
       由上图可知,先是通过new ChartDataLoader(getActivity(), mStatsSession, args);先看一下其中的参数,第一个是getActivity应该是获取上下文,第三个args获取的是bundle对象,看一下第二个对象mStatsSession怎么来的?
       由图可知,先获取了NetworkStatsService的对象,然后再获取到了INetworkStatsSession对象,我们接着追LoaderManager的onCreateLoader的那个new ChartDataLoader这个:
传了是取得哪个卡的数据,取传入的bundle的携带的参数(下面会说参数的意义)。 由上图可知,其实这里获取到的是NetworkStatsHistory,其实这里就能回到开始textview赋值那了,那个被包装的entry就是NetworkStatsHistory的一个包装着流量信息的对象。接下来给大家分一下NetworkStatsHistory这个类(全路径为:android/frameworks/base/core/java/android/net/NetworkStatsHistory.java)这个类的主要作用就是流量的记录和获取,而本身这个存取方式中的形式这个类中巧妙的称之为(桶)bucket,而每个桶都有个间隔,可以把它想成桶的大小来存储这段时间内的流量的,而桶的大小就是时间间隔,相当于这从几点到几点(例如桶为:3:00~4:00,装了500b流量)。

public int size() {
        return bucketCount;
    public long getBucketDuration() {
        return bucketDuration;
    public long getStart() {
        if (bucketCount > 0) {
            return bucketStart[0];
        } else {
            return Long.MAX_VALUE;
    public long getEnd() {
        if (bucketCount > 0) {
            return bucketStart[bucketCount - 1] + bucketDuration;
        } else {
            return Long.MIN_VALUE;

     * Return total bytes represented by this history.
     * 翻译:返回历史中总消耗(存储)的流量字节
    public long getTotalBytes() {
        return totalBytes;

     * Return index of bucket that contains or is immediately before the
     * requested time.
     * 翻译:给定一个时间点获取包含这个时间所在桶之前的下标值
    public int getIndexBefore(long time) {
        int index = Arrays.binarySearch(bucketStart, 0, bucketCount, time);
        if (index < 0) {
            index = (~index) - 1;
        } else {
            index -= 1;
        return MathUtils.constrain(index, 0, bucketCount - 1);

     * Return index of bucket that contains or is immediately after the
     * requested time.
     * 翻译:给定一个时间点获取包含这个时间所在桶之后的下标值
    public int getIndexAfter(long time) {
        int index = Arrays.binarySearch(bucketStart, 0, bucketCount, time);
        if (index < 0) {
            index = ~index;
        } else {
            index += 1;
        return MathUtils.constrain(index, 0, bucketCount - 1);

     * Return specific stats entry.
    public Entry getValues(int i, Entry recycle) {
        final Entry entry = recycle != null ? recycle : new Entry();
        entry.bucketStart = bucketStart[i];
        entry.bucketDuration = bucketDuration;
        entry.activeTime = getLong(activeTime, i, UNKNOWN);
        entry.rxBytes = getLong(rxBytes, i, UNKNOWN);
        entry.rxPackets = getLong(rxPackets, i, UNKNOWN);
        entry.txBytes = getLong(txBytes, i, UNKNOWN);
        entry.txPackets = getLong(txPackets, i, UNKNOWN);
        entry.operations = getLong(operations, i, UNKNOWN);
        return entry;

     * Record that data traffic occurred in the given time range. Will
     * distribute across internal buckets, creating new buckets as needed.
     * 翻译:根据给定的时间范围内的数据的消耗,创建新桶来存储这些消耗。
    public void recordData(long start, long end, long rxBytes, long txBytes) {
        recordData(start, end, new NetworkStats.Entry(
                IFACE_ALL, UID_ALL, SET_DEFAULT, TAG_NONE, rxBytes, 0L, txBytes, 0L, 0L));

     * Record that data traffic occurred in the given time range. Will
     * distribute across internal buckets, creating new buckets as needed.
     * 翻译:根据给定的时间范围内的数据的消耗,创建新桶来存储这些消耗。
    public void recordData(long start, long end, NetworkStats.Entry entry) {
        long rxBytes = entry.rxBytes;
        long rxPackets = entry.rxPackets;
        long txBytes = entry.txBytes;
        long txPackets = entry.txPackets;
        long operations = entry.operations;

        if (entry.isNegative()) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("tried recording negative data");
        if (entry.isEmpty()) {

        // create any buckets needed by this range
        ensureBuckets(start, end);

        // distribute data usage into buckets
        long duration = end - start;
        final int startIndex = getIndexAfter(end);
        for (int i = startIndex; i >= 0; i--) {
            final long curStart = bucketStart[i];
            final long curEnd = curStart + bucketDuration;

            // bucket is older than record; we're finished
            if (curEnd < start) break;
            // bucket is newer than record; keep looking
            if (curStart > end) continue;

            final long overlap = Math.min(curEnd, end) - Math.max(curStart, start);
            if (overlap <= 0) continue;

