本文我们将会介绍JVM的一个更新,这就是持久代的移除。我们会介绍为什么需要移除持久代,以及它的替代者,元空间(metaspace)。这是上一篇文章 内存管理之垃圾回收的续集。
Java 6中的堆结构是这样的:
JVM用于描述应用程序中用到的类和方法的元数据也存储在持久代中。JVM运行时会用到多少持久代的空间取决于应用程序用到了多少类。除此之外,Java SE库中的类和方法也都存储在这里。
如果JVM发现有的类已经不再需要了,它会去回收(卸载)这些类,将它们的空间释放出来给其它类使用。Full GC会进行持久代的回收。
持久代的空间被彻底地删除了,它被一个叫元空间的区域所替代了。持久代删除了之后,很明显,JVM会忽略PermSize和MaxPermSize这两个参数,还有就是你再也看不到java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen error的异常了。原来类的静态变量和Interned Strings 都被转移到了java堆区,
JDK 8的HotSpot JVM现在使用的是本地内存来表示类的元数据,这个区域就叫做元空间。
你可以看到虚拟内存空间是如何分配的(vs1,vs2,vs3) ,以及类加载器的内存块是如何分配的。CL是Class Loader的缩写。
_mark : 4字节常量
_klass: 指向类的4字节指针 对象的内存布局中的第二个字段( _klass,在32位JVM中,相对对象在内存中的位置的偏移量是4,64位的是8)指向的是内存中对象的类定义。
_mark : 8字节常量
_klass: 指向类的8字节的指针
开启了指针压缩的64位JVM: _mark : 8字节常量
_klass: 指向类的4字节的指针
类指针压缩空间(Compressed Class Pointer Space)
只有是64位平台上启用了类指针压缩才会存在这个区域。对于64位平台,为了压缩JVM对象中的_klass指针的大小,引入了类指针压缩空间(Compressed Class Pointer Space)。
使用-XX:+UseCompressedOops压缩对象指针 "oops"指的是普通对象指针("ordinary" object pointers)。 Java堆中对象指针会被压缩成32位。 使用堆基地址(如果堆在低26G内存中的话,基地址为0)
类指针压缩空间只包含类的元数据,比如InstanceKlass, ArrayKlass 仅当打开了UseCompressedClassPointers选项才生效 为了提高性能,Java中的虚方法表也存放到这里 这里到底存放哪些元数据的类型,目前仍在减少
原创文章转载请注明出处: Java 8的元空间 英文原文链接
Move part of the contents of the permanent generation in Hotspot to the Java heap and the remainder to native memory.
Hotspot's representation of Java classes (referred to here as class meta-data) is currently stored in a portion of the Java heap referred to as the permanent generation. In addition, interned Strings and class static variables are stored in the permanent generation. The permanent generation is managed by Hotspot and must have enough room for all the class meta-data, interned Strings and class statics used by the Java application. Class metadata and statics are allocated in the permanent generation when a class is loaded and are garbage collected from the permanent generation when the class is unloaded. Interned Strings are also garbage collected when the permanent generation is GC'ed.
The proposed implementation will allocate class meta-data in native memory and move interned Strings and class statics to the Java heap. Hotspot will explicitly allocate and free the native memory for the class meta-data. Allocation of new class meta-data would be limited by the amount of available native memory rather than fixed by the value of -XX:MaxPermSize, whether the default or specified on the command line.
Allocation of native memory for class meta-data will be done in blocks of a size large enough to fit multiple pieces of class meta-data. Each block will be associated with a class loader and all class meta-data loaded by that class loader will be allocated by Hotspot from the block for that class loader. Additional blocks will be allocated for a class loader as needed. The block sizes will vary depending on the behavior of the application. The sizes will be chosen so as to limit internal and external fragmentation. Freeing the space for the class meta-data would be done when the class loader dies by freeing all the blocks associated with the class loader. Class meta-data will not be moved during the life of the class.
The goal of removing the need for sizing the permanent generation can be met by having a permanent generation that can grow. There are additional data structures that would have to grow with the permanent generation (such as the card table and block offset table). For an efficient implementation the permanent generation would need to look like one contiguous space with some parts that are not usable.