
CMU 10601 的课程笔记。EM 算法计算含有隐含变量的概率模型参数估计,能使用在一些无监督的聚类方法上。在 EM 算法总结提出以前就有该算法思想的方法提出,例如 HMM 中用的 Baum-Welch 算法。

MLE 的通用步骤:

  1. 写出似然函数;
  2. 对似然函数取对数,并整理;
  3. 求导数,令导数为0,得到似然方程;
  4. 解似然方程,得到的参数即为所求;

然而有的时候我们会陷入困境,因为似然方程没法求解,比如 Mixtures of Gaussians。

One Gaussian

Given data: X1,…Xn
Modeling assumption: Xi(independently) ~ Gaussian, $sigma^2$=1/2
$$P(x_1,..,x_n|mu)={1 over sqrt{2 pi sigma^2}} e^{-(x_i-mu)^2 over 2 sigma^2} $$

MLE: $hat mu_{ML}= argmax L(x_1,..,x_n|mu)$
$mu_{ML} = {sum_{i=1}^n x_i over n} = overline x_i$

K Gaussians

Given data: X1,…Xn
Modeling assumption: Xi(independently) ~ Mixture of K Gaussians $sigma^2$=1/2, $mu_1,…mu_k$
Prior probability over Gaussians: $lambda_1,…,lambda_k 0 le lambda_j le 1 sum lambda_j=1$, distribution of j is unknown, $lambda_j, mu_j$ is unknown
P(x_1,..,x_n|hat lambda,hat mu,sigma^2=0.5) & = prod_i^n[sum_j^k P(Gaussian j was chosen)P(xi|Gaussian j was chosen)] \
& = prod_i^n[sum_j^k lambda_j{1 over sqrt{2 pi sigma^2}} e^{-(x_i-mu_j)^2 over 2 sigma_j^2}]

MLE: $(hat mu, hat lambda)_{ML}= argmax L(x1,..,xn|hat lambda,hat mu,sigma^2=0.5)$

How to find MLE?


soft: our guesses are probabilities and taking values in [0,1]
hard: represents a single best guess (taking values in {0,1} or {1,…k})

Special case of the EM Algorithm

初始化分布参数θ, $mu^{(0)}$,$lambda^{(0)}$

重复 EM 步骤直到收敛
Fill in the missing variables with the expected values
$$w_j^{(i)}=P(z^{(i)}=j|x^{(i)};mu,lambda,sigma^2=0.5) $$

Regular maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) using the values computed in the E step and the values of the other variables
将似然函数最大化以获得新的参数值 $mu^{(l+1)}$,$lambda^{(l+1)}$

  • l: index over EM iterations
  • j: index of Gaussians
  • i: index of datapoints
    $$hat lambda_j={# j was chosen over n}={sum_{i=1}^n w_j^{(i)} over n}$$
    $$hat mu_j={sum_{i=1}^n w_j^{(i)} x^{(i)} over sum_{i=1}^n w_j^{(i)}}$$

EM Algorithm guarantees:
$$L(D|theta^{[0]}) le L(D|theta^{[1]}) le L(D|theta^{[2]})…$$
This is a Non-decreasing function. And if the likelihood function is bounded, the sequence will converge. Here the example is bounded, because $sigma$ is fixed.
大专栏  EM算法>It might end up with local optimal.



第一次 iteration 的表格表示

General EM algorithm

X observed data
Z unobserved ‘data’
Complete data Y=(X,Z)
Likelihood function $L(X,Z|theta)$ known

Problem: find MLE
hat theta_{ML} & = argmax L(X|theta)= argmax sum_Z P(X,Z|theta) \
& = argmax sum_Z P(Z|theta)P(X|Z,theta) \
& = argmax sum_Z P(X|theta)P(Z|X,theta)P(X|Z,theta)

Chicken-egg Problem with regard to P(Z),$theta$
先有鸡还是先有蛋的问题。当我们知道了哪些 datapoints 属于同一个高斯分布的时候,我们才能够对这个分布的参数作出靠谱的预测,然而现在 datapoints 混在了一起,我们不知道哪个属于哪个,也就没办法估计参数。反过来,只有当我们对 K 个分布的参数作了准确的估计的时候,才知道哪些 datapoints 属于同一个高斯分布。
所以陷入了僵局,怎么办?不如就先随便整一个值出来,看你怎么变,然后我再根据你的变化调整我的变化,然后如此迭代着不断互相推导,最终就会收敛到一个解。这就是EM算法的基本思想。 -> chicken stay, egg change

EM solution

  1. Initialize $theta$ to some value
  2. EM 方程
    $$theta^{[l+1]}=argmax E_{Z|theta^l}[logP(Z,X|theta)]$$
    E 就是 expectation 的 E, write expression for E as function of $theta$, expression: auxiliary function $Q(theta^{[l]}|theta)$
    M 就是 argmax 的 M, find the MAX over $theta$
    Simple EM solution:
    • E-step: express MLE as function of X’s and Z’s
      know the value of Z, what would the ML solution
    • M-step: replace each Z with $E[Z|theta]$

EM guarantees
$$L(X|theta^{[l]}) le L(X|theta^{l+1})$$

If likelihood is bounded, the sequence will converge.

Special but most commonly use:
$L(X,Z|theta)$ is a member of the exponential family


When to use:

  • Data is only partially observable
  • Unsupervised clustering(target value unobservable)
  • Supervised learning(some instance attributes unobservable)

Some uses:

  • Train Bayesian Belief Networks
  • Unsupervised clustering(AUTOCLASS)
  • Learning Hidden Markov Models

(EM算法)The EM Algorithm
