docker study --- containerd

containerd is a binary , it will run background when docker service starts.

containerd -l unix:///var/run/docker/libcontainerd/docker-containerd.sock --shim containerd-shim --metrics-interval=0 --start-timeout 2m --state-dir /var/run/docker/libcontainerd/containerd --runtime runc
max@max-VirtualBox:~$ containerd -h
   containerd - High performance container daemon

   containerd [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]


   help, h      Shows a list of commands or help for one command

   --debug                                                      enable debug output in the logs
   --state-dir "/run/containerd"                                runtime state directory
   --metrics-interval "5m0s"                                    interval for flushing metrics to the store
   --listen, -l "unix:///run/containerd/containerd.sock"        proto://address on which the GRPC API will listen
   --runtime, -r "runc"                                         name or path of the OCI compliant runtime to use when executing containers
   --runtime-args [--runtime-args option --runtime-args option] specify additional runtime args
   --shim "containerd-shim"                                     Name or path of shim
   --pprof-address                                              http address to listen for pprof events
   --start-timeout "15s"                                        timeout duration for waiting on a container to start before it is killed
   --retain-count "500"                                         number of past events to keep in the event log
   --graphite-address                                           Address of graphite server
   --help, -h                                                   show help
   --version, -v                                                print the version

docker study --- containerd_第1张图片

// Supervisor represents a container supervisor
type Supervisor struct {
	// stateDir is the directory on the system to store container runtime state information.
	stateDir string
	// name of the OCI compatible runtime used to execute containers
	runtime     string
	runtimeArgs []string
	shim        string
	containers  map[string]*containerInfo
	startTasks  chan *startTask
	// we need a lock around the subscribers map only because additions and deletions from
	// the map are via the API so we cannot really control the concurrency
	subscriberLock sync.RWMutex
	subscribers    map[chan Event]struct{}
	machine        Machine
	tasks          chan Task
	monitor        *Monitor
	eventLog       []Event
	eventLock      sync.Mutex
	timeout        time.Duration

这里最要的就是 两个channel,就是上边的Supervisor 中的tasks和startTasks。还有两个重要的go routine: supervisor go routine 还有worker go routine

---put tasks---->task chan-------task chan to starttasks----->startTasks--------->get starttask--------

(SendTask)                    in supervisor go routine (handleTask)                   

首先分析一下连个go routine 的初始化代码:

func main() {

	app.Action = func(context *cli.Context) {
		// Maxx  daemon
		if err := daemon(context); err != nil {

func daemon(context *cli.Context) error {
	// Maxx  start 10 worker thread
	wg := &sync.WaitGroup{}
	for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
		w := supervisor.NewWorker(sv, wg)
		go w.Start()
	// Maxx start GRPC server of containerd
	if err := sv.Start(); err != nil {
		return err
1. 在daemon函数中首先起了10个worker 协程。
// NewWorker return a new initialized worker
func NewWorker(s *Supervisor, wg *sync.WaitGroup) Worker {
	return &worker{
		s:  s,
		wg: wg,

// Worker interface
type Worker interface {
// Start runs a loop in charge of starting new containers
func (w *worker) Start() {
	defer w.wg.Done()
	for t := range w.s.startTasks {
		started := time.Now()
		// Maxx  start D:\study\go\containerd-docker-v1.12.x\runtime\container.go, also call the start below
		process, err := t.Container.Start(t.CheckpointPath, runtime.NewStdio(t.Stdin, t.Stdout, t.Stderr))
		if t.CheckpointPath == "" {
			// Maxx call exec.cmd(docker-runc start $CID)
			// D:\study\go\containerd-docker-v1.12.x\runtime\process.go
			if err := process.Start(); err != nil {

func (c *container) Start(checkpointPath string, s Stdio) (Process, error) {
    processRoot := filepath.Join(c.root,, InitProcessID)
    if err := os.Mkdir(processRoot, 0755); err != nil {
        return nil, err
    // Maxx  start shim process cmd
        docker-containerd-shim 817c43b3f5794d0e5dfdb92acf60fe7653b3efc33a4388733d357d00a8d8ae1a /var/run/docker/libcontainerd/817c43b3f5794d0e5dfdb92acf60fe7653b3efc33a4388733d357d00a8d8ae1a docker-runc*/
    cmd := exec.Command(c.shim,, c.bundle, c.runtime,
    cmd.Dir = processRoot
    cmd.SysProcAttr = &syscall.SysProcAttr{
        Setpgid: true,
    spec, err := c.readSpec()
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    config := &processConfig{
        checkpoint:  checkpointPath,
        root:        processRoot,
        id:          InitProcessID,
        c:           c,
        stdio:       s,
        spec:        spec,
        processSpec: specs.ProcessSpec(spec.Process),
    p, err := newProcess(config)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    // Max run the cmd, now containerd end,  turn to runc
    if err := c.createCmd(InitProcessID, cmd, p); err != nil {
        return nil, err
    return p, nil

