



2、进入预约,即点开“ 预约来签证中心递交申请”下方的橘红色的“点击这里”













Terms and Conditions 条款

View Terms and Conditions查看条款      View Privacy statement查看隐私声明

I have read and agree to the terms and conditions: 本人已阅读并同意该条款:

Application context 申请文本

Current location 目前所在地

Is the applicant currently outside Australia? 申请人目前是否在澳大利亚境外?

Give the current location of the applicant and their legal status at this location.


Current location:当前所在地

Legal status: 法律地位(指是否是该国公民等)

Purpose of stay 申请签证的目的

Select the stream the applicant is applying for:选择申请的目的(译者注:有多项选择,如果要申请10年签证,忽略其他选项)

Frequent Traveller (tourism or business purposes)


note:This stream has a higher application fee and is only available to applicants with a passport from an eligible country.

注: 此选项签证费比较高,且只适用于申请人有指定国家的护照。(译者注:中国执照可办)

Select the applicant's initial purpose of stay:


Visa lodgement number (VLN):VLN码(译者注:就是前面提到的生物采集后给的一个编号)

List all reasons for visiting Australia:


Give details of any significant dates on which the applicant needs to be in Australia:

详细说明申请人需要在澳大利亚的日期: (译者注:可以列出第一次前往澳大利亚的时间计划)

Group processing 团体签

Is this application being lodged as part of a group of applications? 该申请是否是团体签的一部分

Applicant 申请人

Information: Entering names incorrectly may result in denial of permission to board an aircraft to Aust ralia, or result in delays in border processing on arrival to Australia, even if the applicant has been granted a visa.


Passport details 护照内容

Enter the following details as they appear in the applicant's personal passport. 输入申请人护照上面的如下内容

Family name: 姓

Given names: 名

Sex: 性别

Date of birth: 出生日期

Passport number: 护照号码

Country of passport: 护照签发国家

Nationality of passport holder: 护照持有人国藉

Date of issue:    护照签发日期

Date of expiry: 护照过期日期

Place of issue - China: 护照签发地(译者注:选择签发的省份)

It is strongly recommended that the passport be valid for at least six months. 强烈建议护照有效期至少6个月。

National identity card  公民身份证

Does this applicant have a national identity card? 申请人是否拥有公民身份证

National identity card 公民身份证信息

Enter details exactly as shown on the national identity card. 输入身份证上的如下信息

Family name: 姓

Given names: 名

Identification number: 身份证号码

Country of issue: 签发国

Date of issue: 签发日期

Date of expiry: 过期日期

Place of birth    出生地

Town / City: 镇/市

State / Province: 州/省

Country of birth: 国家

Relationship status 婚姻状况

Relationship status: 婚姻状况

Other names / spellings 其他名字/拼写

Is this applicant currently, or have they ever been known by any other names? 申请人是否在用或者曾用过其他名字

Citizenship 公民

Is this applicant a citizen of the country of passport? 申请人是否是护照签发国的公民?

Is this applicant a citizen of any other country? 申请人是否是其他国家的公民?

Other passports 其他护照

Does this applicant have other current passports?申请人当前是否还有其他护照?

Other identity documents 其他身份证明文件

Does this applicant have other identity documents? 申请人是否还有其他身份证明文件?

Chinese commercial code 中国商业编码

Enter name in Chinese Commercial Code number (if used) 输入中国商业编码名字(如果有的话)

Health examination 体检

Has this applicant undertaken a health examination for an Australian visa in the last 12 months? 申请人是否为申请澳大利亚签证在过去的12个月内进行过体检?

Critical data confirmation 关键信息确认

All information provided is important to the processing of this application.所有的信息对该签证的申请过程都极为重要

If the information included on this page is incorrect, it may lead to denial of permission to board an aircraft to Australia, even if a visa has been granted. 如果这页的信息有误,即使取得签证,也可能导致被拒绝登机前往澳大利亚

Confirm that the following information is correct and that it is in the correct fields. 确认以下的信息无误并填写在正确的地方。

Family name: 姓

Given names: 名

Sex: 性别

Date of birth: 出生日期

Country of birth: 国家

Passport number: 护照号码

Country of passport: 护照签发国

Is the above information correct?


