Crazy Rich Asians 片尾曲的故事

Cultural Appropriation 文化挪用,是我今年学到的新词儿。

2018年4月,18岁的美国犹他州高中生 Keziah Daum ,身穿红色的中国旗袍,参加了学校毕业舞会。她在网络上发布的几张照片,随即引起了一些网友的强烈反弹。

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一位网友 Jeremy Lam 说,“我的文化不是你的舞会礼服。”

英国摇滚乐队酷玩 Coldplay 也曾被指责“文化挪用”。2012年,他们与 R&B 歌手 Rihanna 合作歌曲Princess of China。视频中,有宫殿、大鼓、长绸、千手观音,还有中国功夫。非裔 Rihanna 时而红丝袜高跟鞋,时而白色小龙女。

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2016年,Coldplay 与美国著名歌手 Beyonce 合作,Hymn for the Weekend。视频里,乐队在孟买街头和当地居民载歌载舞,背景是贫民窟、脏水塘、泥泞街道。黑漆漆的老旧影院里,Beyonce 身穿印度服装,在银幕上美不胜收。(其实我很喜欢这首歌。)

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酷玩乐队的成名作是2000年的一曲 Yellow 黄色。这首歌,至今仍是该乐队最受欢迎的歌曲之一。当年,乐队在录音期间稍作休息。走出录音棚,看到天上的繁星,洒下银黄色星光,由此引发灵感。

主唱 Chris Martin 先写出谱子,但在歌词上很费周折。他曾试图用另外的词来代替 Yellow,但最后决定,还是 Yellow,最适合这首歌的旋律。

关于这首歌的创作故事,Chris 在不同场合,说法略有不同。但他一直强调,Yellow 在这里,并没有什么寓意。歌曲表达的是爱,为爱甘愿付出。(Yellow 英文歌词附在文末。)

歌曲发布才半年,中国摇滚乐手郑钧,就将其重新填词,翻唱为中文版的《流星》。郑钧的歌词,将繁星改为流星,不再有 Yellow 这个颜色,而增加了月光和彩虹。这首中文版,也深受中国歌迷喜爱。(《流星》歌词附在文末。)

同样一首歌,传到美国,当时还在南加州大学读书的美国亚裔青年 Jon M Chu 感受非常不同。他在后来给酷玩乐队的一封信中写道:

对于 Yellow 这个颜色,我的感觉很复杂。从小到大,我都曾被谑称为 Yellow。看电影的时候,又看到一些怯懦的角色被称 Yellow 来取笑。对我来说,这个词一直含有贬义,一直到听到你们唱的这首歌。


第一次看到这首歌的视频,是在大学里。那个太阳升起的镜头,对既是电影人,又是音乐爱好者的我来说,它美得令人窒息。这首歌就像一首赞美诗,给予我和同伴前所未有的自豪感。这可能是当年的你们没有预见到的。‘要为 Yellow 一词重新定义’,这个念头从此就留在我的心里。

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Jon 看到的 Yellow 视频是酷玩在2000年5月拍摄的。那天很不巧,天下着雨,因为鼓手的母亲去世,乐队其他人都去参加葬礼了。但录影无法取消,主唱 Chris Martin 就一个人在海边,淋着雨边走边唱。录影一气呵成,留下后来被称为经典的、几近黑白的简单画面。那时的 Chris 和 Jon 一样,才20出头。

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十几年之后,Jon 作为影片 Crazy Rich Asians 的导演,在为电影配乐的时候,决定用 Yellow 这首歌做为片尾曲。

起初,制作方华纳兄弟电影公司对此很有顾虑。理由就是,歌名 Yellow,经常被用来作为对亚裔的蔑称。酷玩乐队也拒绝了 Jon 的请求,估计因被指责过“文化挪用”而变得谨慎了。

