static int video_thread(void *arg)
FFPlayer *ffp = (FFPlayer *)arg;
int ret = 0;
if (ffp->node_vdec) {
ret = ffpipenode_run_sync(ffp->node_vdec);
return ret;
int ffpipenode_run_sync(IJKFF_Pipenode *node)
return node->func_run_sync(node);
if ((ret = decoder_start(&is->viddec, video_thread, ffp, "ff_video_dec")) < 0)
goto out;
static int decoder_start(Decoder *d, int (*fn)(void *), void *arg, const char *name)
d->decoder_tid = SDL_CreateThreadEx(&d->_decoder_tid, fn, arg, name);
if (!d->decoder_tid) {
av_log(NULL, AV_LOG_ERROR, "SDL_CreateThread(): %s\n", SDL_GetError());
return 0;
#import "ijksdl_thread_ios.h"
#include "ijksdl/ijksdl_thread.h"
static void *SDL_RunThread(void *data)
@autoreleasepool {
SDL_Thread *thread = data;
thread->retval = thread->func(thread->data);
return NULL;
SDL_Thread *SDL_CreateThreadEx(SDL_Thread *thread, int (*fn)(void *), void *data, const char *name)
thread->func = fn;
thread->data = data;
strlcpy(thread->name, name, sizeof(thread->name) - 1);
int retval = pthread_create(&thread->id, NULL, SDL_RunThread, thread);
if (retval)
return NULL;
return thread;
static int video_refresh_thread(void *arg)
FFPlayer *ffp = arg;
VideoState *is = ffp->is;
double remaining_time = 0.0;
while (!is->abort_request) {
if (remaining_time > 0.0)
av_usleep((int)(int64_t)(remaining_time * 1000000.0));
remaining_time = REFRESH_RATE;
if (is->show_mode != SHOW_MODE_NONE && (!is->paused || is->force_refresh))
video_refresh(ffp, &remaining_time);
return 0;
/* called to display each frame */
static void video_refresh(FFPlayer *opaque, double *remaining_time)
/* this thread gets the stream from the disk or the network */
static int read_thread(void *arg)
/* open the streams */
if (st_index[AVMEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO] >= 0) {
stream_component_open(ffp, st_index[AVMEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO]);
} else {
ffp->av_sync_type = AV_SYNC_VIDEO_MASTER;
is->av_sync_type = ffp->av_sync_type;
static VideoState *stream_open(FFPlayer *ffp, const char *filename, AVInputFormat *iformat)
is->video_refresh_tid = SDL_CreateThreadEx(&is->_video_refresh_tid, video_refresh_thread, ffp, "ff_vout");
if (!is->video_refresh_tid) {
return NULL;
is->initialized_decoder = 0;
is->read_tid = SDL_CreateThreadEx(&is->_read_tid, read_thread, ffp, "ff_read");
if (!is->read_tid) {
av_log(NULL, AV_LOG_FATAL, "SDL_CreateThread(): %s\n", SDL_GetError());
goto fail;
/* open a given stream. Return 0 if OK */
static int stream_component_open(FFPlayer *ffp, int stream_index)
if ((ret = decoder_start(&is->auddec, audio_thread, ffp, "ff_audio_dec")) < 0)
goto out;
if ((ret = decoder_start(&is->viddec, video_thread, ffp, "ff_video_dec")) < 0)
goto out;
if ((ret = decoder_start(&is->subdec, subtitle_thread, ffp, "ff_subtitle_dec")) < 0)
goto out;
video_refresh_thread调用video_refresh(/* called to display each frame /):显示视频帧。
read_thread(/ this thread gets the stream from the disk or the network */):获取原始视频流(解码)
/* prepare a new audio buffer */
static void sdl_audio_callback(void *opaque, Uint8 *stream, int len)
static void IJKSDLAudioQueueOuptutCallback(void * inUserData, AudioQueueRef inAQ, AudioQueueBufferRef inBuffer) {
@autoreleasepool {
IJKSDLAudioQueueController* aqController = (__bridge IJKSDLAudioQueueController *) inUserData;
if (!aqController) {
// do nothing;
} else if (aqController->_isPaused || aqController->_isStopped) {
memset(inBuffer->mAudioData, aqController.spec.silence, inBuffer->mAudioDataByteSize);//暂停音频
} else {
(*aqController.spec.callback)(aqController.spec.userdata, inBuffer->mAudioData, inBuffer->mAudioDataByteSize);//播放音频
AudioQueueEnqueueBuffer(inAQ, inBuffer, 0, NULL);
static inline av_const int av_clip(int a, int amin, int amax)
if (a < amin) return amin;
else if (a > amax) return amax;
else return a;
static inline av_const uint8_t av_clip_uint8(int a)
if (a&(~0xFF)) return (-a)>>31;
else return a;
static inline av_const uint16_t av_clip_uint16(int a)
if (a&(~0xFFFF)) return (-a)>>31;
else return a;
static inline av_const int16_t av_clip_int16(int a)
if ((a+0x8000) & ~0xFFFF) return (a>>31) ^ 0x7FFF;
else return a;
static inline av_const int32_t av_clipl_int32(int64_t a)
if ((a+0x80000000u) & ~UINT64_C(0xFFFFFFFF)) return (a>>63) ^ 0x7FFFFFFF;
else return a;
static inline av_const float av_clipf(float a, float amin, float amax)
if (a < amin) return amin;
else if (a > amax) return amax;
else return a;
* Decode one audio frame and return its uncompressed size.
* The processed audio frame is decoded, converted if required, and
* stored in is->audio_buf, with size in bytes given by the return
* value.
static int audio_decode_frame(FFPlayer *ffp)