Additional identity questions 附加身份问题

Provide further details below, where available. 提供以下更详细的内容

Previous travel to Australia 曾经到过澳大利亚

Has this applicant previously travelled to Australia or previously applied for a visa? 申请前以前是否去过澳大利亚或者曾申请过澳大利亚的签证?

Travelling companions 随行人员

Are there any other persons travelling with the applicant to Australia? 是否有其他人与申请人一起前往澳大利亚?

Contact details  联系信息

Country of residence 居住国

Usual country of residence: 平常居住国

Department office 签证处

The applicant may be required to attend an Australian Government Office for an interview. Which is the closest office to the applicant’s current location? 申请有可能会被要求面谈,哪一个签证处距离申请人所在地比较近?

Office: 签证中心(译者注:有北京、上海、广州、成都四个签证处供选择)

Residential address 居住地址

note that a street address is required. A post office address cannot be accepted as a residential address. 需要详细地址,不能只提供邮箱地址

Country: 国家

Address: 详细地址

Suburb / Town: 区/镇

State or Province: 省份

Postal code: 邮政编码

Contact telephone numbers  联系电话

Home phone: 家庭电话

Business phone:业务电话

Mobile / Cell phone:手机号码

Postal address 邮寄地址

Is the postal address the same as the residential address? 是否邮寄地址与居住地址一致?

Email address 电子邮箱

Email address: 电子邮箱

note:Provide the applicant's email address. This address will be used for all correspondence after visa decision notification. The applicant must notify the Department if this email address changes. If the applicant does not consent to the Department communicating with them electronically, the applicant can advise the Department at any time by completing Form 1193. 注: 提供申请人的电子邮箱地址,签证是否签发都通过这个邮箱通知申请人,如果邮箱地址更改,申请人必须通知签证部门。如果申请人不同意以电子方式联络,申请人可随时以1193表格的形式通知本签证部门。

Authorised recipient 授权收件

Does the applicant authorise another person to receive written correspondence on their behalf? This authorises the department to send the authorised person all written correspondence that would otherwise be sent directly to the applicant. 申请人是否授权其他人收取书面信件?如果有,签证中心将向获授权人寄送所有书面函件,否则将直接寄给申请人。

This person is referred to as the 'authorised recipient'. 此人被称为授权收件人。

Electronic communication 电子联络

The Department prefers to communicate electronically as this provides a faster method of communication.本签证中心倾向于采用更便捷的电子联络方式

All correspondence, including notification of the outcome of the application, will be sent to: Email address:所有的信函,包括针对此申请的所有的通知,都将发送到这个邮箱。

non-accompanying members of the family unit 未随行的家庭成员

Does the applicant have any members of their family unit not travelling to Australia who are not Australian citizens or Australian permanent residents? 申请人是否还有未申请前往澳大利亚的家庭成员,且他们不是澳大利亚公民,也无永久居住权。

Relationship to the applicant:  与申请人关系 (译者注:户口本上的家庭成员都要写)

Family name: 姓

Given names: 名

Sex: 性别

Date of birth: 出生日期

Country of birth: 出生国

Entry to Australia  进入澳大利亚

Proposed initial period of stay  初次去澳大利亚日程

Give details of the proposed initial period of stay in Australia. 给出初次去澳大利亚的具体时间

Date from: 从什么时间

Date to: 到什么时间

note: If granted, this visa allows the holder to remain in Australia for up to three months on each entry. This visa may be granted with a validity up to 10 years. The applicant should check the Grant notification Letter to confirm the period that the visa is valid. 注: 如果取得签证,申请人每次可在澳大利亚最多停留3个月,本签证有效期为10年,申请人须核对签证通知书上的有效期。

Study while in Australia 在澳大利亚学习

Will the applicant undertake a course of study in Australia? 申请人是否在澳大利亚学习

Relatives, friends or contacts in Australia  澳大利亚的亲戚、朋友与其他联系人

Will the applicant visit any relatives, friends or contacts while in Australia? 申请人在澳大利亚是否有亲戚、朋友或者联系人?