// Start unblocks the associated container init process.
// This should only be called on the process with ID "init"
func (p *process) Start() error {
    if p.ID() == InitProcessID {
        var (
            errC = make(chan error, 1)
            args = append(p.container.runtimeArgs, "start",
            cmd  = exec.Command(p.container.runtime, args...)
        go func() {
            out, err := cmd.CombinedOutput()
            if err != nil {
                errC <- fmt.Errorf("%s: %q", err.Error(), out)
            errC <- nil
        select {
        case err := <-errC:
            if err != nil {
                return err
        case <-p.cmdDoneCh:
            if !p.cmdSuccess {
                if cmd.Process != nil {
                return ErrShimExited
            err := <-errC
            if err != nil {
                return err
    return nil
2. sv.start()

// Start is a non-blocking call that runs the supervisor for monitoring contianer processes and
// executing new containers.
// This event loop is the only thing that is allowed to modify state of containers and processes
// therefore it is save to do operations in the handlers that modify state of the system or
// state of the Supervisor
func (s *Supervisor) Start() error {
		"stateDir":    s.stateDir,
		"runtime":     s.runtime,
		"runtimeArgs": s.runtimeArgs,
		"memory":      s.machine.Memory,
		"cpus":        s.machine.Cpus,
	}).Debug("containerd: supervisor running")
	go func() {
		for i := range s.tasks {
			// Maxx xxx
	return nil
func (s *Supervisor) handleTask(i Task) {
	var err error
	switch t := i.(type) {
	case *AddProcessTask:
		err = s.addProcess(t)
	case *CreateCheckpointTask:
		err = s.createCheckpoint(t)
	case *DeleteCheckpointTask:
		err = s.deleteCheckpoint(t)
	case *StartTask:
	// Maxx   start come here
		err = s.start(t)
	case *DeleteTask:
		err = s.delete(t)
	case *ExitTask:
		err = s.exit(t)
	case *GetContainersTask:
		err = s.getContainers(t)
	case *SignalTask:
		err = s.signal(t)
	case *StatsTask:
		err = s.stats(t)
	case *UpdateTask:
		err = s.updateContainer(t)
	case *UpdateProcessTask:
		err = s.updateProcess(t)
	case *OOMTask:
		err = s.oom(t)
		err = ErrUnknownTask
	if err != errDeferredResponse {
		i.ErrorCh() <- err

func (s *Supervisor) start(t *StartTask) error {
	start := time.Now()
	rt := s.runtime
	rtArgs := s.runtimeArgs
	if t.Runtime != "" {
		rt = t.Runtime
		rtArgs = t.RuntimeArgs
	container, err := runtime.New(runtime.ContainerOpts{
		Root:        s.stateDir,
		ID:          t.ID,
		Bundle:      t.BundlePath,
		Runtime:     rt,
		RuntimeArgs: rtArgs,
		Shim:        s.shim,
		Labels:      t.Labels,
		NoPivotRoot: t.NoPivotRoot,
		Timeout:     s.timeout,
	if err != nil {
		return err
	s.containers[t.ID] = &containerInfo{
		container: container,
	task := &startTask{
		Err:           t.ErrorCh(),
		Container:     container,
		StartResponse: t.StartResponse,
		Stdin:         t.Stdin,
		Stdout:        t.Stdout,
		Stderr:        t.Stderr,
	if t.Checkpoint != nil {
		task.CheckpointPath = filepath.Join(t.CheckpointDir, t.Checkpoint.Name)
	//Maxx  构造一个新的startTask,并传递给startTasks channel
	// then go to D:\study\go\containerd-docker-v1.12.x\supervisor\worker.go
	// Supervisor.worker的Start方法中,读取startTasks channel,并调用runtime.Container接口的Start方法

