// Theunused capacity is calculated on a scale of 0-10
// 0being the lowest priority and 10 being the highest.
// Themore unused resources the higher the score is.
func calculateUnusedScore(requested int64, capacity int64, node string) int64 {
if capacity == 0 {
return 0
if requested > capacity {
glog.V(10).Infof("Combinedrequested resources %d from existing pods exceeds capacity %d on node %s",
requested, capacity, node)
return 0
return ((capacity - requested) * 10) /capacity
allocatableResources:= nodeInfo.AllocatableResource()
totalResources:= *podRequests
totalResources.MilliCPU+= nodeInfo.NonZeroRequest().MilliCPU
totalResources.Memory+= nodeInfo.NonZeroRequest().Memory
cpuScore:= calculateUnusedScore(totalResources.MilliCPU, allocatableResources.MilliCPU,node.Name)
memoryScore:= calculateUnusedScore(totalResources.Memory, allocatableResources.Memory,node.Name)
// Theused capacity is calculated on a scale of 0-10
// 0being the lowest priority and 10 being the highest.
// Themore resources are used the higher the score is. This function
// isalmost a reversed version of least_requested_priority.calculatUnusedScore
// (10 -calculateUnusedScore). The main difference is in rounding. It was added to
// keepthe final formula clean and not to modify the widely used (by users
// intheir default scheduling policies) calculateUSedScore.
func calculateUsedScore(requested int64, capacity int64, node string) int64 {
if capacity == 0 {
return 0
if requested > capacity {
glog.V(10).Infof("Combinedrequested resources %d from existing pods exceeds capacity %d on node %s",
requested, capacity, node)
return 0
return (requested * 10) / capacity
第三个算法是balanced_resource_allocation, 它的核心思想是尽量平衡结点的CPU和内存利用率。它的相关代码如下:
allocatableResources:= nodeInfo.AllocatableResource()
totalResources:= *podRequests
totalResources.MilliCPU+= nodeInfo.NonZeroRequest().MilliCPU
totalResources.Memory+= nodeInfo.NonZeroRequest().Memory
cpuFraction:= fractionOfCapacity(totalResources.MilliCPU, allocatableResources.MilliCPU)
memoryFraction:= fractionOfCapacity(totalResources.Memory, allocatableResources.Memory)
score :=int(0)
if cpuFraction >= 1 || memoryFraction >= 1 {
// if requested >= capacity, thecorresponding host should never be preferred.
score = 0
} else {
// Upper and lower boundary of differencebetween cpuFraction and memoryFraction are -1 and 1
// respectively. Multilying the absolutevalue of the difference by 10 scales the value to
// 0-10 with 0 representing well balancedallocation and 10 poorly balanced. Subtracting it from
// 10 leads to the score which also scalesfrom 0 to 10 while 10 representing well balanced.
diff := math.Abs(cpuFraction -memoryFraction)
score = int(10 - diff*10)
// Foreach of these resources, a pod that doesn't request the resource explicitly
// willbe treated as having requested the amount indicated below, for the purpose
// ofcomputing priority only. This ensures that when scheduling zero-request pods,such
// podswill not all be scheduled to the machine with the smallest in-use request,
// andthat when scheduling regular pods, such pods will not see zero-request pods as
// consuming no resources whatsoever. We chose these values to be similar to the
// resources that we give to cluster addon pods (#10653). But they are prettyarbitrary.
// Asdescribed in #11713, we use request instead of limit to deal with resourcerequirements.
constDefaultMilliCpuRequest int64 = 100 // 0.1 core
constDefaultMemoryRequest int64 = 200 * 1024 * 1024 // 200 MB