TX2 GPIO Debugs (using A300/A302 Carrier board)


NVIDIA Resource:
Forum GPIO Description

Main GPIO Controller: 0x02200000
AON GPIO Controller:  0x0C2F0000

In order to access your GPIO device you need to get your GPIO number. To do this:
1. Find the processor base value:
Main Processor base value is: 320
AON Processor base value is: 256

2. From the port listing above find the index of your port.
As an example AA would be: 5

3. Get the offset from your port, which is the number after your port.
AA0 -> Offset 0

4. Use the following formula to to calculate the userland GPIO:
 + <8 * Port Index> + Offset
256 + 8 * 5 + 0 = 296
This is value you should put into /sys/class/gpio/export

1. GPIO 4Pin控制门锁(GPIO for DoorLocker)

Multifunction Port W5 for the GPIO interface:

  1. GPIO9 as output (with 3.3volt level) --- GPIO298.No(TX2)
  2. GPIO8 as input --- GPIO388.No(TX2)
  3. GPIO_EXP0_INT as input --- GPIO480.No(TX2)
  4. GPIO_EXP1_INT as input --- GPIO486.No(TX2)
gpio@2200000 {
    rgb-control-output-high {
        gpios = <
                TEGRA_MAIN_GPIO(I, 4) 0
                TEGRA_MAIN_GPIO(Y, 6) 0
                TEGRA_MAIN_GPIO(Y, 0) 0
        label = "gpio8-input","rgb-b","rgb-r";
         gpio388:rgb-b GPIO3_PI.04---GPIO8_ALS_PROX_INT 
         gpio480:rgb-r GPIO3_PY.00---GPIO_EXP0_INT
         gpio486:rgb-b GPIO3_PY.06---GPIO_EXP1_INT

gpio@c2f0000 {
    red-control-output-high {
            gpios = <
                    TEGRA_AON_GPIO(AA, 2) 0
            label = "rgb-g";
            /* gpio298:rgb-g GPIO3_PAA.02---GPIO9_MOTION_INT  */

2.操作方法(Operate Method:root)

$sudo -s
---Set GPIO file to operate
echo 388 > export 
---Set input/output
echo 'out' > gpio388/direction 
---Set low/high
echo  1 > gpio388/value 
echo  0 > gpio388/value 
The same to GPIO480/486/298 and so on.

3. Python GPIO 操作手册
安装 Python GPIO库

import time
import gpio

fan_output_pin = 388   #GPIO8 as input --- GPIO388(TX2 TEGRA-SOC)

gpio.setup(fan_output_pin, gpio.OUT) 
gpio.set(fan_output_pin, 0)

print("Starting now! Press CTRL+C to exit")
    while True:
        gpio.set(fan_output_pin, 1)
        print("GPIO8 High.")
        gpio.set(fan_output_pin, 0)
        print("GPIO8 Low")

案例HC-SR04 Sonar 超声波测距Python 代码:

import gpio
import time

trig = 480  #GPIO_EXP0_INT as input --- GPIO480.No(TX2)
echo = 486  #GPIO_EXP1_INT as input --- GPIO486.No(TX2)

print "HC-SR04 Sonar"

def main():
    # Pin Setup:
    gpio.setup(trig, gpio.OUT)
    gpio.setup(echo, gpio.IN)
    print("Starting Measure now! Press CTRL+C to exit")

    while True:
        gpio.set(trig, 1)
        gpio.set(trig, 0)
        pulse_start = time.time()
        while gpio.read(echo)==0:
            pulse_start = time.time()
            pulse_end = time.time()
            while gpio.read(echo)==1:
                    pulse_end = time.time()

                    pulse_duration = pulse_end - pulse_start
                    distance = pulse_duration * 17150
                    distance = round(distance, 2)
                    print ("Distance" , distance)

if __name__ == '__main__':

4. 查看当下GPIO状态:GPIO.No、输入/出、Hi/Lo

root@tegra-ubuntu:~# cat /sys/kernel/debug/gpio
GPIOs 232-239, platform/max77620-gpio, max77620-gpio, can sleep:
 gpio-232 (                    |external-connection:) in  hi    
 gpio-237 (                    |spmic_gpio_input_5  ) in  lo    
 gpio-238 (                    |spmic_gpio_input_6  ) in  hi    

GPIOs 240-255, i2c/0-0074, tca9539, can sleep:
 gpio-240 (                    |vdd-usb2-5v         ) out hi    
 gpio-241 (                    |en-vdd-ts-1v8       ) out hi    
 gpio-242 (                    |en-vdd-ts-hv-3v3    ) out hi    
 gpio-243 (                    |en-vdd-disp-3v3     ) out lo    
 gpio-244 (                    |vdd-fan             ) out hi    
 gpio-247 (                    |en-mdm-pwr-3v7      ) out lo    
 gpio-249 (                    |en-vdd-disp-1v8     ) out lo    
 gpio-250 (                    |dis-vdd-1v2         ) out hi    
 gpio-252 (                    |vdd-hdmi            ) out hi    
 gpio-253 (                    |en-vdd-cam-hv-2v8   ) out lo    

GPIOs 256-319, platform/c2f0000.gpio, tegra-gpio-aon:
 gpio-272 (                    |temp_alert          ) in  hi    
 gpio-298 (                    |locker-gpio9        ) out hi    
 gpio-312 (                    |Power               ) in  hi    
 gpio-313 (                    |Volume Up           ) in  hi    
 gpio-314 (                    |Volume Down         ) in  hi    
 gpio-315 (                    |wifi-wake-ap        ) in  hi    
 gpio-316 (                    |bt_host_wake        ) in  hi    

GPIOs 320-511, platform/2200000.gpio, tegra-gpio:
 gpio-381 (                    |reset_gpio          ) out lo    
 gpio-388 (                    |gpio8-input         ) in  hi    
 gpio-412 (                    |vdd-usb0-5v         ) out lo    
 gpio-413 (                    |vdd-usb1-5v         ) in  hi    
 gpio-420 (                    |eqos_phy_reset      ) out hi    
 gpio-421 (                    |eqos_phy_intr       ) in  hi    
 gpio-424 (                    |wlan_pwr            ) out lo    
 gpio-426 (                    |cam1-pwdn           ) out lo    
 gpio-441 (                    |hdmi2.0_hpd         ) in  lo    
 gpio-444 (                    |wp                  ) in  lo    
 gpio-445 (                    |cd                  ) in  hi    
 gpio-446 (                    |en-vdd-sd           ) out lo    
 gpio-456 (                    |cam0-pwdn           ) out lo    
 gpio-457 (                    |cam1-rst            ) out lo    
 gpio-459 (                    |pcie-lane2-mux      ) out lo    
 gpio-461 (                    |cam0-rst            ) out lo    
 gpio-479 (                    |external-connection:) in  lo    
 gpio-480 (                    |exp0-int            ) in  lo    
 gpio-484 (                    |bt_ext_wake         ) out hi    
 gpio-486 (                    |exp1-int            ) in  lo  

TX2 开发板J21 GPIO列表

TX2 GPIO Debugs (using A300/A302 Carrier board)_第1张图片
TX2 J21 GPIO Header.png

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