

--oracle创建本地用户 whnurse 密码 1
-- Create the user
create user whnurse
  identified by "1"
  default tablespace USERS
  temporary tablespace TEMP
  profile DEFAULT;
-- Grant/Revoke role privileges
grant connect to whnurse;
grant dba to whnurse;
grant resource to whnurse;
-- Grant/Revoke system privileges
grant create procedure to whnurse with admin option;
grant create table to whnurse with admin option;
grant create tablespace to whnurse with admin option;
grant create user to whnurse;
grant create view to whnurse with admin option;
grant debug connect session to whnurse with admin option;
grant unlimited tablespace to whnurse with admin option;


grant connect,resource to whnurse;
grant create table,create database link to whnurse;
--也就是oracle通过dump_dir这个名字来识别 'E:\emp'这个路径
create or replace directory dump_dir as 'E:\emp';
select * from dba_directories;
grant read,write on directory dump_dir to whnurse;

以whnurse用户登陆  whnurse/1

create public database link whnurseLink connect to whnurse identified by "1" using '';

select * from global_name@whnurseLink;


--whnurse/1 远程数据库账号密码
--dump_dir 文件导出的虚拟路径 导出后存放在 E:\emp中
--whnurse.dmp 导出文件名称
--whnurseLink 远程连接
expdp whnurse/1@orcl directory=dump_dir dumpfile=whnurse.dmp logfile=whnurse.log network_link=whnurseLink

