
    昨天研究过larbin之后,晚上回去想了想,larbin是单机的爬取,速度有限,像baidu,google这样的公司肯定不是用一个爬虫去爬,不然 那么大的数据量,根本就处理不了.如果能将其改成一个分布式网络爬虫,同时用不同的机器去爬不同的站点,处理不同的信息,这样就快多了,处理量也能大大的 提高.

   4.1 Google Architecture Overview
    In this section, we will give a high level overview of how the whole system works as pictured in Figure 1. Further sections will discuss the applications and data structures not mentioned in this section. Most of Google is implemented in C or C++ for efficiency and can run in either Solaris or Linux.

    In Google, the web crawling (downloading of web pages) is done by several distributed crawlers. There is a URLserver that sends lists of URLs to be fetched to the crawlers. The web pages that are fetched are then sent to the storeserver. The storeserver then compresses and stores the web pages into a repository. Every web page has an associated ID number called a docID which is assigned whenever a new URL is parsed out of a web page. The indexing function is performed by the indexer and the sorter. The indexer performs a number of functions. It reads the repository, uncompresses the documents, and parses them. Each document is converted into a set of word occurrences called hits. The hits record the word, position in document, an approximation of font size, and capitalization. The indexer distributes these hits into a set of "barrels", creating a partially sorted forward index. The indexer performs another important function. It parses out all the links in every web page and stores important information about them in an anchors file. This file contains enough information to determine where each link points from and to, and the text of the link.

    The URLresolver reads the anchors file and converts relative URLs into absolute URLs and in turn into docIDs. It puts the anchor text into the forward index, associated with the docID that the anchor points to. It also generates a database of links which are pairs of docIDs. The links database is used to compute PageRanks for all the documents.

    The sorter takes the barrels, which are sorted by docID (this is a simplification, see Section 4.2.5), and resorts them by wordID to generate the inverted index. This is done in place so that little temporary space is needed for this operation. The sorter also produces a list of wordIDs and offsets into the inverted index. A program called DumpLexicon takes this list together with the lexicon produced by the indexer and generates a new lexicon to be used by the searcher. The searcher is run by a web server and uses the lexicon built by DumpLexicon together with the inverted index and the PageRanks to answer queries.
      我在想,能不能不使用集中式控制,而使每个分布式个体manage themself呢?如果能实现自治的话,应该会增强系统的稳定性,即时服务器崩溃了或是其中一个个体崩溃了,也不会影响整个系统的工作,但这里面就涉及到很多很复杂的问题了.包括各子节点之间的协议的设计,互斥,数据一致性等.