但 Jon 对制作方说,如果换做白人导演,选这首歌可能有问题。但我可以。

他直接给酷玩乐队写信,讲述了上面一番话,讲述了 Crazy Rich Asians 作为一部好莱坞全亚裔大制作的特殊意义。

一整代美国亚裔,还有其他族裔,会因为这首歌而感到自豪。虽然这是为原作赋予新意 Recontextualized,但其意义重大。我想让这一代人,也拥有一首赞歌。让他们在歌词和曲谱中,也能感受到自己的美丽,就像当年的我,感受到的一样。” 

(Jon写给 Coldplay 的信附在文末。)


由银黄色星光,到亚裔的自我形象,这个概念的挪用,跨度可谓不小。Coldplay 当年在写歌的时候,在冒雨为同伴的母亲歌唱的时候,哪里会想到,远在美国的 Jon,会因为这首歌,而重新思考自己的亚裔身份呢?

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(酷玩演唱会上,全场齐声高唱 Yellow)

如果 Coldplay 在今天写这首歌,被提醒 Yellow 一词对亚裔的负面含义,这首歌还能不能诞生?

如果 Chris 把 Yellow 改为 Gold,金色,还有没有如此大的影响力?





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同一个词,同一个颜色,同一首歌,族裔不同,文化不同,阶层不同,地区和年代不同,其含义会有不同。而对于这些差异,Crazy Rich Asians 主创们说,让我们来讲自己的故事,让我们来做自己故事中那个充满现代感的主人公。

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在导演 Jon M Chu 父亲的中餐厅Chef Chu‘s,摆放的大幅电影海报

这个够大胆,够开放,够松弛,从小受益于东西方文化浸润的创作团队,除了以英伦摇滚乐队酷玩的 Yellow 为片尾,另外还精心翻唱的曲目包括:

60年代美国摇滚歌手猫王 Elvis Presley 的Can’t Help Falling In Love 堕入情网。85后日、英、法混血美国加州歌手 Kina Grannis 在影片中的演唱非常动人。)

美国50年代爵士乐代表作 Louis Jordan 的 I Want You to be My Baby



70年代美国歌手Barrett Strong 的 Money

80年代美国流行歌手麦当娜的 Material Girl 拜金女孩


Crazy Rich Asians 的 Yellow 采用了中文翻唱版《流星》。演唱者是19岁的南加州大学华裔学生 Katherine Ho。生物学专业的她曾经入选 NBC The Voice 美国好声音。为了向电影制作方提交选手录音,她赶到学校排练室,对着《中国好声音》的选手翻唱版视频,连夜反复练习,并请早年赴美留学的父母在电话的另一头,帮她纠正咬字和发音。

就这样,Yellow 从英伦酷玩乐队的成名作,到中国摇滚歌手郑钧的《流星》,再到美国亚裔导演 Jon M Chu 的电影Crazy Rich Asians 的片尾曲,跨越欧亚美洲大陆,时间跨度18年。

在酷玩乐队的官方Yellow 视频下,这几天开始出现了这样的留言:

Crazy Rich Asians brought me here. THANK YOU so much Coldplay for letting them use your song! It has given it so much more meaning and really touches our hearts❤️

Thank you coldplay, for allowing CRA to use this soundtrack on their video. I just grew more respect and love towards you guys. ❤

Crazy Rich Asians 把我带到这里。特别感谢你酷玩乐队,同意电影采用你们的歌。这首歌被赋予了更多的含义,真正感动了我们的心。


* * *

Coldplay - Yellow 歌词

Look at the stars

Look how they shine for you

And everything you do

Yeah they were all yellow

I came along

I wrote a song for you

And all the things you do

And it was called yellow

So then I took my turn

Oh all the things I’ve done

And it was all yellow

Your skin

Oh yeah your skin and bones

Turn into something beautiful

Do you know you know I love you so

You know I love you so

I swam across

I jumped across for you

Oh all the things you do

Cause you were all yellow

I drew a line

I drew a line for you

Oh what a thing to do

And it was all yellow

Your skin

Oh yeah your skin and bones

Turn into something beautiful

Do you know for you I bleed myself dry

For you I bleed myself dry

Its true

Look how they shine for you

Look how they shine for you

Look how they shine for you

Look how they shine for you

Look how they shine for you

Look how they shine

Look at the stars

Look how they shine for you

And all the things that you do

* * *

Crazy Rich Asians 影片片尾曲
















羽化 成黑夜的彩虹

蜕变 成月光的清风














它的美丽 是否


Jon 给酷玩乐队的书信原文:

