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An actor is a container for State, Behavior, a Mailbox, Child Actors and a Supervisor Strategy. All of this is encapsulated behind an Actor Reference.
Actor像是一个容器,它包含了:它自己的状态,行为,一个Mailbox,一些Child Actors和一个监管策略。所有这些被封装在一个ActorRef里。
Each actor is potentially a supervisor: if it creates children for delegating sub-tasks, it will automatically supervise
the supervisor
delegates tasks to subordinates and therefore must respond to their failures. When a subordinate detects a failure
(i.e. throws an exception), it suspends itself and all its subordinates and sends a message to its supervisor, signaling
failure.Depending on the nature of the work to be supervised and the nature of the failure, the supervisor has a
choice of the following four options:
If you try to do too much at one level, it will become hard to reason about, hence the recommended way in this case is to add a level of supervision.
Akka implements a specific form called “parental supervision”. Actors can only be created by other actors—where
the top-level actor is provided by the library—and each created actor is supervised by its parent.
在构建Actor之间的supervision关系时,Akka实现了一种特定的形式:“父母式的监管”。换言之,Supervisor和Subordinate之间更加类似于“父子”关系,这体现在它们的生命周期和协作关系上。Subordinate总时由它的Supervisor 创建,Supervisor如果失效,它的所有Subordinate也会随之失效。(最顶层的Actor是由系统创建的)
总地来说有三个:”/”,”/user”,”/system”,这三个Actor我们按它们的作用可以分别给它们一个别名:”Root Guardian”,“System Guardian”,”Guardian”。
这是所用用户创建的Actor的父Actor,也就是通过system.actorOf()创建的actor都是这个actor的child. the user guardian使用的默认监管策略(supervision strategy)是:一但遇到异常就重启它的children, 除非它收到了一些内部异常,表明那个actor被kill或在初始化时失败了,这时它会停止这个actor.
每一个Actor的Reference都是ActorRef的一个子类,它的主要职责是给它所代表的Actor发送消息。一个Actor实例可以通过它的self字段获得它的ActorRef实例的引用,当然,这个self还是从context中获得的,如上图所示。(Actor源码中对self字段的声明代码:implicit final val self = context.self
当消息发送给一个Actor的ActorRef时,每个Actor有一个MailBox, 这个MailBox看起来很像一个消息队列,消息会临时存放于这个MailBox里等待Actor逐一去处理。下图展示了ActorRef,Mailboxt和Actor三者之间的关系是:
首先,你的Actor需要继承Actor Trait,Actor Trait中有一个虚方法:receive, 你的Actor必须要实现这个方法。这个方法规定返回的是一个偏函数:PartialFunction[Any, Unit],所以通常情况下,我们使用case语句来快捷地创建这个偏函数。请看下面的示例:
import akka.actor.Actor
import akka.actor.Props
import akka.event.Logging
class MyActor extends Actor {
val log = Logging(context.system, this)
def receive = {
case "test" => log.info("received test")
case _ => log.info("received unknown message")
接下来我们需要初始化这个Actor, 如前所述,用户的Actor几乎总是通过system.actorOf的方式来创建,因为这后面有一系列的辅助工作,并且Actor实例是完全对外隔离的,所以基于这些原因我们使用system.actorOf这种形式来创建Actor,但是这个方法显然不能像Actor的构造函数那样方便的使用,对于构建Actor实例需要的参数和配置信息,AKKA设计了一个专门类:Props来完成这个工作。如下是一个简单的示例,这是创建Actor实例的标准做法:
import akka.actor.ActorSystem
// ActorSystem is a heavy object: create only one per application
val system = ActorSystem("mySystem")
val myActor = system.actorOf(Props[MyActor], "myactor2")
It is a good idea to provide factory methods on the companion object of each Actor which help keeping the
creation of suitable Props as close to the actor definition as possible. This also avoids the pitfalls associated with
using the Props.apply(…) method which takes a by-name argument, since within a companion object the
given code block will not retain a reference to its enclosing scope:
object DemoActor {
* Create Props for an actor of this type.
* @param magicNumber The magic number to be passed to this actor’s constructor.
* @return a Props for creating this actor, which can then be further configured
* (e.g. calling ‘.withDispatcher()‘ on it)
def props(magicNumber: Int): Props = Props(new DemoActor(magicNumber))
class DemoActor(magicNumber: Int) extends Actor {
def receive = {
case x: Int => sender() ! (x + magicNumber)
class SomeOtherActor extends Actor {
// Props(new DemoActor(42)) would not be safe
context.actorOf(DemoActor.props(42), "demo")
// ...
object MyActor {
case class Greeting(from: String)
case object Goodbye
class MyActor extends Actor with ActorLogging {
import MyActor._
def receive = {
case Greeting(greeter) => log.info(s"I was greeted by $greeter.")
case Goodbye => log.info("Someone said goodbye to me.")
最后是关于child actor的创建,你总是应该使用某个actor的context字段来创建它的child actor,就像下面这样(BoxOffice是TicketSeller的Parent Actor):
class BoxOffice(implicit timeout: Timeout) extends Actor {
import BoxOffice._
import context._
def createTicketSeller(name: String) =
context.actorOf(TicketSeller.props(name), name)
注:actorOf方法位于:akka.actor.ActorRefFactory#actorOf(akka.actor.Props, java.lang.String), ActorRefFactory是ActorContext和ActorSystem的共同父类,因此两者都拥有该方法。