Relationship to applicant  关系人

Relationship to the applicant:  与申请人的关系

Contact's details

Family name: 姓

Given names: 名

Sex: 性别

Date of birth: 出生日期

Residential address  住址

note that a street address is required. A post office address cannot be accepted as a residential address.需要详细的地址,不能只提供邮箱地址。

Country: 国家

Address: 地址

Suburb / Town: 区或镇

State / Territory: 邦或领地

Postcode: 邮编

Contact telephone numbers  联系人电话

Home phone: 家庭电话

Business phone: 业务电话

Mobile / Cell phone:手机

Electronic communication 电子联系方式

Email address:电子邮箱

Australian residency status 澳大利亚居住身份

Australian residency status: 澳大利亚居住身份

Current overseas employment  当前职业

Current employment details 当前职业详情

Employment status: 职业情况

Occupation grouping: 职务范围

Organisation: 单位名称

Start date with 当前职业起始日期

current employer:雇主姓名

Organisation address 单位地址

note that a street address is required. A post office address cannot be accepted as an organisation address. 需要详细的地址,不能只提供邮箱地址。

Country: 国家

Address: 详细地址

Suburb / Town: 区/镇

State or Province: 省份

Postal code: 邮编

Contact telephone numbers  联系电话

Business phone: 业务电话

Mobile / Cell phone: 手机

Electronic communication  电子联系方式

Email address: 电子邮箱

Funding for stay  去澳大利亚的资金来源

Funding details  资金来源详细信息

Give details of how the stay in Australia will be funded. 详细说明去澳大利亚的资金来源

What funds will the applicant have available to support their stay in Australia?


Health declarations  健康声明

In the last five years, has any applicant visited, or lived, outside their country of passport, for more than 3 consecutive months? Do not include time spent in Australia. 在过去的5年里,申请人是否在护照签发国以外的国家居住过3个月以上? 不包含澳大利亚。


Does any applicant intend to enter a hospital or a health care facility (including nursing homes) while in Australia?申请人是否打算进入澳大利亚的医院或其他医疗机构治病(包括养老院)?


Does any applicant intend to work as, or study to be a doctor, dentist, nurse or paramedic during their stay in Australia? 在澳大利亚逗留期间,申请人是否打算从事医生、牙医、护士或护理人员工作?


Has any applicant:

ever had, or currently have, tuberculosis?

been in close contact with a family member that has active tuberculosis?

ever had a chest x-ray which showed an abnormality?






During their proposed visit to Australia, does any applicant expect to incur medical costs, or require treatment or medical follow up for:

blood disorder


heart disease

hepatitis B or C and/or liver disease

HIV infection, including AIDS

kidney disease, including dialysis













Does any applicant require assistance with mobility or care due to a medical condition? 申请人是否需要提供机动性护理与协助?


Character declarations 声明

Has any applicant ever been charged with any offence that is currently awaiting legal action? 申请人是否有犯罪指控并且现在正在等待法律的判决?


Has any applicant ever been convicted of an offence in any country (including any conviction which is now removed from official records)? 申请人是否在任何国家被判处过有罪(包括现在已从正式记录中删除的任何犯罪记录)?


Has any applicant ever been the subject of an arrest warrant or Interpol notice? 申请人是否曾收过拘捕令或国际刑警组织的通知?


Has any applicant ever been found guilty of a sexually based offence involving a child (including where no conviction was recorded)? 申请人是否因涉及儿童的性侵犯而被判有罪(包括没能定罪记录)?


Has any applicant ever been named on a sex offender register? 申请人是否曾因性犯罪被记录在案?


Has any applicant ever been acquitted of any offence on the grounds of unsoundness of mind or insanity? 申请人是否因精神不健全或精神错乱而被判无罪?


Has any applicant ever been found by a court not fit to plead? 申请人是否曾被法院发现不适合法庭答辩?


