首先简要说一下wifi的连接过程。我们使用系统api对当前要连接的wifi进行判断:(1)如果系统未保存过,则创建一个WifiConfiguration,调用WifiManager的addNetwork方法去创建新的wifi连接;(2)如果是系统保存过的,就更新WifiConfiguration的参数(密码等参数),调用WifiManager的updateNetwork方法去更新这个wifi。上面两种方式,都会返回一个int值(the ID of the network),如果大于0,则表示操作成功;小于0表示操作失败。
第一步,查看google官方的6.0 changes文档,看是否能找出很直观的原因。Android 6.0 Changes链接
Wi-Fi and Networking Changes
This release introduces the following behavior changes to the Wi-Fi and networking APIs.
- Your apps can now change the state of WifiConfiguration objects only if you created these objects. You are not permitted to modify or delete WifiConfiguration objects created by the user or by other apps.
private int addOrUpdateNetwork(WifiConfiguration config) {
try {
return mService.addOrUpdateNetwork(config);
} catch (RemoteException e) {
return -1;
if (config.networkId == WifiConfiguration.INVALID_NETWORK_ID) {
config.creatorUid = Binder.getCallingUid();
} else {
config.lastUpdateUid = Binder.getCallingUid();
if (mWifiStateMachineChannel != null) {
return mWifiStateMachine.syncAddOrUpdateNetwork(mWifiStateMachineChannel, config);
} else {
Slog.e(TAG, "mWifiStateMachineChannel is not initialized");
return -1;
public int syncAddOrUpdateNetwork(AsyncChannel channel, WifiConfiguration config) {
Message resultMsg = channel.sendMessageSynchronously(CMD_ADD_OR_UPDATE_NETWORK, config);
int result = resultMsg.arg1;
return result;
在内部类ConnectModeState的processMessage(Message message)方法里,开始处理消息CMD_ADD_OR_UPDATE_NETWORK,也就是这里,开始出现了版本代码的差异。
config = (WifiConfiguration) message.obj;
// difference begin(6.0新增代码开始位置)
if (!recordUidIfAuthorized(config, message.sendingUid,
/* onlyAnnotate */ false)) {
logw("Not authorized to update network "
+ " config=" + config.SSID
+ " cnid=" + config.networkId
+ " uid=" + message.sendingUid);
replyToMessage(message, message.what, FAILURE);
// difference end(6.0新增代码结束位置)
* Save the UID correctly depending on if this is a new or existing network.
* @return true if operation is authorized, false otherwise
boolean recordUidIfAuthorized(WifiConfiguration config, int uid, boolean onlyAnnotate) {
if (!mWifiConfigStore.isNetworkConfigured(config)) {
config.creatorUid = uid;
config.creatorName = mContext.getPackageManager().getNameForUid(uid);
} else if (!mWifiConfigStore.canModifyNetwork(uid, config, onlyAnnotate)) {
return false;
config.lastUpdateUid = uid;
config.lastUpdateName = mContext.getPackageManager().getNameForUid(uid);
return true;
1、首先通过WifiConfigStore对象判断如果这个wifi还没有被存储过,则记录creatorUid为当前的app id,这个比较好理解。
* Checks if uid has access to modify the configuration corresponding to networkId.
* Factors involved in modifiability of a config are as follows.
* If uid is a Device Owner app then it has full control over the device, including WiFi
* configs.
* If the modification is only for administrative annotation (e.g. when connecting) or the
* config is not lockdown eligible (currently that means any config not last updated by the DO)
* then the creator of config or an app holding OVERRIDE_CONFIG_WIFI can modify the config.
* If the config is lockdown eligible and the modification is substantial (not annotation)
* then the requirement to be able to modify the config by the uid is as follows:
* a) the uid has to hold OVERRIDE_CONFIG_WIFI and
* b) the lockdown feature should be disabled.
boolean canModifyNetwork(int uid, int networkId, boolean onlyAnnotate) {
WifiConfiguration config = mConfiguredNetworks.get(networkId);
if (config == null) {
loge("canModifyNetwork: cannot find config networkId " + networkId);
return false;
final DevicePolicyManagerInternal dpmi = LocalServices.getService(
final boolean isUidDeviceOwner = dpmi != null && dpmi.isActiveAdminWithPolicy(uid,
if (isUidDeviceOwner) {
// Device Owner has full control over the device, including WiFi Configs
return true;
final boolean isCreator = (config.creatorUid == uid);
if (onlyAnnotate) {
return isCreator || checkConfigOverridePermission(uid);
// Check if device has DPM capability. If it has and dpmi is still null, then we
// treat this case with suspicion and bail out.
if (mContext.getPackageManager().hasSystemFeature(PackageManager.FEATURE_DEVICE_ADMIN)
&& dpmi == null) {
return false;
// WiFi config lockdown related logic. At this point we know uid NOT to be a Device Owner.
final boolean isConfigEligibleForLockdown = dpmi != null && dpmi.isActiveAdminWithPolicy(
config.creatorUid, DeviceAdminInfo.USES_POLICY_DEVICE_OWNER);
if (!isConfigEligibleForLockdown) {
return isCreator || checkConfigOverridePermission(uid);
final ContentResolver resolver = mContext.getContentResolver();
final boolean isLockdownFeatureEnabled = Settings.Global.getInt(resolver,
return !isLockdownFeatureEnabled && checkConfigOverridePermission(uid);
这里面会先判断当前app是否是Device Owner,然后判断是否有权限OVERRIDE_WIFI_CONFIG,这个app都不符合,所以会返回false,分析到这里得以验证。
用google的原话:Your apps can now change the state of WifiConfiguration objects only if you created these objects. You are not permitted to modify or delete WifiConfiguration objects created by the user or by other apps.