Dear Chris, Guy, Jonny and Will,

I know it’s a bit strange, but my whole life I’ve had a complicated relationship with the color yellow. From being called the word in a derogatory way throughout grade school, to watching movies where they called cowardly people yellow, it’s always had a negative connotation in my life. That is, until I heard your song.

For the first time in my life, it described the color in the most beautiful, magical ways I had ever heard: the color of the stars, her skin, her love. It was an incredible image of attraction and aspiration that it made me rethink my own self image.

I remember seeing the music video in college for the first time time on TRL. The one shot with the sun rising was breathtaking for both my filmmaker and music-loving side. It immediately became an anthem for me and my friends and gave us a new sense of pride we never felt before…(even though it probably wasn’t ever your intention). We could reclaim the color for ourselves and it has stuck with me for the majority of my life.

I remember seeing the music video in college for the first time time on TRL. The one shot with the sun rising was breathtaking for both my filmmaker and music-loving side. It immediately became an anthem for me and my friends and gave us a new sense of pride we never felt before…(even though it probably wasn’t ever your intention). We could reclaim the color for ourselves and it has stuck with me for the majority of my life.

So the reason I am writing this now, is because I am directing a film for Warner Bros. called Crazy Rich Asians (based on the best selling novel) and it is the first ALL-ASIAN cast for a Hollywood studio film in 25 years. Crazy. We were recently featured on the cover of Entertainment Weekly to commemorate the fact.

The story is a romantic comedy about a young Asian-American women (played by Constance Wu) from New York coming to terms with her cultural identity while she’s visiting her boyfriend’s mother (played by Michelle Yeoh) in Singapore. It’s a lavish, fun, romantic romp but underneath it all, there’s an intimate story of a girl becoming a woman. Learning that she’s good enough and deserves the world, no matter what she’s been taught or how she’s been treated, and ultimately that she can be proud of her mixed heritage.

The last scene of the movie shows this realization as she heads to the airport to return home a different woman. It’s an empowering, emotional march and needs an anthem that lives up and beyond her inner triumph, which is where “Yellow” comes in.

It would be such an honor to use your song that gave me so much strength throughout the years, to underscore this final part of our film. And for me personally, it would complete a journey that I’ve been going through, fighting to make it in the movie business.

I know as an artist it’s always difficult to decide when it’s ok to attach your art to someone else’s — and I am sure in most instances you are inclined to say no. However, I do believe this project is special. I do believe this is a unique situation in which the first Hollywood studio film, with an All-Asian cast is not playing stereotypes or side-players, but romantic and comedic leads. It will give a whole generation of Asian-Americans, and others, the same sense of pride I got when I heard your song. I know it’s re-contextualized but I think that’s what makes it powerful. I want all of them to have an anthem that makes them feel as beautiful as your words and melody made me feel when I needed it most.

Your consideration would mean so much to me and our project.

I can show you the movie if you want to see the context, or talk to you if you have any questions. Thank you for taking the time to listen.

Much love,

Jon M. Chu




作者:竞波,北京人。留美15年后,回国居住12年。在上海加入英文媒体《Shanghai Family》,在北京加入True Run Media,创办国际教育媒体《菁kids》并担任执行出版人。2016年搬回加州。有两个正值青春期的女儿。自由撰稿之余,创办自媒体公众号“硅谷近距离”。


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