使用GCE(Google Container Engine)体验容器云服务 (1)

2015-09-09 wcdj

摘要:本文记录使用GCE(Google Container Engine)体验容器云服务的过程和方法。





使用GCE(Google Container Engine)体验容器云服务 (1)_第1张图片

(3)激活Google API


  • Google Container Engine API
  • Google Compute Engine and associated APIs


使用GCE(Google Container Engine)体验容器云服务 (1)_第2张图片


使用GCE(Google Container Engine)体验容器云服务 (1)_第3张图片


The Container Engine API uses the gcloud command line tool for clusteroperations and for managing credentials.

Install thegcloud tool.


root@gerryyang:~# gcloud -h
Usage: gcloud [optional flags] 
  group may be           auth | components | compute | config | container |
                         deployment-manager | dns | sql | topic
  command may be         docker | feedback | help | info | init | version

The *gcloud* CLI manages authentication, local configuration, developer
workflow, and interactions with the Google Cloud Platform APIs.

optional flags:
  --account ACCOUNT      Google Cloud Platform user account to use for
  --format FORMAT        Format for printed output.
  --help                 Display detailed help.
  --log-http LOG_HTTP    Logs all HTTP server requests and responses to stderr.
  --project PROJECT_ID   Google Cloud Platform project ID to use for this
  --quiet, -q            Disable all interactive prompts.
  --trace-token TRACE_TOKEN
                         Token used to route traces of service requests for
                         investigation of issues.
  --user-output-enabled USER_OUTPUT_ENABLED
                         Control whether user intended output is printed to the
                         console.  (true/false)
  --verbosity VERBOSITY  Override the default verbosity for this command.  This
                         must be a standard logging verbosity level: [debug,
                         info, warning, error, critical, none] (Default:
  -h                     Print a summary help and exit.
  -v, --version          Print version information.

command groups:
  auth                   Manage oauth2 credentials for the Google Cloud SDK.
  components             List, install, update, or remove Google Cloud SDK
                         components or packages.
  compute                Read and manipulate Google Compute Engine resources.
  config                 View and edit Google Cloud SDK properties.
  container              Deploy and manage clusters of machines for running
  deployment-manager     Manage deployments of cloud resources.
  dns                    Manage your Cloud DNS managed-zones and record-sets.
  sql                    Manage Cloud SQL databases.
  topic                  gcloud supplementary help.

  docker                 Provides the docker CLI access to the Google Container
  feedback               Provide feedback to the Google Cloud SDK team.
  help                   Prints detailed help messages for the specified
  info                   Display information about the current gcloud
  init                   Create and initialize a gcloud workspace in the current
  version                Print version information for Cloud SDK components.


使用GCE(Google Container Engine)体验容器云服务 (1)_第4张图片


Get started with a Google Cloud Platform service

With the Cloud SDK command-line interface, you can easily manage your service resources and your development workflow.

  • Manage development workflow common to all services.
    To get started, see the gcloud command-line tool.
  • Build a web app and host it on Google App Engine.
    To get started, follow the walkthrough in the Developer Console to Try Google App Engine Now.
  • Launch large compute clusters on Google Compute Engine.
    To get started, follow the Compute Engine Quickstart Guide.
  • Store vast amounts of data on Google Cloud Storage.
    To get started, follow the Hello Google Cloud Storage Tutorial.
  • Analyze Big Data in the cloud with Google BigQuery.
    To get started, follow the bq Command-Line Tool Quickstart.
  • Store and manage data using a MySQL database with Google Cloud SQL.
    To get started, see Managing Instances Using the Cloud SDK.
  • Make your applications and services available to your users with Google Cloud DNS.
    To get started, see Getting started with Google Cloud DNS.

Submit questions and give us feedback

Have a question? Ask on StackOverflow using the "gcloud" tag or check out our groups page.

Found a bug? File it in our issue tracker site. Any feedback is appreciated!

Looking to stay up-to-date with the latest Cloud SDK releases or other news? Join thegoogle-cloud-sdk-announce mailing list.


When you install the Google Cloud SDK, some components might be installed by default. To see a list of currently-installed components and a list of any available component updates, type the following command:

$ gcloud components list

To install additional components, type the update command, followed by the name of the component. For example, to installgsutil, type the following command:

$ gcloud components update gsutil

Running the above update command installs the gsutil tool into thegoogle-cloud-sdk/bin directory, and installs the tool's dependencies elsewhere in the Cloud SDK. If you correctly addedgoogle-cloud-sdk/bin to your PATH, you will be able to rungsutil from the command line.

To update all of your installed components, type gcloud components update.


root@gerryyang:~# gcloud components list
│                                         Components                                         │
│     Status    │                     Name                    │         ID        │   Size   │
│ Not Installed │ App Engine Command Line Interface (Preview) │ app               │  < 1 MiB │
│ Not Installed │ Developer Preview gcloud Commands           │ preview           │  < 1 MiB │
│ Not Installed │ gcloud Alpha Commands                       │ alpha             │  < 1 MiB │
│ Not Installed │ gcloud Beta Commands                        │ beta              │  < 1 MiB │
│ Not Installed │ gcloud app Java Extensions                  │ app-engine-java   │ 96.0 MiB │
│ Not Installed │ gcloud app Python Extensions                │ app-engine-python │  7.1 MiB │
│ Not Installed │ kubectl                                     │ kubectl           │          │
│ Installed     │ BigQuery Command Line Tool                  │ bq                │  < 1 MiB │
│ Installed     │ Cloud SDK Core Libraries                    │ core              │  2.1 MiB │
│ Installed     │ Cloud Storage Command Line Tool             │ gsutil            │  2.7 MiB │
│ Installed     │ Default set of gcloud commands              │ gcloud            │  < 1 MiB │

To install new components or update existing ones, run:
 $ gcloud components update COMPONENT_ID


root@gerryyang:~# gcloud components update kubectl

│     These components will be installed.     │
│           Name          │ Version │   Size  │
│ kubectl                 │         │         │
│ kubectl (Linux, x86_64) │   1.0.3 │ 4.5 MiB │

For the latest full release notes, please visit:
Do you want to continue (Y/n)?  y

|- Creating update staging area                             -|

|- Installing: kubectl                                      -|
|- Installing: kubectl (Linux, x86_64)                      -|

Creating backup and activating new installation...

Update done!

WARNING: There are older versions of Google Cloud Platform tools on your system PATH.
Please remove the following to avoid accidentally invoking these old tools:



  1. Tell the command line interface which Google Developers Console project to use:

    $ gcloud config set project PROJECT

    To find the value of PROJECT, visithttps://console.developers.google.com/projectand refer to theProject ID column.

  2. Set your default Compute Engine zone:

    $ gcloud config set compute/zone ZONE
  3. If you've created a cluster, you can set it as the default so that you can omit the--cluster CLUSTER_NAME flag from your commands:

    $ gcloud config set container/cluster CLUSTER_NAME

To view your gcloud defaults at any time, run:

$ gcloud config list


使用GCE(Google Container Engine)体验容器云服务 (1)_第5张图片


Follow one of our walkthroughs to build an application from start to finish:

  • Deploy Your Node.js Code
  • Running WordPress with a Single Pod
  • Create a Guestbook with Redis and PHP
  • Using Persistent Storage with WordPress and MySQL

If you'd like to get started on your own, your first step is to create a container cluster.


[1] https://cloud.google.com/container-engine/docs/before-you-begin

[2] https://cloud.google.com/container-engine/docs/tutorials/guestbook
