搭建了一个hadoop2.0的测试集群,使用的是QJM HA方案,搭建配置过程就不在这里说了,晚上有很多资料。把遇到的一些问题总结一下:
公司安全规定不能设置无密码登陆,自己修改 /etc/hosts.allow ,ssh无密码登陆可以使用。过了几分钟就不好使了,查看 /etc/hosts.allow 文件,发现又恢复回去了。
集群搭好以后,跑了一下wordcount 程序,发现有一点问题,任务提交以后总是不执行,原因是 nodemanager 在起container的时候总是处于reserved状态。hadoop2.0 也不会把这样的状态当成是错误,导致找了很长时间才找到问题的所在。首先需要了解一下container的几种基本状态:
原来 container处于reserved状态是由于所需要的资源不能满足,等待nodemanager的资源达到container的需要才运行。
注意:mapreduce.map.memory.mb 和 yarn.scheduler.minimum-allocation-mb 的设置不要大于yarn.nodemanager.resource.memory-mb
should store the transaction (edits) file. If this is a comma-delimited list
of directories then the transaction file is replicated in all of the
directories, for redundancy. Default value is same as dfs.namenode.name.dir
beyond what is minimally necessary for a NN restart. This can be useful for
audit purposes or for an HA setup where a remote Standby Node may have
been offline for some time and need to have a longer backlog of retained
edits in order to start again.
Typically each edit is on the order of a few hundred bytes, so the default
of 1 million edits should be on the order of hundreds of MBs or low GBs.
NOTE: Fewer extra edits may be retained than value specified for this setting
if doing so would mean that more segments would be retained than the number
configured by dfs.namenode.max.extra.edits.segments.retained.
How often, in seconds, the StandbyNode should check for new
finalized log segments in the shared edits log.