning. When a few students were asked about specific information, details and analysis of the stories or poems, they were unable to do so, and many could not even identify the subject or cause.

You can either prepare to win local contests in the short term or prepare for long-term success in the global world especially as China positions itself to becoming more international. It is easier to preparefor the short term, but more rewarding and beneficial to prepare for thelong term. We teach you the skills, needed for long-term success in the global world and it starts as a young child!

专业的母语英语教师 Professional Native English Teachers for this Course:

Fun with English (Harvard Accelerator Series) 欢乐学英语(哈佛提升系列) — 6 至 10 岁_第19张图片

迈克尔·高德特先生Mr. Michael Gaudette








Fun with English (Harvard Accelerator Series) 欢乐学英语(哈佛提升系列) — 6 至 10 岁_第20张图片

Ms. Mayer




Fun with English (Harvard Accelerator Series) 欢乐学英语(哈佛提升系列) — 6 至 10 岁_第21张图片




HERBERT WONG (Co-founder)电话: 13929957451

MICHAEL GAUDETTE 电话: 13823486407

你可能感兴趣的:(Fun with English (Harvard Accelerator Series) 欢乐学英语(哈佛提升系列) — 6 至 10 岁)