What is State of Art?

The term "state of the art" refers to the highest level of general development, as of a device, technique, or scientific field achieved at a particular time. It also refers to the level of development (as of a device, procedure, process, technique, or science) reached at any particular time as a result of the common methodologies employed. Compare with: "leading edge".

术语“State of Art”,是指在某一特定时间内所取得的,在设备,技术或科学领域的最高(发展)水平,。它也指采用的同样的(评估?)方法,在任何特定时间达到的发展水平(如设备,程序,过程,技术,或科学)。类似于“前沿”。


The concept of "State of the Art" is defined as "the level of knowledge and development achieved in a technique, science". According to this definition, the state of the art is basically a unique art including the specific knowledge of the people who provide a particular unique framework. There are several synonyms of the phrase "state of the art" such as advancement, stylish, artistic work, modern and several other words and phrases. In other words, the "state of the art" is defined as "the incorporation of new ideas and the most up to date knowledge in order to make advancements in the already existing knowledge". According to this definition, "state of the art" is the process with which a new unique idea is incorporated in any field of technology, literature and architecture. In general language, "state of the art" is defined as the development of new techniques and procedures by expert people in a particular field.


“State of Art”的概念被定义为“在技术,科学知识和取得的发展水平”。根据这个定义,State of Art,基本上是一个特殊(特定)的水平,包括一个具体的独特的知识框架。它有几个同义词:advancement, stylish, artistic work, modern和其他一些单词或短语。换句话说,“State of Art”被定义为“纳入新的思想和最先进的知识,以使现有的知识进步”。根据这一定义,“State of Art”是一个新的独特的构思中的任何技术,文学,建筑领域内的过程。在一般的语言中,“State of Art”定义为被在某一领域的专家人士开发的新技术和程序。


总的来说"State of Art"是指在一个特定时期的某项科学技术的最高发展水平