            // integer math each time is faster than floating point
            final long fracRxBytes = rxBytes * overlap / duration;
            final long fracRxPackets = rxPackets * overlap / duration;
            final long fracTxBytes = txBytes * overlap / duration;
            final long fracTxPackets = txPackets * overlap / duration;
            final long fracOperations = operations * overlap / duration;

            addLong(activeTime, i, overlap);
            addLong(this.rxBytes, i, fracRxBytes); rxBytes -= fracRxBytes;
            addLong(this.rxPackets, i, fracRxPackets); rxPackets -= fracRxPackets;
            addLong(this.txBytes, i, fracTxBytes); txBytes -= fracTxBytes;
            addLong(this.txPackets, i, fracTxPackets); txPackets -= fracTxPackets;
            addLong(this.operations, i, fracOperations); operations -= fracOperations;

            duration -= overlap;

        totalBytes += entry.rxBytes + entry.txBytes;
     * Ensure that buckets exist for given time range, creating as needed.
     * 翻译:根据给定的时间范围,创建需要的桶(记录流量使用的时候会调用这个方法)
    private void ensureBuckets(long start, long end) {
        // normalize incoming range to bucket boundaries
        start -= start % bucketDuration;
        end += (bucketDuration - (end % bucketDuration)) % bucketDuration;

        for (long now = start; now < end; now += bucketDuration) {
            // try finding existing bucket
            final int index = Arrays.binarySearch(bucketStart, 0, bucketCount, now);
            if (index < 0) {
                // bucket missing, create and insert
                insertBucket(~index, now);

     * Insert new bucket at requested index and starting time.
     * 翻译:插入新桶根据坐标,并给予此桶的开始时间(创建新桶的时候调用)
    private void insertBucket(int index, long start) {
        // create more buckets when needed
        if (bucketCount >= bucketStart.length) {
            final int newLength = Math.max(bucketStart.length, 10) * 3 / 2;
            bucketStart = Arrays.copyOf(bucketStart, newLength);
            if (activeTime != null) activeTime = Arrays.copyOf(activeTime, newLength);
            if (rxBytes != null) rxBytes = Arrays.copyOf(rxBytes, newLength);
            if (rxPackets != null) rxPackets = Arrays.copyOf(rxPackets, newLength);
            if (txBytes != null) txBytes = Arrays.copyOf(txBytes, newLength);
            if (txPackets != null) txPackets = Arrays.copyOf(txPackets, newLength);
            if (operations != null) operations = Arrays.copyOf(operations, newLength);

        // create gap when inserting bucket in middle
        if (index < bucketCount) {
            final int dstPos = index + 1;
            final int length = bucketCount - index;

            System.arraycopy(bucketStart, index, bucketStart, dstPos, length);
            if (activeTime != null) System.arraycopy(activeTime, index, activeTime, dstPos, length);
            if (rxBytes != null) System.arraycopy(rxBytes, index, rxBytes, dstPos, length);
            if (rxPackets != null) System.arraycopy(rxPackets, index, rxPackets, dstPos, length);
            if (txBytes != null) System.arraycopy(txBytes, index, txBytes, dstPos, length);
            if (txPackets != null) System.arraycopy(txPackets, index, txPackets, dstPos, length);
            if (operations != null) System.arraycopy(operations, index, operations, dstPos, length);

        bucketStart[index] = start;
        setLong(activeTime, index, 0L);
        setLong(rxBytes, index, 0L);
        setLong(rxPackets, index, 0L);
        setLong(txBytes, index, 0L);
        setLong(txPackets, index, 0L);
        setLong(operations, index, 0L);

     * Remove buckets older than requested cutoff.
     * 翻译:移除给定时间点之前的所有桶
    public void removeBucketsBefore(long cutoff) {
        int i;
        for (i = 0; i < bucketCount; i++) {
            final long curStart = bucketStart[i];
            final long curEnd = curStart + bucketDuration;

            // cutoff happens before or during this bucket; everything before
            // this bucket should be removed.
            if (curEnd > cutoff) break;

        if (i > 0) {
            final int length = bucketStart.length;
            bucketStart = Arrays.copyOfRange(bucketStart, i, length);
            if (activeTime != null) activeTime = Arrays.copyOfRange(activeTime, i, length);
            if (rxBytes != null) rxBytes = Arrays.copyOfRange(rxBytes, i, length);
            if (rxPackets != null) rxPackets = Arrays.copyOfRange(rxPackets, i, length);
            if (txBytes != null) txBytes = Arrays.copyOfRange(txBytes, i, length);
            if (txPackets != null) txPackets = Arrays.copyOfRange(txPackets, i, length);
            if (operations != null) operations = Arrays.copyOfRange(operations, i, length);
            bucketCount -= i;

            // TODO: subtract removed values from totalBytes
     * Return interpolated data usage across the requested range. Interpolates
     * across buckets, so values may be rounded slightly.
     * 翻译:根据你给的开始时间、结束时间、现在时间和一个桶的实体返回你这个时间段内消耗的流量值,单                  轻微会有点误差
    public Entry getValues(long start, long end, Entry recycle) {
        return getValues(start, end, Long.MAX_VALUE, recycle);


