泰迪历险记Teddy's adventure


泰迪历险记Teddy's adventure_第1张图片


Teddy lay sadly on the bedroom floor,

forgotten, when Kumiko went to nursery school.

Scraps, the dog, tossed the frightened teddy around.

Teddy landed in mother’s shopping bag.

She went shopping. When she pulled out her purse, teddy fell out into a shopping trolley.

The trolley bounced poor Teddy straight into a bin.

A lorry took the rubbish to the dump. Teddy was terrified!

A huge bird carried him high in the sky.

Suddenly Teddy dropped, falling, falling.

The post lady picked him up and took Teddy

inside a building.

They put him with the other toys.

Soon Kumiko found him. “How did you come

to school?” she asked.


泰迪历险记Teddy's adventure_第2张图片


泰迪历险记Teddy's adventure_第3张图片


泰迪历险记Teddy's adventure_第4张图片

泰迪历险记Teddy's adventure_第5张图片

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