Has any applicant ever been directly or indirectly involved in, or associated with, activities which would represent a risk to national security in Australia or any other country?申请人是否曾直接或间接参与对澳大利亚或其他国家的国家安全构成威胁的活动?


Has any applicant ever been charged with, or indicted for: genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity, torture, slavery, or any other crime that is otherwise of a serious international concern? 申请人是否曾因种族灭绝罪、战争罪、反人类罪、酷刑、奴役,或其他任何国际社会严重关切的罪行被指控或起诉:?


Has any applicant ever been associated with a person, group or organisation that has been or is involved in criminal conduct? 申请人是否与他人、团体或组织的犯罪行为有牵连?


Has any applicant ever been associated with an organisation engaged in violence or engaged in acts of violence (including war, insurgency, freedom fighting, terrorism, protest) either overseas or in Australia?申请人是否曾与从事暴力活动的组织或者个人有关联(包括战争、叛乱、自由战争、恐怖主义、抗议活动)?


Has any applicant ever served in a military force, police force, state sponsored / private militia or intelligence agency (including secret police)?



Has any applicant ever undergone any military/paramilitary training, been trained in weapons/ explosives or in the manufacture of chemical/biological products? 申请人是否曾接受过军事/准军事训练,或者制造过武器/炸药或制造化学/生物制品?


Has any applicant ever been involved in people smuggling or people trafficking offences? 申请人是否曾参与人口走私或贩卖人口的犯罪活动?


Has any applicant ever been removed, deported or excluded from any country (including Australia)? 申请人是否曾被驱逐出境(包括澳大利亚)?


Has any applicant ever overstayed a visa in any country (including Australia)? 申请人是否有过超期停留的记录(包括澳大利亚)。


Has any applicant ever had any outstanding debts to the Australian Government or any public authority in Australia? 申请人是否欠过澳洲政府或澳洲的任何公共机构债务?


Visa history 签证历史

Has the applicant held or does the applicant currently hold a visa to Australia or any other country? 申请人当前是否持有澳洲或其他国家的签证?


Has the applicant ever been in Australia or any other country and not complied with visa conditions or departed outside their authorised period of stay? 申请人是否曾在澳洲或其他任何国家,不遵守签证条件,未在签证有效期内离开?


Has the applicant ever had an application for entry or further stay in Australia or any other country refused, or had a visa cancelled? 申请人是否曾申请入境或继续留在澳洲,或其他国家,并遭到拒绝,或被取消签证?


Frequent traveller declarations 常旅客声明


Giving false or misleading information is a serious offence. The applicant declares that they:

Understand that if granted, this visa may be granted with a validity period of less than 10 years.






Understand that this visa does not permit the holder to be within Australia for more than 12 months in any 24 month period. 明白该签证不允许在任何24个月内在澳大利亚境内停留超过12个月。


Understand that this visa allows for a maximum stay of three months on each entry to Australia. 明白该签证允许每次在澳大利亚停留的时间最长为3个月。


Understand that this visa requires the holder to update the Department when their contact details change, including email address. 明白该签证持有人联系信息变更时要在签证处更新,包括电子邮件地址。


Understand that this visa requires the holder to respond to a revalidation request by the Department to confirm their continued eligibility to hold the visa. 明白该签证持有人要对签证处的重新验证请求作出回应,以确认是否有资格继续持有签证。


Understand that this visa may temporarily cease to be in effect pending successful completion of revalidation. 明白该签证可能在成功完成重新确认之前会暂时失效


Understand that minors travelling on this visa must have continued consent from their parents/ guardians to enter Australia for the duration of the visa, and that if such consent is withdrawn at any time, the visa will be subject to consideration of cancellation. 明白该签证的未成年持有人在签证有效期内进入澳大利亚必须经其父母/监护人同意,如果父母或者监护人不同意,签证将被取消。


Declarations 声明


Giving false or misleading information is a serious offence.