	s.startTasks <- task
	return errDeferredResponse


1. put Task to tasks chan

2.tasks chan---> startTasks

3. get startTask from startTasks chan and handle it

1. put Task to tasks chan

func (s *apiServer) CreateContainer(ctx context.Context, c *types.CreateContainerRequest) (*types.CreateContainerResponse, error) {
	if c.BundlePath == "" {
		return nil, errors.New("empty bundle path")
	// Maxx start tasks for create command
	e := &supervisor.StartTask{}
	e.ID = c.Id
	e.BundlePath = c.BundlePath
	e.Stdin = c.Stdin
	e.Stdout = c.Stdout
	e.Stderr = c.Stderr
	e.Labels = c.Labels
	e.NoPivotRoot = c.NoPivotRoot
	e.Runtime = c.Runtime
	e.RuntimeArgs = c.RuntimeArgs
	e.StartResponse = make(chan supervisor.StartResponse, 1)
	if c.Checkpoint != "" {
		e.CheckpointDir = c.CheckpointDir
		e.Checkpoint = &runtime.Checkpoint{
			Name: c.Checkpoint,
	// Maxx wsendtask put task  to task chan
	if err := <-e.ErrorCh(); err != nil {
		return nil, err
	r := <-e.StartResponse
	apiC, err := createAPIContainer(r.Container, false)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return &types.CreateContainerResponse{
		Container: apiC,
	}, nil
// SendTask sends the provided event the the supervisors main event loop
func (s *Supervisor) SendTask(evt Task) {
	s.tasks <- evt

2.tasks chan---> startTasks

func (s *Supervisor) start(t *StartTask) error {
	start := time.Now()
	rt := s.runtime
	rtArgs := s.runtimeArgs
	if t.Runtime != "" {
		rt = t.Runtime
		rtArgs = t.RuntimeArgs
	container, err := runtime.New(runtime.ContainerOpts{
		Root:        s.stateDir,
		ID:          t.ID,
		Bundle:      t.BundlePath,
		Runtime:     rt,
		RuntimeArgs: rtArgs,
		Shim:        s.shim,
		Labels:      t.Labels,
		NoPivotRoot: t.NoPivotRoot,
		Timeout:     s.timeout,
	if err != nil {
		return err
	s.containers[t.ID] = &containerInfo{
		container: container,
	task := &startTask{
		Err:           t.ErrorCh(),
		Container:     container,
		StartResponse: t.StartResponse,
		Stdin:         t.Stdin,
		Stdout:        t.Stdout,
		Stderr:        t.Stderr,
	if t.Checkpoint != nil {
		task.CheckpointPath = filepath.Join(t.CheckpointDir, t.Checkpoint.Name)
	//Maxx  构造一个新的startTask,并传递给startTasks channel
	// then go to D:\study\go\containerd-docker-v1.12.x\supervisor\worker.go
	// Supervisor.worker的Start方法中,读取startTasks channel,并调用runtime.Container接口的Start方法

	s.startTasks <- task
	return errDeferredResponse

3. get startTask from startTasks chan and handle it

这个主要是 worker go 协程处理

// Start runs a loop in charge of starting new containers
func (w *worker) Start() {
	defer w.wg.Done()
	for t := range w.s.startTasks {
		started := time.Now()
		// Maxx  start D:\study\go\containerd-docker-v1.12.x\runtime\container.go, also call the start below
		process, err := t.Container.Start(t.CheckpointPath, runtime.NewStdio(t.Stdin, t.Stdout, t.Stderr))
		if err != nil {
				"error": err,
				"id":    t.Container.ID(),
			}).Error("containerd: start container")
			t.Err <- err
			evt := &DeleteTask{
				ID:      t.Container.ID(),
				NoEvent: true,
				Process: process,
		if err := w.s.monitor.MonitorOOM(t.Container); err != nil && err != runtime.ErrContainerExited {
			if process.State() != runtime.Stopped {
				logrus.WithField("error", err).Error("containerd: notify OOM events")
		if err := w.s.monitorProcess(process); err != nil {
			logrus.WithField("error", err).Error("containerd: add process to monitor")
			t.Err <- err
			evt := &DeleteTask{
				ID:      t.Container.ID(),
				NoEvent: true,
				Process: process,
		// only call process start if we aren't restoring from a checkpoint
		// if we have restored from a checkpoint then the process is already started
		if t.CheckpointPath == "" {
			// Maxx call exec.cmd(docker-runc start $CID)
			// D:\study\go\containerd-docker-v1.12.x\runtime\process.go
			if err := process.Start(); err != nil {
				logrus.WithField("error", err).Error("containerd: start init process")
				t.Err <- err
				evt := &DeleteTask{
					ID:      t.Container.ID(),
					NoEvent: true,
					Process: process,
		t.Err <- nil
		t.StartResponse <- StartResponse{
			Container: t.Container,
			Timestamp: time.Now(),
			ID:        t.Container.ID(),
			Type:      StateStart,
