麦豆悦读英文绘本讲师训练营【第18期】--5/21--绘本实践《The very hungry caterpillar 》


在亲爱的Queenie老师的引荐下,今天上了第一次绘本实践课。分享了Eric Carle爷爷的经典之作《The very hungry caterpillar 》。

麦豆悦读英文绘本讲师训练营【第18期】--5/21--绘本实践《The very hungry caterpillar 》_第1张图片


卡尔爷爷的最著名的作品,讲述了一只毛毛虫变成蝴蝶的故事。内容和故事情节非常丰富,作为英文启蒙,既能兼顾语言学习,也能兼顾兴趣和艺术欣赏。通过绘本孩子能接触到颜色水果食物数字1-5和星期的表达。被选为美国纽约公共图书馆“每个人都应该知道的100种绘本”, 廖彩杏吴敏兰联袂推荐。《饥饿的毛毛虫》被翻译成47种语言版本,销售超过3000万册。

导入:以一首欢快的《If you are happy,clap your hands 》开场。紧接着跟小朋友寒暄,询问姓名,拉近距离。

绘本赏析:In the light of the moon, a little egg lay on a leaf.

One Sunday morning,the warm sun came up and pop, out of the egg came a tiny and very hungry caterpillar. He started to look for some food.

On Monday,He ate through one apple. But he was still hungry. On Tuesday,He ate through two pears. But he was still hungry. On Wednesday,He ate through three plums. But he was still hungry. On Thursday,He ate through four strawberries. But he was still hungry. On Friday,He ate through five oranges. But he was still hungry. On Saturday he ate through one piece of chocolate cake ,one ice-cream cone ,one pickle ,one slice of cheese, one slice of salami, one lollipop, one piece of cherry pie, one sausage, one cupcake, and one slice of watermelon.That night he had a stomach ache.

The next day was Sunday again. The caterpillar ate through one piece of green leaf, and after that he felt much better. Now he wasn’t hungry any more---and he wasn’t a little caterpillar any more. He was a big, fat caterpillar.

He built a small house, called a cocoon, around himself. He stayed inside for more than two weeks. Then he nibbled a hole in the cocoon, pushed his way out and he was a beautiful butterfly.

课程结束后以一首《caterpillar》结束,Caterpillar,caterpillar,crawl crawl crawl,are you feeling tired,are you feeling tired,don’t let go,don’t let go.


麦豆悦读英文绘本讲师训练营【第18期】--5/21--绘本实践《The very hungry caterpillar 》_第2张图片

麦豆悦读英文绘本讲师训练营【第18期】--5/21--绘本实践《The very hungry caterpillar 》_第3张图片


1. 拟声词时加上动作


3.关键句型,on monday,he ate through ......

反思:1.开场导入:今天小朋友较多,不适宜用what is your name开头。






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