The applicants declare that they: 申请人声明:

Have read and understood the information provided to them in this application. 已经阅读并理解在这个申请过程中提供的各种信息。


Have provided complete and correct information in every detail on this form, and on any attachments to it. 已经在表格与附件中提供了完整与正确的信息


Understand that if any fraudulent documents or false or misleading information has been provided with this application, or if any of the applicants fail to satisfy the Minister of their identity, the application may be refused and the applicant(s), and any member of their family unit, may become unable to be granted a visa for a specified period of time. 明白如果有任何虚假的文件或者误导性的信息,或者自身条件未能满足要求,可能会被拒签。


Understand that if documents are found to be fraudulent or information to be incorrect after the grant of a visa, the visa may subsequently be cancelled. 明白在签证发放后发现文件存在造假或者有不正确信息,签证有可能会被取消。


Will inform the Department of Immigration and Border Protection in writing immediately as they become aware of a change in circumstances (including change of address) or if there is any change relating to information they have provided in or with this application, while it is being considered. 如果情况发生变化(包括地址变更),将会及时告知移民与边境保护部门(签证处)。


Have read the information contained in the Privacy notice (Form 1442i) .



Understand that the department may collect, use and disclose the applicant's personal information (including biometric information and other sensitive information) as outlined in the Privacy notice (Form 1442i) . 了解相关部门可收集、使用及披露申请人的个人资料(包括生物识别资料及其他敏感资料),并在隐私通告(表格1442i)中陈述。


Understand that if a no further stay 8503 condition is imposed on this visa, it will limit the ability to remain in Australia beyond the authorised period of stay of the visa. 了解如果签证含有8503条款,签证中的在澳大利亚停留的有效期将会受到限制。


Agree not to undertake study or training for more than three months. 同意不进行为期三个月以上的学习与培训。


Agree to leave Australia on or before the expiry of the period of stay of the visa. 同意在签证有效期限之内离开澳大利亚。


Give consent to the collection of their fingerprints and facial image. 同意收集指纹和面部图像。


Understand that, if required to provide their fingerprints and facial image, the applicant's fingerprints and facial image and biographical information held by the Department of Immigration and Border Protection may be given to Australian law enforcement agencies to help identify the applicant and determine eligibility for grant of the visa being applied for, and for law enforcement purposes. 了解如果需要,移民与边境保护部将把其持有的申请人的指纹和面部图像提供给澳大利亚执法机构来帮助确定申请人身份。


Give consent to Australian law enforcement agencies disclosing the applicant's biometric, biographical and criminal record information to the Department of Immigration and Border Protection to help identify the applicant, to determine eligibility for grant of a visa and for law enforcement purposes. 同意澳大利亚执法机构将申请人的生物特征、档案和犯罪记录信息提供给移民和边境保护部,以帮助确定申请人身份,以确定是否有资格获得签证以及其他执法目的。


Give consent to the Department of Immigration and Border Protection using the applicant's biometric, biographical and criminal record information obtained for the purposes of the Migration Act 1958 or the Citizenship Act 2007. 同意移民和边境保护部因1958年移民法案或2007年公民法案而使用申请人的生物特征、档案和犯罪记录。


第三步 上传资料

填写完资料后,第三步是点击“Attach documents"上传各种证明材料,


Providing supporting evidence 提供证明文件

Transaction Reference Number (TRN): 编号

Attaching supporting evidence prior to submitting will assist the department in processing the application. 提交证明文件以帮助签证证处处理签证申请。


There are specific quality and formatting requirements when scanning documents. Refer to the help text before attaching documents.•


·Required 必须提供 (红色标识)

·Recommended建议提供 (橙色标识)

·Received已收到 (绿色标识)


• Family Composition, Evidence of 家庭成员

• National Identity Document (other than Passport) 护照外的其他身份证明(指身份证)

• Financial Capacity - Personal, Evidence of 财务能力证明

• Employment - Current, Evidence of 就业证明

• Travel Document 护照

• Photograph – Passport 签证用的照片

• Previous Compliant Travel, Evidence of 以前的签证证明(比如去过其他国家的签证或者进出海关的盖章)

第四步 缴费



点击“Submit aplication" 提交申请资料

再点击 “Manage payments"进行网上缴费。

第五步 注意事项