     * Return interpolated data usage across the requested range. Interpolates
     * across buckets, so values may be rounded slightly.
     * 翻译:根据你给的开始时间、结束时间、现在时间和一个桶的实体返回你这个时间段内消耗的流量值,单                  轻微会有点误差(这个是获取流量的最终实现方法,上面Settings最终调用的就是这个方法)
    public Entry getValues(long start, long end, long now, Entry recycle) {
        final Entry entry = recycle != null ? recycle : new Entry();
        entry.bucketDuration = end - start;
        entry.bucketStart = start;
        entry.activeTime = activeTime != null ? 0 : UNKNOWN;
        entry.rxBytes = rxBytes != null ? 0 : UNKNOWN;
        entry.rxPackets = rxPackets != null ? 0 : UNKNOWN;
        entry.txBytes = txBytes != null ? 0 : UNKNOWN;
        entry.txPackets = txPackets != null ? 0 : UNKNOWN;
        entry.operations = operations != null ? 0 : UNKNOWN;
        final int startIndex = getIndexAfter(end);
        for (int i = startIndex; i >= 0; i--) {
            final long curStart = bucketStart[i];
            final long curEnd = curStart + bucketDuration;
            // bucket is older than request; we're finished(如果你给的开始时间大于这个上边你计算的那个桶的结束时间,就停止计算,因为相当于这个桶太靠前了,不在你给的开始值的范围内)如上图一说明:
            if (curEnd <= start) break;
            // bucket is newer than request; keep looking(如果你给定的结束时间小于此次循环的桶的开始时间,则就需要向前推算桶了,舍弃这个,继续算(这种情况应该处于刚开始计算的时候末尾桶的情况))如上图二说明:
            if (curStart >= end) continue;
            // include full value for active buckets, otherwise only fractional
            final boolean activeBucket = curStart < now && curEnd > now;
            final long overlap;
            if (activeBucket) {
                overlap = bucketDuration;
            } else {
                final long overlapEnd = curEnd < end ? curEnd : end;
                final long overlapStart = curStart > start ? curStart : start;
                overlap = overlapEnd - overlapStart;
            if (overlap <= 0) continue;

            // integer math each time is faster than floating point
            if (activeTime != null) entry.activeTime += activeTime[i] * overlap / bucketDuration;
            if (rxBytes != null) entry.rxBytes += rxBytes[i] * overlap / bucketDuration;
            if (rxPackets != null) entry.rxPackets += rxPackets[i] * overlap / bucketDuration;
            if (txBytes != null) entry.txBytes += txBytes[i] * overlap / bucketDuration;
            if (txPackets != null) entry.txPackets += txPackets[i] * overlap / bucketDuration;
            if (operations != null) entry.operations += operations[i] * overlap / bucketDuration;
        return entry;


public static long getMsimTotalData(final Context context,final int simNum,final long startTime,final long endTime){
      long value= 0;
        try { 
        // wait a few seconds before kicking off
                   INetworkStatsService mStatsService = INetworkStatsService.Stub.asInterface(ServiceManager.getService(Context.NETWORK_STATS_SERVICE));
                    Thread.sleep(2 * DateUtils.SECOND_IN_MILLIS);
                    INetworkStatsSession mStatsSession = mStatsService.openSession();
                    NetworkTemplate mTemplate = buildTemplateMobileAll(getMsimActiveSubscriberId(context,simNum));                  
                    NetworkStatsHistory networkStatsHistory = mStatsSession.getHistoryForNetwork(mTemplate, /*FIELD_RX_BYTES | FIELD_TX_BYTES*/NetworkStatsHistory.FIELD_ALL);
                    NetworkStatsHistory.Entry entry = null;
                    long bucketDuration = networkStatsHistory.getBucketDuration();
            entry = networkStatsHistory.getValues(startTime,endTime,System.currentTimeMillis(), entry);
            value = entry != null ? entry.rxBytes + entry.txBytes : 0;
            final String totalPhrase = Formatter.formatFileSize(context, value);
            long totalBytes = networkStatsHistory.getTotalBytes();
            int afterBucketCount2 = networkStatsHistory.getIndexAfter(startTime);
            int beforeBucketCount2 = networkStatsHistory.getIndexBefore(startTime);            android.util.Log.i("wdy","afterBucketCount2:"+afterBucketCount2+",beforeBucketCount2:"+beforeBucketCount2);
            android.util.Log.i("wdy","bucketDuration ="+bucketDuration+"totalPhrase:"+totalPhrase+",totalBytes:"+totalBytes);
                }catch (RemoteException e) {
                } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                finally {
        return value;

       由上图,我们这次做的测试是:开始时间:15分钟之前的时间,结束时间:当前时间。根据消耗,从89.33~103Mb,总共消耗了13M,13:21的时候开始消耗,13:27结束消耗,因此消耗流量大概是22~26消耗的。因此下面获取接口,首次13.62Mb和预期的差不多,一直 测,发现13:38开始减少,因为我们之前消耗的流量被减少了一部分(即13:21~13:23也有消耗,现在不算在内了),13:41时减小到为400+kB这种可以忽略为0了,而13:41对应的就是13:26,正好和我们当时结束使用网络时间所吻合(内心是激动地,终于解决了,oh my god)。
