Efficient vanishing point detection method in complex urban road environments
Abstract:Detecting the vanishing point in a road image is important for robot navigation, intelligent transportation and other fields. This study proposes a new vanishing point detection method that uses the vertical information in complex urban road and street environments. First, all straight lines in the road image are detected based on curvature scale space and principal component analysis methods. Second, a new road region extraction method is proposed to support vanishing point detection. In this method, the image is decomposed into approximate sky, vertical and road regions using the estimation envelopes of the vertical lines. Third, the straight lines in the road region are xtracted using a path perspective triangle and line length limits. The straight lines are then categorised into groups using proposed grouping strategies. Finally, vanishing point candidates are calculated from paired lines extracted from different groups and from the same group, and the final vanishing point is then estimated for the urban road scene using the mean shift clustering method. The experimental results show that the proposed algorithm can estimate the vanishing point accurately and efficiently in complex urban road environments, despite interference from vehicles and pedestrians and on curved and unstructured roads.
Weili Ding and Yong Li, Efficient vanishing point detection method in complex urban road environments[J].IET Computer Vision, 2015DOI: 10.1049/iet-cvi.2014.0187
丁伟利,李勇,王文锋,曹秀燕. 基于轮廓特征理解的城市道路图像深度估计[J]. 光学学报, 2014, 34(7): 0715001
王文锋,丁伟利,李勇,杨树军. 一种高效的基于平行边缘的道路识别算法[J]. 光学学报, 2015, 35(7): 0715001
2015年CVPR也有2篇关于Vanishing Point的文章:
Joint Vanishing Point Extraction and Tracking.
Real-time Joint Estimation of Camera Orientation and Vanishing Points