

标签,i是italic的缩写,表示斜体,italic指的是“意大利体(Italic Type)” 。 


二. 场景



  • 表示强调,唤起注意
  • 书籍名称、文章标题、船舶名称等。
  • 表示引用
  • 外语,如英文文章中夹杂的法语(例:A splendid coq au vin was served.)


  • 表示术语,比如技术术语(a technical term)等,例子:

    The term prose content is defined above.

  • 表示分类学名称(a taxonomic designation),例子:

    The Felis silvestris catus is cute.

  • 表示变音(transliteration 音译,直译)
  • 表示外来语(a phrase from another language),例子:

    There is a certain je ne sais quoi in the air.

  • 表示一种思想(a thought)[翻译疑问,表示一段想法,还是一种思想]
  • 表示车、船舶名字(a ship name,比如说Titanic,记得纸质版的《新概念英语第三册》当中第十课用得就是斜体),例子如下:
    //Ship Name

    The great ship,Titanic,sailed for New York from Southampton on April 10th,1912

    //Car Name

    He named his car The lightning, because it was very fast.

  • 表示倒叙和插曲(a dream sequence,电影、故事的一种叙述技巧),例子:

    Raymond tried to sleep.

    The ship sailed away on Thursday, he dreamt. The ship had many people aboard, including a beautiful princess called Carey. He watched her, day-in, day-out, hoping she would notice him, but she never did.

    Finally one night he picked up the courage to speak with her—

    Raymond woke with a start as the fire alarm rang out.



  • 当用其他语言的术语的时候,标签必须得带有lang属性,例子上面也有:

    There is a certain je ne sais quoi in the air.

  • 当你要用的那部分文字无法用下列标签替换的时候,才需要用标签: 
     (emphasized text,表示强调)
     (important text,表示重要)
     (marked/highlighted text,表示标记、高亮)
     (the title of a work,表示作品名称)
     (a definition term,表示特殊术语或者短语的定义)
  • 通过样式可以来格式化标签,所以,用标签就得是斜体,这个不是必须的。(Style sheets can be used to format i elements, just like any other element can be restyled. Thus, it is not the case that content in i elements will necessarily be italicized.)
  • 很多人用标签来放icon图标,我也是这么用的。




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