新手上路,Kotlin学习笔记(一)-- Kotlin入门介绍
(1)把一个类指定为注解实参的时候,需要加上::class ,如 @MyAnnotation(MyClass::class)
(3)把一个数组指定为一个实参的时候,使用arrayOf函数,如@RequestMapping(path= arrayOf("/foo", "/bar"))。如果注解类是在Java中声明的,命名为value的形参按需自动地被转换成可变长度的形参,所以不用arrayOf函数就可以提供多个实参。
使用点目标声明要被注解的对象,将要注解的内容放在@符号和注解名之间,并用冒号 : 分隔,如@get:Rule就是对get方法使用Rule注解
property Java的注解不能应用这种使用点目标
field 为属性生成的字段
get 属性的getter
set 属性的setter
receiver 扩展函数或者扩展属性的接收者参数
param 构造方法的参数
setparam 属性setter的参数
delegate 为委托属性存储委托实例的字段
file 包含在文件中声名的顶层函数和属性的类(任何应用到file目标的注解都必须放在文件的顶层,放在package指令之前)
@Target(allowedTargets = AnnotationTarget.FIELD)
annotation class JsonName(val name: String)//如果没有参数,可以省略括号()
Kotlin反射API的主要入口是KClass类,它代表一个类,可以获取到该类和其超类中包含的所有声明。MyClass::class这样的写法可以获取到一个KClass实例,如果需要在运行过程中获取一个对象的类,可以先使用javaClass属性获取Java的Class对象,然后访问.kotlin扩展属性获取KClass对象。如 person.javaClass.kotlin
* Represents a class and provides introspection capabilities.
* Instances of this class are obtainable by the `::class` syntax.
* See the [Kotlin language documentation](http://kotlinlang.org/docs/reference/reflection.html#class-references)
* for more information.
* @param T the type of the class.
public interface KClass : KDeclarationContainer, KAnnotatedElement, KClassifier {
* The simple name of the class as it was declared in the source code,
* or `null` if the class has no name (if, for example, it is an anonymous object literal).
public val simpleName: String?
* The fully qualified dot-separated name of the class,
* or `null` if the class is local or it is an anonymous object literal.
public val qualifiedName: String?
* All functions and properties accessible in this class, including those declared in this class
* and all of its superclasses. Does not include constructors.
override val members: Collection>
* All constructors declared in this class.
public val constructors: Collection>
* Represents a callable entity, such as a function or a property.
* @param R return type of the callable.
public interface KCallable : KAnnotatedElement {
* The name of this callable as it was declared in the source code.
* If the callable has no name, a special invented name is created.
* Nameless callables include:
* - constructors have the name "",
* - property accessors: the getter for a property named "foo" will have the name "",
* the setter, similarly, will have the name "".
public val name: String
* Parameters required to make a call to this callable.
* If this callable requires a `this` instance or an extension receiver parameter,
* they come first in the list in that order.
public val parameters: List
* The type of values returned by this callable.
public val returnType: KType
* The list of type parameters of this callable.
public val typeParameters: List
* Calls this callable with the specified list of arguments and returns the result.
* Throws an exception if the number of specified arguments is not equal to the size of [parameters],
* or if their types do not match the types of the parameters.
public fun call(vararg args: Any?): R
* Calls this callable with the specified mapping of parameters to arguments and returns the result.
* If a parameter is not found in the mapping and is not optional (as per [KParameter.isOptional]),
* or its type does not match the type of the provided value, an exception is thrown.
public fun callBy(args: Map): R
* Visibility of this callable, or `null` if its visibility cannot be represented in Kotlin.
public val visibility: KVisibility?
* `true` if this callable is `final`.
public val isFinal: Boolean
* `true` if this callable is `open`.
public val isOpen: Boolean
* `true` if this callable is `abstract`.
public val isAbstract: Boolean
* Represents a function with introspection capabilities.
public interface KFunction : KCallable, Function {
* `true` if this function is `inline`.
* See the [Kotlin language documentation](https://kotlinlang.org/docs/reference/inline-functions.html)
* for more information.
public val isInline: Boolean
* `true` if this function is `external`.
* See the [Kotlin language documentation](https://kotlinlang.org/docs/reference/java-interop.html#using-jni-with-kotlin)
* for more information.
public val isExternal: Boolean
* `true` if this function is `operator`.
* See the [Kotlin language documentation](https://kotlinlang.org/docs/reference/operator-overloading.html)
* for more information.
public val isOperator: Boolean
* `true` if this function is `infix`.
* See the [Kotlin language documentation](https://kotlinlang.org/docs/reference/functions.html#infix-notation)
* for more information.
public val isInfix: Boolean
* `true` if this is a suspending function.
public val isSuspend: Boolean
// IntelliJ API Decompiler stub source generated from a class file
// Implementation of methods is not available
package kotlin.jvm.functions
public interface Function2 : kotlin.Function {
public abstract operator fun invoke(p1: P1, p2: P2): R
fun sum(a: Int, b: Int) = a + b
fun reflect()
val sumMethod = this::sum
sumMethod.invoke(1, 2)//使用call的话,如果参数不匹配,将会在运行时抛出异常,而invoke会强制要求参数匹配
* Represents a property, such as a named `val` or `var` declaration.
* Instances of this class are obtainable by the `::` operator.
* See the [Kotlin language documentation](http://kotlinlang.org/docs/reference/reflection.html)
* for more information.
* @param R the type of the property.
public interface KProperty : KCallable {
* `true` if this property is `lateinit`.
* See the [Kotlin language documentation](https://kotlinlang.org/docs/reference/properties.html#late-initialized-properties)
* for more information.
public val isLateinit: Boolean
* `true` if this property is `const`.
* See the [Kotlin language documentation](https://kotlinlang.org/docs/reference/properties.html#compile-time-constants)
* for more information.
public val isConst: Boolean
/** The getter of this property, used to obtain the value of the property. */
public val getter: Getter
* Represents a property accessor, which is a `get` or `set` method declared alongside the property.
* See the [Kotlin language documentation](http://kotlinlang.org/docs/reference/properties.html#getters-and-setters)
* for more information.
* @param R the type of the property, which it is an accessor of.
public interface Accessor {
/** The property which this accessor is originated from. */
public val property: KProperty
* Getter of the property is a `get` method declared alongside the property.
public interface Getter : Accessor, KFunction
* Represents a property declared as a `var`.
public interface KMutableProperty : KProperty {
/** The setter of this mutable property, used to change the value of the property. */
public val setter: Setter
* Setter of the property is a `set` method declared alongside the property.
public interface Setter : KProperty.Accessor, KFunction
var count = 0//此处是一个顶层属性
fun reflect()
val sumMethod = this::sum
sumMethod.invoke(1, 2)
val person: Person = Person(age = 18, name = "Bob", addr = "address")
val kProperty0 = ::count
val kProperty1 = Person :: addr
kProperty1.get(person) //此处获取person对象addr的值
kProperty1.set(person,"new address") //此处设置person对象新的addr的值