Diary of a Wimpy Kid - Day 16

Day 16, Page 171-183    结束部分文字:I'm going to do tomorrow

一. 字词

1. bang out & break a sweat

(1) 原文:I must've banged out twenty strips, and I didn't even break a sweat.

(2) 字典解释:

bang out: to write something in a hurry

break a sweat: to start sweating because you are making an effort

(3) 造句:I must've banged out my summer homework, and I didn't even break a sweat.

2. have a bone to pick with sb.

(1) 原文:Bill is always in detention, so I guess he has a bone to pick with just about every teacher in the school, including Mr. Ira.

(2) 字典解释:used to tell someone that you are annoyed with them and wanna talk about it

(3) 造句:I have a bone to pick with her, because she is pretty selfish.

3. butcher

(1) 原文:I thought he just meant he fixed spelling mistakes and stuff like that, but he totally butchered it.

(2) 字典解释:to spoil something by working carelessly

(3) 造句:George butchered the painting by spilling wine over it.

4. shake up

(1) 原文:Rowley went down to Mr. Winsky's office, and when Rowley came back fifteen minutes later, he looked pretty shaken up.

(2) 字典解释:to give someone a very unpleasant shock, so that they feel very upset and frightened

(3) 造句:After he got the examination results, he looked pretty shaken up.

5. decent

(1) 原文:I figure that's pretty decent advice.

(2) 字典解释:of a good enough standard or quality

(3) 造句:I know it's a pretty decent advice, but I don't have courage to confess to him.

二. 句子

1. One of the comics was called "Dumb Teachers," and it was written by this kid named Bill Tritt.

(1) 结构:非谓语动词的使用

(2) 仿写:The comic strip was drawn by this kid named Greg.

2. And when I saw my comic, I practically had a heart attack.

(1) 结构:用"practically have a heart attack"这种夸张的手法,形容崩溃的心情。

(2) 仿写:When he told me the result, I practically had a heart attack.

三. 日记

It's cool today, because it's going to rain cats and dogs. I went to bed early yesterday, so I was much more efficient this morning. In my opinion, it suits me fine. Plus, I think I need to get more exercise to get rid of my love handles.

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